Great Taste, Great Party

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"Oh my goodness, that's a good one Hosea!" Dutch says while smoking a cigar across from me and Arthur. Hosea sat next to Dutch talking about some heist they pulled off long ago. "You look beautiful, honey." Arthur says while staring at me. "You don't look bad yourself Mr. Morgan." I peck his lips, "none of that when we arrive to the party kids." Dutch says and Hosea laughs afterward. I shake my head and smile.

Everyone arrives at the gate and Arthur was the first one out so he could help me out. "Such a gentleman." I smirk. "Only to you my lady." Dutch and Hosea followed after me. "Excuse me everyone but I will have to take everyone's weapons due to last years incident." A man at the front gate had said to everyone. I only had my small clutch bag it had my lipstick and powder. Ma'am can I check your purse?" I give my bag to the man and he checks it. "Alright head inside and enjoy the event everyone." The man opened the gate and we made it inside.

The house was beautiful, more beautiful than my parents house. The man has some taste and I like it. "Alright Hosea, y/n go enjoy the party. Arthur and I will go pay our respects to Bronte and we'll meet up with you." Dutch says and I part ways with Arthur.

"Well now lets go have the time of our lives y/n. You know I used to go to a lot of these with my wife Bessy." Hosea says and I wrap my arm with his as we approach the table to get a beverage. "What happened to her if you don't mind me asking." He hesitates to tell me, "it-it was just wrong place, wrong time." I nod my head, "You don't have to explain Hosea, sorry." He grabs a champagne for me and him. "I think I'll just have water, thank you though." I pick up my water and we raise our glasses then take a sip. "It must be devastating for you y/n." I look at him with confusion, "What are you talking about?" Hosea was going to tell me something but Dutch chimes in just in time. "Alright Hosea I need you to talk to that gentleman over there. Arthur, y/n talking to the mayor is something you two could handle and me I will see who will give some information up. Let's meet up in about an hour."

Arthur hooks his arm around with mine and we make our way towards a group of people. Arthur grabs and sips the champagne before approaching the group. "Hello and good evening gentlemen. I'm Arthur Callahan and this is my wife Debra Callahan." Arthur introduces us and he continues talking to them. I couldn't help but wander around, looking at the ladies dress next to me. "Honey, I'm going to excuse myself for a bit I'll be back." I softly kiss his cheek and head back to the table. I was super hungry so I just started eating everything I saw. I didn't care if people saw I was hungry and their food was good.

"You're going to be a great mother." I turn around to see a man with long hair and a brown hat. He was Indian and so was the younger man next to him. "How-"
"You're a great person and it's good that you don't have any hate in you. Good night." He tilts his head down then walks away. With my mouth stuffed, "Thank you."
"Y/n let's go, I got all the information I need." Arthur comes up to me and takes away the plate. "Wait those cookies were so good!" He pulls my arm and we make our way up the stairs. "Did you get something?"
"Yeah but not now, we should leave." Dutch leads the way and we get our weapons, then head back to camp. "Well I certainly enjoyed myself tonight." Hosea says.

We arrive back to camp and I head up to the room and start undressing. I was getting hot and the dress was fighting against me. "Damn it." I say under my breath. "How is it that even when you're struggling you're cute." I pout and then turn to him at the doorway. "Can you help me Arthur? It's hot and I just want to get comfortable." He chuckles then comes behind me to help me with my dress. I could feel the cool air hitting my sweaty skin as I take off my dress.

I was naked and I let my hair down, then I plopped myself on the bed. I patted Arthur's spot to signal him that it's okay to sleep with your wife. He gets down to his underwear and he lays next to me. I always love looking at his blue eyes. This part of the day, makes my day.

Next day

I wake up, put on something quick and head downstairs to get some breakfast. I just walked out of the door and Mary-Beth made her way frantically to me. "Y/n! Tilly is missing and it's been about a day, I'm worried for her!" I start making my way to Miss. Grimshaw speed walking. "Miss. Grimshaw is Tilly alright?"
"I don't know child but me and Arthur are about to find out." She walked passed me with a shotgun and Arthur turned me around and gave me a long kiss. "I'll be back honey."
"Please come back with her!" Arthur gets on the wagon and they ride out of camp.

'Where ever she is I hope she's well.'

"Thanks for telling me Mary-Beth." I make my way to get some breakfast and we both sit down. "What are you reading?"
"A romance... I love everything about these books." I take a bite of my food. "Have you thought about being a writer?" She stays quiet and puts the book down. "Yes but I wouldn't know where to start."
"It's okay, whenever you're ready go to this office in Saint Denis and ask for Mr. Brown. Tell him y/n sent you and he'll ask you a few questions." Mary-Beth smiles at me, "Thank you but can I ask why are you helping me? I can't owe you anything." I stop her by putting my hand in the air. "Don't, I'm not looking for money. I'm just helping a sister with her future by using my connections." She hugs me tightly and I hug her back. "Just leave when you're ready and don't forget about me."
"I would never, thank you so much."

Later that day

"Tilly!" I saw her come into camp with a horse. "Y/n it's so good to see you." She hugs me and she had mud on her dress but I didn't care. "Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" We pull apart, "No they just starved me and made me dirty."
"I'll get you some food." I said.
"I'll get some water so you can wash yourself." Mary-Beth said then quickly making her way. Tilly was out of it so when I slid her food to her she snapped out of it. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Arthur killed the man that took me and I don't blame him." I stayed quiet and Mary-Beth came to sit with us. "The water is ready whenever you are."

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