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2 days later

"Push y/n! You can do it!" Abigail said to me while pushing my hair out of my face. I was crying and in pain, "I can't do this!" It was time, I was giving birth to my child. "Yes you can! If I did it, you can do it!" Abigail was on my right side and Josiah and Charles were on my left. "You can do it y/n!" Josiah said while grabbing my hand. "I see the head! Give me another push!" I inhale and push as hard as I could while exhaling. Charles checked for me, "it's almost out y/n!" He says excitedly. I push one last time and the doctor pulls out the baby. I lay my head back in relief and turn to see Josiah, "you did well y/n." He squeezes my hand firmly and I do the same. The doctor washed the baby and cleaned it gently. "Here you go, your beautiful baby boy." The doctor gently gives me the baby and I take a look at him. While holding him, he looked like Arthur. I missed him so much, I still think about him every night. Trelawny kisses my cheek and looks at the baby. "So what do you want to call the little fellow?" I think for a moment while looking at the baby sleep peacefully, "Arthur Taylor Morgan." Josiah smiles at me and I smile back. The doctor brings the stroller closer and I carefully put the baby down.

"Let's go get you cleaned up honey." Abigail helped me up to the bath. She poured the hot water that Sadie was warming up and I put my foot in slowly. "Damn that's kinda hot."
"It'll help you trust me." Abigail helps me and I slowly get in. There was a knock at the door so she went to go check who it was. "Josiah she needs to have some time to herself."
"It'll just be a minute." He assures Abigail. "It's okay Abigail, let him in." I signal him to come in. He grabs a chair and sits next to me. "I have to leave tonight." I nod my head and get the food that was on a tray near me. "Yeah.. just don't be a stranger."

We sit silently and he reaches inside his jacket to take out a paper. "This is the place I'm going to stay at in Saint Denis. I hope you come and visit when you can or write me." I sit up and grab my towel then I get out of the tub and wipe myself down. "Do you want me to turn the other way?" I chuckle, "you don't have to." As I was getting dressed Josiah couldn't help but stare. That is until I turned around and he looked the other way making it obvious. "When do you and Charles leave?"
"First thing tomorrow morning." I tuck my shirt in and head for the door. "Well I wish the both of you safe travels." He says stepping out with me. I head to bed and lay down, "you're on bed rest for a week and when the week is up call me and I will do a check up." I nod my head at the doctor and we waved goodbye to everyone.

"I'll make supper. Abigail make sure y/n does not move." Sadie demands while walking out. The night was slowly creeping out, "wow, how long was I in labor?" Abigail thinks for a bit, "pretty much the whole day." This baby took the whole day to come out? "This baby is already wearing me out." I say tiredly. "Why don't you take a nap?"
"Alright, just wake me up if Trelawny leaves please." Abigail nods her head and I turn to my side and close my eyes.

Later that night

"Y/n wake up honey." Sadie gently shakes me. "It's time to eat." She helps sit up on the bed and gives me a tray. Deer, corn, carrots and potatoes with bread and water. "Thank you." I dig in and when I was almost done I noticed Josiah wasn't here. "Where's Josiah?" I ask and Sadie didn't say anything. "Sadie.. Where's Josiah?" Charles walks in with a suitcase and starts packing everything in the dresser. "He left." Charles says briefly. "Why didn't anyone wake me up to say goodbye?" It was quiet then Charles said, "I told him not to." I was so angry at Charles, "why?"
"Because it was time for him to go."
"No why are you being so rude to him? He never did anything to you." I push my tray aside making a mess and stomp my way outside. "Y/n." He says firmly running after me. I push open the door and put my hands on my face covering them. "Y/n.."
"Stay away from me Charles. I just want to be left alone." He sighs and then steps in front of me, "Josiah loves you and he wants you to be with him."
"He loves me?" I ask and I knew he liked me but love? That's something serious. "I love you too that's why I don't want him around. I know it's not the right thing to do but I want to take care of you and the baby." I shake my head, "Charles I-"
"I won't take no for an answer. Arthur.." he caught himself and wanted to be careful what he was saying next. "Arthur told me to take care of you, me. Not Josiah. He probably just thinks it's a great idea to play family and the moment something happens he'll get rid of you two. I don't want you and the baby to live like animals."

I have a lot of thinking to do and I think I'm getting pushed to make a decision. "So.. you're telling me I have a decision? To make.." Charles looks down, "yes but I think it's better if we just stick with the plan." I nod my head and then walk back to the cabin.

Pass midnight

I stayed up thinking about what to do. I just felt like a whore moving on so quickly. I can't express how I feel but I miss Arthur so damn much, I know that for sure. I glance down at the baby and then it turns into a stare. He was sound asleep and his cheeks were so chubby. I smile and whisper to him, "if you're daddy was here right now he would've said you're the cutest thing ever." The baby moves just a little and then smacks his lips. My baby boy is all that I need to think about now. His safety matters and I need to do a lot of thinking. "Good night sunshine." I gently boop the baby's nose and lay down to get some sleep.

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