Arthur Jr.

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I clear my throat and exhale out of my mouth. "Well remember when me, you and Jack went to the bookstore in Valentine?"
"That was a day I'll never forget." He adds. "I went to the doctor before we went to the bookstore and I wasn't feeling well." His eyes were staring into mine, worried about what will come next. "Arthur... I'm pregnant." Exactly when I said that his face got pale and he was on the edge of crying. "Arthur.. do you want to.. be apart of this child's life?" I ask with confidence and hope that he says yes. He gets up and walks away then gets on his horse. "Arthur! What's wrong?" Abigail brought my food and I began to eat. "What did he say?" She said sitting with me. "He didn't say anything." I rest my head on my palm while eating. "Well don't think negative, sometimes... men just need to think." Abigail might be right, he just needs space.

The whole day he was gone I was getting ready for bed and while I was laying down I was reading a book. I heard footsteps coming up the stares so I turned off the lantern. The footsteps stopped at the door but they didn't come in. "Dutch!" A loud whisper was at the other end. It was Arthur calling for Dutch.

'Oh god, please don't ask Dutch for advice.'

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I throw my hands up in defeat, Arthur walks up to Dutch and they close the door behind them. I turn to my side and leave room for Arthur to lay down. I sigh and hope that everything is alright between us.

Next day

The birds were chirping and the sun was shining on my eyes, it was so bright out. "Hell..." I say softly putting my hand over my eyes. "Good morning." Arthur says. "Morning." I stare into his cool blue eyes and he starts into my e/c ones. "I.. want to apologize for yesterday. I shouldn't have ran off but I needed to think. I'm just..  What I mean is are you ready for this kind of thing." I peck his lips, "My goal was to find a wonderful husband and have children."

Arthur opened his mouth but nothing came out. "Arthur.. are you ready to be a father?" He stays quiet then opens his mouth again, again nothing comes out. He looked at me if he wanted to say something, "What?" Arthur caresses my cheek then kisses me, "I love you so damn much, yes I'm ready to be a father. The only thing that has me worried is.. what if our baby goes through the same thing that little Jack went through. I mean I would lose my mind, I would kill anyone that did that to my child." Arthur has a worried look on his face and I pull him in close, "Arthur that will never happen."
"What makes you so sure?" He asks while staring into my eyes, "Because were going to be great parents Arthur." He sighs then connects his lips on mine. I've always loved this part of Arthur, the soft and caring side. It's his true colors.

"So what do you want to name the baby if it's a boy?" He chuckles, "Arthur Jr." I scoff and chuckle. "Are you serious Arthur Morgan?" I ask while playing with his hair. "Yes I wanted Isaac to have my name but Eliza didn't think it was great. I think for a moment, "I think it would be great, now that I'm thinking about it."

The sound of trees hitting each other as the wind passes by. I only thought of one thing, "Hey do you remember when I told you that my parents live in the city? I'm thinking about seeing them, I don't know why." I stare off into the cracked ceiling. "Oh yeah? Can I come with you?" I look down at Arthur while still playing with his hair. "Why?" I ask confused. "Well they're going to want to know who you married and who's the father." I chuckle, "That's true, I forgot about that. I suppose you can come with me, only if you want to. I don't want to put you in a uncomfortable position." Arthur shakes his head, "Let's go today, right now." The first thing that came to mind was to get it over with but now my stomach felt like it was turning.

Later that day

As I was getting ready I slipped on some jeans, a button shirt, and a hat. I was putting on my boots and Arthur walked in. "Are you okay? You haven't been talking much since... well since we talked."

'Well I am going to see my parents that kicked me out and told me that I'm the black sheep.'

"I'm just nervous, my parents are really judgmental." I grab my satchel and we head out to Arthur's horse. "We'll be back! Wish me luck." Arthur says the last part under his breath, then slapping the reins on the horse.

'Yeah good luck to me too, hopefully my parents don't scold me for my actions.'

The ride to Saint Denis seemed really short but that's only because my parents lived close to the city entrance. "Well, this is it. Are you ready?" He nods his head while taking his hat off. "Alright if anything happens just let it be okay?"
"What do you mean y/-" I cut him off quickly as a servant approached us at the gate. "Just trust me Arthur, please." I say under my breath. "Can I help you miss?" The servant asked me. "Hi I'm y/n, I'm Richards daughter." He opens up the gate and we're hesitant to walk in.

'That's weird.'

I walk up to the porch and knock on the door. A butler comes to open the door and Arthur and I step in. "Who is it?" When I heard that my stomach dropped. I can't believe I'm doing this. "It's your daughter and a gentleman with her, sir." My father sighs, "Let them in." We step in and it was exactly how it was, nothing has changed. Maybe one thing changed, my room.

"Come have a seat with your friend." He stays sitting down but puts the paper down and grabs his tea.

'Friend? You're about to get real disappointed in a few minutes.'

I hold Arthur's hand for a bit and squeeze it firmly as we make our way. When I was about to come into my fathers peripheral, I let go. I don't want him to know until my mother is here too.

Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now