How did you know?

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Son of a bitches took Jack, why on earth would you take a child? That is seriously crossing the line. I really hope Arthur and everyone else finds him. I hope he's okay.

"Alright were here honey, now remember what I told you okay? I don't want to find out that you're on a rampage." Arthur helps me off the wagon and gets our bags. I head over to Abigail and just as I imagined she's worried sick. "Y/n! Did you hear? Jack is missing-" she was short of breath because she was so devastated. "Abigail.." I help her up, Sadie and I take her to her tent. "Where is my son?!" And crying was all I heard today from Abigail.

'Oh no, not again.'

I hurried out of the tent and throw up near a tree. My body felt a little weak, like I was about to pass out. "Are you alright y/n?" Sadie asked from behind me. "Yeah.. I just threw up, is all." She walks back to the tent and I follow after. "Is everything alright y/n?" Abigail asks me, I glance at Sadie and she looks away, guilty. "Um... well, I don't think so. I-I might be pregnant." I whisper the last part. "Does Arthur know?" I shake my head and I remember that I need to tell him soon. Is he ready? I hope he is because I don't want to raise this baby on my own. "Well I think it's wonderful that you're pregnant. Motherhood is... well at the moment frightening." Well.. that's very encouraging.

It must've been hours before Arthur came back and when he did, Jack was not with them. "Where's Jack? Is he alright?" Abigail asks Dutch with tears in her eyes. I walked up to Arthur and hugged him, I wanted to tell him but I just didn't want to make things about me. "Are you alright, honey?" I nod my head and we head to our tent. "I'm going to get us some stew and then we'll lay down." When Arthur left he smelt like burnt wood, why were they burning wood? He comes in with two plates and I dig in my stew. "Woah, slow down honey I don't want you to choke. When did you last eat?"
"I haven't, I was with Sadie and Abigail all day. She's worried sick and I'm worried for Jack. Did y'all find out what happened?" He pauses for a moment and looks into my eyes. I could tell that it was going to be bad news, "Jack is.. in Saint Denis. A man of the name Angelo Bronte has him." I furrowed my brows, "What the hell do you mean has him?" The whole night Arthur was explaining the "big plan" that was supposed to go as planned.

I wanted to tell him that we should leave but we all know how that went last time. All I can do is worry and maybe change his mind in time. "Let's get some sleep and in morning we'll spend some time together." Arthur and I get comfortable and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

The next day

"Arthur! Arthur, wake up!" Dutch comes into our tent and wakes Arthur up by aggressively shaking him. "Dutch you're going to wake y/n. What's the matter?" Arthur gets up cautiously and walks out the tent with Dutch. I was still waking up by the disturbance then I heard yelling. "I don't think you should be her right now agent moron!" I get up and head out in my night gown and I found Arthur with his hand on his holster. "Arthur..." I whisper and gently grab his forearm. He turns his head and then holds my hand. "Everything is going to be okay honey, go back to the tent."
"Arthur, I don't want to leave you."
"Y/n now!" He yells at me and I run back to the tent. Arthur... yelled at me, why?

While I was getting ready everyone was discussing what just happened and it sounded like we needed to move again. Footsteps were coming from the distance and I was just sitting on the bed. Arthur came in and looked down, it was quiet. "Y/n..." I raised my hand to stop him and he sat next to me. "Y/n... I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you but those Pinkertons were acting tough. I didn't want anything to happen to you honey. I care about you so damn much, your safety is very important." I hug him and bury my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry.. I care about you too Arthur." He takes my hand and kisses it, "It's fine.. we need to pack up and move again." I roll my eyes in response and then get up. "I'll be back, I'm going to find a new place for us." Arthur kisses me goodbye and he heads out with John.

We're moving again, well I'll be damned. I loved Clemens Point we were next to a lake and the trees were good for practicing throwing knives. The next place is called Shady Belle, I hope this place is better. I hope that Jack is well and comes back to camp real soon.

After some time we arrive to our new home and it was nice. It was a house! It needed some work but I can't complain, a roof over my head was something I loved. Arthur was dumping something at the pier and he came to help me down the wagon. "Do you like it? Dutch said that we can get the room on the far left. We can.. have a little bit of privacy and maybe fool around a bit." Arthur whispers in my ear and then winks at me.

'Naughty cowboy.'

"We'll just have to see.." I say back with sass. "Oh really? Is that a threat miss?" Arthur playfully questions me then he picks me up and takes me to our room. "Here we go." Arthur lays me down gently and then kisses my lips. A smile formed my face and he started unbuckling his pants. I got down on my knees quickly and slowly inserted the tip in the mouth. Arthur tilts his head back and moves his hips slowly. "Oh damn.." I look at at him and his cheeks were beginning to get red. I went a little deeper causing me to gag, "Mm I like that pretty little mouth." Arthur chuckles softly and I could taste his precum in my mouth.

"Arthur! Where are you?" Dutch was calling out. "I'm in my room talking to y/n." Dutch was heading downstairs, "Alright meet me outside when you're done, we need to go talk to Bronte."

Arthur couldn't say anything back because he was on the verge of letting out a moan. He quickly covered his mouth and started breathing heavy. I was deep throating quickly and Arthur let out a loud moan. He covered his mouth again and he held my head in place. Releasing in my mouth, feeling the warm, sticky cum fill my mouth. "Oh fuck.." Arthur pulled out and some of him cum was stringy from my mouth. "I'm gonna get you later cowgirl." He helps me up and pulls his pants up. I swallow and he tasted salty and sweet. "We'll see about that cowboy." I take my towel and wipe my lips clean. Arthur kisses me goodbye and heads out the door.

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