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"Arthur can you help with the baby?" I hand him the baby while I start to wash dishes. "Shhh. It's okay." Arthur says bouncing lightly with the baby. "Look you wanna see something?" Arthur sits down with the baby and takes out the photo album. "That's mommy right there. She's beautiful isn't she?" The baby smiles and looks at Arthur happily. "You're the best thing that's happened to me." Arthur kisses the top of the baby's head and flips the photo album.

I was cleaning the dishes and counters. It was a while before I was able to go to bed. When I turned to talk to Arthur the baby and him were asleep. The baby was on his chest and Arthur's was slouched down. This moment needed to be captured so I got my camera ready and put a little bit of light their way and took a picture. This one is definitely going in the photo album. "Arthur wake up, you're falling asleep." He wakes up and I gently take the baby and put her down in her crib. Arthur makes his way to the bed and plops himself on it. "Tired?"
"Yes, very. The boss wants me to come in early in the shop tomorrow so I'll be going early." I kiss him goodnight and we get some sleep.

In the middle of the night the baby was crying, I got up and went to go see whats wrong. I checked the diaper and that's what needed to be done. "Alright a new diaper and are you hungry now?" Sure enough the baby was hungry. I started breastfeeding my baby and while time passed the baby was done. I burped the baby and started putting it to sleep. Gently laying the baby down on its crib then walking down the hall.

Again the baby starts to cry I walk back in a hurry and try to calm the baby down. "Don't wake up your father, please." I beg. "Honey what's wrong?" Arthur asked while he was in the doorway rubbing his eyes. "I don't know honey, I fed the baby and changed the diaper." Arthur gently picks up the baby and the baby stops crying. I looked at him surprised, "I think the baby knows it's me." I couldn't help but feel a little hurt. "The baby is more attached to you than me." Arthur shook his head, "don't say that y/n the baby is warmed up to you too. Go back to bed, I'll put the baby to sleep." I nod my head and laid in bed. Who knew being a mother was going to be so tiring? I'm glad I have help though.

Arthur Morgan x Reader Where stories live. Discover now