My Woman

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"What are your reasons?" I ask about half way there to Valentine. "What?" Arthur asks while getting out of his train of thought. "You told Charles that you had your reasons. What are they?" Arthur looks at me, "I just wanted.. you around me. Knowin' that you're hurt, hurts me. So I want to make sure you get the best medicine and the best care. This is sorta my fault so I'm payin' the price." I furrow my brows, "How is this your fault? I should've called someone over." Arthur takes off his hat and gives it to me. "Wear that so you won't get your face burned." I could smell his sent and sweat on the hat but I didn't care. He was showing his soft side and I loved this.

We finally head into Valentine and he helps me into the doctors office. "Doc, could you take at look at her arm, please?" The doctor comes to inspect my arm, "How did this happen ma'am?" I tried thinking of something quick, "I was out hunting in the woods with my husband and a man was shooting a squirrel. So when the squirrel crawled on my arm the man shot it but it moved so fast he hit my arm instead." The doctor raised a brow, "Do you want to file a complaint to the sheriff?" I shake my head no, "Can you patch me up Doctor?" He shrugs his shoulders and gets the things he needs. Arthur holds my hand for support and I take advantage of this moment. I smile at him and interlace my fingers with his, Arthur smiles in return.

"Alright that'll be ten dollars, sir." The doctor rings up on the cash register and he hands me a bottle of medicine. "Apply twice a day, when you wake up and when you fall asleep." I thank the doctor and we head back to camp.

"Husband?" Arthur questions glancing over me. "I had to think of something." Arthur smirks, "You we're going the extra mile in the doctors office." I chuckle, "Yeah I was. I won't lie, I liked playing along." Arthur stops the horses and looks into my eyes, "(Y/n)... be my woman." I start to laugh, "Come on Arthur, lets head back to camp."
"No wait. I'm serious (y/n) I don't want to be afraid anymore. I can't stay away from you and I think about you all the damn time. I want you to be my wife because I know you want a husband and I'll be damned if someone else marries you!" Arthur carefully brings me in a kiss in the middle of the road. "Arthur are you sure?" He nods his head, "Yes (y/n) just give me time to get you a ring." Arthur kisses me again and then we start going to camp.

"Let's lay you down on my bed and I'll go get you some food." Arthur lays me down on his bed and goes to get me some food. Arthur comes back with food and I sit up. "Arthur how long do you think I'll be on bed rest?" I ask while eating my food. "You mean how long will we be on bed rest?" I look at him confused, "What do you mean?"
"I don't want to do anything now that you're hurt. It sounds selfish but I need to take care of you right now." Arthur hands me some water and I take a sip. "You shouldn't put things aside Arthur." Arthur gives me a look and then joins me by laying with me.

"Hey Arthur, who's the new lad?" Arthur and I sit up and see a red haired man with a bowler hat. "Hello Sean, this is (y/n) she's been with us for a bit." I wave at him, "Hi Sean." He smiles and that smile turns to a laugh. "Have you two been fockin? Cause that's all I can tell right about now." Arthur shakes his head while he gets up then he pushes him playfully, "Shut up, we want some alone time."

Arthur didn't do anything else all day but talk to me. "So do you have any brothers or sisters?"
"No I'm an only child but I've always wanted a sister. What about you?" I ask. "I'm an only child too. My dad wasn't really around much and my mama she died when I was like 3." I hug Arthur, "I'm sorry about that Arthur. She was a nice woman I bet." Arthur holds my hand, "Yeah you would've liked her and she would've liked you." I kiss Arthur then Dutch calls him over.

There wasn't much that I couldn't make out, except that there was an argument towards the end. "Arthur you are my son and I need you to bring me money!"
"Dutch (y/n) needs someone to look after her! I can't be doing business right now, find someone else!" Arthur walks away frustrated and he heads over to me. "Bastard knows how to get under my skin." I hug Arthur while he sits on his bed and I rub his back. "I've been saving something for a while." I go through my satchel and take out a chocolate bar and a candies bag. "You sneaky little woman. When did you get this?" I giggle, "I've had it for a while just never ate it but now I want to share it with you." I felt like a little kid sharing my candy with a good friend. Arthur laughs and opens up the chocolate bar and takes a bite. "Chocolate is my weakness, it always has been. Isaac would-" Arthur catches himself and doesn't continue the sentence.

"Are you okay?" Arthur stays silent and has a sad expression. "I had a family. My boy was named Isaac and my wife was Eliza. She reminds me so much of you, young and beautiful." I hesitated to ask, "What.. happened?" I place my hand on his. "I wasn't home one day, I was working with Dutch on getting some money. After 4 days of finally getting the money I came back home and saw two crosses by the house. They got murdered and robbed for ten damn dollars." Arthur takes out some moonshine and chugs it all. "Arthur I'm sorry. I really am but people like that will pay in the end." He stays quiet and opens another bottle of moonshine. "Mary's family didn't like me they basically hated me because of the man I wasn't. That's why I was scared to fall in love with you. I was afraid that you were going to see the ugly and just leave." I think for a moment, "Mary-Beth? And Arthur I told you I'm not going anywhere. I won't give up." I kiss his cheek and he plants his lips on mine then kisses me passionately. "Not Mary-Beth a different Mary. Now, let's go have some fun." Arthur winks and a blush, "How could I say no?"

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