My Husband, Arthur.

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Third person POV

When Arthur graduated he moved out and got his own place. He was going to medical school and learning how the disease worked. He put so much time and effort trying to figure out how to get rid of it. Arthur wasn't successful but he wasn't going to give up.

After he was done with medical school, which was four years. He met a woman named Amilia and she was going to medical school to become a nurse.

Readers POV

I was thinking about Arthur while sitting at the window. I miss my child, when is he coming home? Arthur is all I've been thinking about these past few.. days? Hours? I miss little Arthur, is he coming home? "Honey, telephone." A man with a mustache said popping his head out. "Who is it?" I say getting up and heading to the phone. "It's little Arthur." I pick up the phone, "Hey mama I'm going home tomorrow to visit you and I have someone that you want to meet. She's special."
"Arthur, I cant wait for you to come home. I miss you and I can't to meet her." We talk on the phone for a bit and when I hang up I go back to the window. "Do you want something to eat?" Josiah asked. "Josiah, do you know when Arthur is coming home?"
"He's coming tomorrow."
"No not little Arthur, my husband." Josiah looked down in sadness, "Josiah?"
"He should be coming home tomorrow as well." I smile happily and continue to look out the window.

The next day

"Mama! Open up its me." I open the door and my smile widens. Arthur was in a flashy suit and gave me a big hug. "How are you mama?"
"I'm great. How about you?" I walk to a chair and take a seat. "Well I'm doing great mama. This is Amilia, the girl I told you about on the phone?" I shake my head, "I don't think I remember. Is your father coming home soon? I haven't seen him in a while." There was a silence in the room. Arthur kneeled down, "Mama is everything alright?" I nod my head and smile. "I missed you so much. How are you doing?" Arthur smiles weakly and asks, "Mama where's Josiah?"
"Josiah? Who's that?" His mouth opened but nothing came out.

Third person POV

Arthur walked to the room and saw Josiah napping. "Josiah, wake up." He wakes up and sits up slowly, "Hello Arthur, how are you doing?"
"Josiah what's wrong with mama?" Josiah looks down and Arthur could tell he was sad. "Arthur.. She was diagnosed with dementia a month ago." Arthur was shocked, "why didn't you tell me? We had an agreement."
"Arthur.. it can't be cured. Y/n doesn't have much time either." Arthur starts to cry and he puts his hands on his head. "How long?" Josiah shrugs. "Well I'm moving back here then. I'll be her doctor and I'll keep an eye on her."

Readers POV

"So mama next month Amilia and I want to get married." I put down the cooking spoon and hug him tightly. I kiss his cheek, "My son is getting married. Oh I have to tell your father about this when he comes home!"

All of us eat at the small table in the kitchen. "Your father comes home really late. I hope it's not the damn O' Driscolls giving him a hard time again."

Amilia helps me in the tub slowly and she helps me get cleaned. "Thank you for helping me sweetie. I hope it's not embarrassing for you, I've only had Arthur and I wish I had more children. I hope you and Arthur have a lot of children." I nod my head and smile at her. "Don't feel embarrassed Mrs. Morgan, I do this as a nurse. Arthur and I want four children." She washes me with soap and water, "Thank you for doing this, I'm so embarrassed."

One month later

"Congratulations sweetie, oh my goodness you look so beautiful." I kiss Amilias cheek and I look at my son in the eyes. "Your father would be so proud of you." His white teeth shined so brightly and his eyes were the only thing catching my attention. "Thank you mama." We make our way to the recital and when it was time to give presents I gave Arthur an envelope. "What's this?"
"It's my will. You'll get everything. I don't have much but I tried to be a good mother." Arthur hugs me, "mama you are a good mother."

I go home with Josiah and when we get ready for bed, I wasn't feeling tired. "I'm going to stay up a little longer." Josiah kisses the top of my head, "Okay just don't stay up too long." I put my gown on and make my way to the living room. I get out one of my favorite books and open it. I take out the letter that Arthur gave me. Opening it up some dust was coming off of it.

Dear y/n,

I know by the time you read this you'll be alright. It's not going to feel real about me being gone. I'm going to miss you so much and our baby. Please promise me that you'll raise him and push him to become something. I want our child to make something of himself and not end up like me.
I love you so damn much y/n, I tried in the end, I really did. I'm so sorry I wasn't there but I thought doing right in the end was going to help. I wish I could've done more.

Love your husband, Arthur.

I take out a necklace that has Arthur's wedding ring on it. I never showed it to anyone, I always kept it close to me everywhere I go. "I love you too Arthur." I whisper to myself.

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