Arthur vs Charles

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This is really scary because I have never gone this fast on a horse and if I don't get this wagon back Arthur is going to lose it. "Come back!" I shout while getting closer, "How about.. No!" The man laughs and I get close enough to jump on the back of the wagon. I push him but it wasn't hard enough. So I attempt to push him off but I see a shotgun. "Stop this wagon and get off now or your brains will be all on the ground." I say cocking the shotgun back. He stops the wagon and slowly gets off, "Now turn around and walk." I make sure he gets far enough so I can leave. "Follow me horsey." I didn't know how to whistle so I said that instead.

Arriving back in Valentine in a rush, the man got his horse back and Arthur was standing at the General store. "Where the hell did you go?" I was nervous and out of breath, "I was taking a look around Valentine. I hope that was okay." Arthur gives me a stern look and he helps the man put supplies in the back. I get in the back and unlatch the backside. I organized the things and grabbed a peach then head to the passenger side.

Arthur thanks the man and he gets on and we start heading out of Valentine. "What happened? You never answered." I roll my eyes, "Arthur I told you, I was looking around Valentine." He scoffs, "I know you're lyin' to me. Come on spit it out." I look down at my legs and mess with my fingers, "The wagon was getting stolen so I rushed after it. I never went that fast on a horse it was scary."
"How did it get stolen if you were on it? Did he push you off?" The story is about to make sense, "A man needed help with his boot so I got off the wagon and helped." Arthur shakes his head in response. "I'm sorry but I got the wagon back."
"It doesn't matter! You... you could have gotten hurt..." Arthur looks at me while griping the reins. "Why do you care if I get hurt?"
"I don't." Was all he could manage. The whole ride was quiet and boring.

Arthur and I arrive to horseshoe overlook, he immediately heads over to Dutch. They talk about something, it was probably what I told Arthur. Pearson and I were getting things down from the wagon and setting them near his wagon. "(Y/n) could you come over here?" Dutch calls me over to his tent. "Yes sir?" I step in. "I know that Miss. Roberts is giving you hell. So I want you to join Arthur on his adventures." I think for a moment, "I'll be able to make money?" Dutch nods his head, "Just make sure to give a cut to the gang." He continues reading and I head out to change my clothes. I put on some jeans, button shirt, and a coat. As I was getting dressed I noticed my sunflower was gone.

'Probably Abigail.' I roll my eyes at the thought.

"Hey Charles." I smile at him when he turns around. "Hello (y/n) you look great today." He smiles back, "Thank you, you too. I was wondering if you could show me how to hunt better? And if you have a six shooter that would be great as well." He smirks and we jump on our horses and head to the burn area. "We can practice your shooting here." Charles explains how to handle a gun and how to clean it. It seemed easy to follow it was just the shooting. "Damn it! I keep missing." I say. "Try to relax and when you feel like you got it, shoot." I try again but I keep missing. Then all of a sudden someone from behind shoots the bottle. We turn to see Arthur, "It's easy, don't think about it too much. Let me show you." Arthur comes behind me and adjusts my aim. "Make sure to inhale before you shoot and exhale after you shoot." He whispers in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. Charles steps in and gives me pointers, "Just focus on your aim and don't be nervous." At this point I felt crowded, "Can I have room gentlemen?" Arthur and Charles back away. So I concentrated on my target, exhaled out and shot the bottle. "Did you see that? I shot it!" I wave the gun around and Charles cautiously takes it. "Oh, sorry. Can you show me hunting now?" I get on my horse and take out my bow. "Hunting? Why do you want to know so bad?" Arthur questions. "I may need it one day.." he raises his brows but doesn't ask.

"Look there's a few deer ahead, it's best to cover your sent if the wind is blowing your back." Charles hands me cover sent lotion and I hand it to Arthur. He pushes away the lotion so I take some and quickly rub it on his neck. "What in the hell (y/n)?!" He says  which startled the deer. "Arthur you have to stay quiet if we want to kill a deer. Let's pick up the trail, maybe we can catch up to them." We caught up to a deer and I pull back my bow. "Alright now do the same thing you did with the bottle but hit it in its head." I aim at the head and release on exhale. The arrow hit the deer on its head and immediately collapsed on the ground. "Good job (y/n) let's call the horses." Arthur and Charles call for theirs. My horse doesn't arrive and I'm just standing there with no horse. "Uhh I'll go get my horse." Charles stops me, "You're not bonding with your horse?"
"No I am it's just.. I can't whistle." Arthur laughs and so does Charles. I continue to walk and Arthur grabs my hand. "Get on, we'll get your horse. Charles stow the deer and head back to camp." Charles speaks up, "I was going to say the same thing to you Arthur." Arthur turns around, "You already showed her everything she needed. It's the least I could do."
"Yeah she asked me to show her and so I'm trying to be courteous and take her to her horse." Charles gets in Arthur's face. "Boah you better watch what you say." Arthur gets in Charles face too. "Or what?" Charles adds back. "You want to find out?" Arthur clinches his fists so I immediately get between them. "Hey! Don't fight it's stupid. Plus why are you fighting with Charles?" Arthur stays quiet and gets on his horse then rides away.

Charles stows the deer and has me ride his horse while he leads it to mine. "I think Arthur likes you." Charles speaks up. "Arthur? Yeah right, he probably has a wife we don't know about. Plus he's mean to me I don't want someone to be mean to me." Charles turns his head briefly, "Mean? How?"
"Well, when we went to Valentine the wagon got stolen, so I went after it and brought it back in one piece. He was mad at me for going after it, said that I could have gotten hurt." I roll my eyes at the reminder. "That means he cares. At least that's what I think." We stay quiet and I remind myself. "Oh, my sunflower got stolen but I was taking care of it. It was probably Abigail that stole it." We finally arrive to my horse, "No I watched your tent all day today, to make sure no one would mess with your stuff. So it couldn't have been her."

I think for a moment.

'Did Arthur take my damn flower!?'

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