One last time

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Night Fall was already here and I got up to stretch. I made my way to our tent and I saw Arthur get off his horse and quickly made his way to Strauss. I didn't think much of it but when I heard, "go get a job and make money!" Arthur was pushing Strauss and told him to get on a horse and leave. He did what he was told and left. Arthur was making to way towards me and greeted me with a kiss. "Is everything alright?" I ask concerned. "Yeah let's just get inside and we'll talk about it."

We headed inside and turned on the lamp then I started taking off my clothes. "I got something for you." Arthur dug in his satchel and took out a statue and handed to me. I reached for it and he saw my hand. "What the hell happened?" Arthur grabs my hand and examines it. "I punched Micha." He looks at me and starts to laugh. "What did he do to deserve it?"
"Called me a whale and tried saying that you're a backstabber." Arthur gritted his teeth and cocked his head to the side. "I don't trust that little rat."
"I don't either. There's something about him. I may not be there all the time but his personality and everything just doesn't feel right." Arthur gives me the statue and I look at it. "What is this supposed to mean?"
"I took it to a fence and the man told me that it's supposed to be good luck or something." I place it safely on the table and leave it there. "You were going to sell it?" Arthur sighs, "yes but only because I want to leave this gang with you, of course." Finally he agrees, I'm a little frustrated because he's only doing this when things are getting bad. Oh well, let's just do what we can to get the hell out of here. "What's the plan?" Arthur starts to get undressed. "Well.. we need money that's the first thing, once I get that all of us will leave." What? "All of us?" I ask confused. "Yeah I promised Abigail that I would help her, John and Jack." I lay down on my left side and wait for Arthur. He takes off his underwear and then turns off the lantern.

The tree branches were hitting together and the crickets were heard from far away. Arthur couldn't really sleep and I couldn't either. I turn Arthur's head and place my lips on his, his tongue was fighting mine. I place my hand on his chest and move it down slowly. We pull apart to breathe and when I touched his dick he already had some precum. Arthur softly moans and he gave me a look at told me he wanted more. I get on top of him and start grinding on him. He placed his hands on my waist while I moved back and forth. After when I was wet enough I slowly put his tip in and went in and out slowly. Arthur looked into my eyes, "y/n..." then closed them. Arthur squeezes my ass while I pick up the pace. "Let me make you cum." Arthur holds me in place by my legs and he starts pumping in me. His veiny dick felt so good going in and out fast. "Fuck, you're so wet y/n." Arthur was getting loud because each pump made him close to cumming. I covered his for a brief moment then I tilted my head back and gripped on him. "Yeah y/n I can feel you gripping on me." I covered my mouth and my legs were shaking. "I'm gonna cum. I'm cumming." Arthur's warm semen filled me then some was dripping down on him. I slowly get off of him and lay down next to him.

We steady our breathing and Arthur gets up to wipe away the mess. He lays next to me and then I hold his hand. "I'm sorry." I turn to him, "for?"
"I won't be able to be there for our child." A lump in my throat started to form. "I never meant to hurt you y/n. I know it's hard to accept that what's happening to me is real. I want to be there for you and our kid." He places his hand on my stomach. My eyes start to water and I close my eyes. "Arthur... I'm scared."
"You don't have to be-"
"No I am. I'm scared that I won't be the same. My world is going to be different without you."

[echoed voice in the daydream]

"I thought of you coming home in our little cottage house in the woods. You would be coming from your job at the end of the day. You would kiss me while I was making supper for everyone. Our children would come running to you with pictures they drew for you while you were at work. You would hug them tightly then play around with them outside, hide-n-seek. After I was done I would call in everyone for supper. Both of our kids would come rushing in and you would be right after them. You'd ask how their day was and how mine was. After we take the kids a bath we would read to them and tell them goodnight. You and I would have our alone time and cuddle. Then a new day comes."


"I'm afraid that I'll lose my mind and that I'll be so broken that I won't be able to take care of our child." A tear rolls off Arthur's face, "you have to stay strong for our child. He or she is going to need you. It's going to hurt honey but I'm always going to be there." My eyes water and I look up trying to hold it in. "Don't hold it in, please. Crying helps." I hug him and pull him in close. "Want us to take our picture and I want to take pictures of you. It's not the best time right now but I want to do it for the baby." Arthur nods his head, "we should hit the hay darlin' I have a long day tomorrow." He laid on his back and I placed my head on his chest. Arthur kisses my head, "good night honey."
"Good night Arthur."

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