Beaver Hollow

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Charles and I sit together and we were talking about what just happened. Arthur kisses me on the cheek, "I'll be back, I'm going with Charles to clear out a place for us to stay at." I peck his lips and Charles walks along with Arthur to their horses.

Third person POV

"Let's go." Arthur hits his horse in the gut and Charles takes the lead. "Hey uhh Charles I just want to say thank you for looking out for y/n."
"You're welcome Arthur, she was pretty worried." Charles says back. "Yeah I was worried about her as well. Charles... I don't have a lot of time left... I'm dying so when I pass I need you to take care of her. Can you do that for me?" Charles was silent for a bit, "Arthur I'm truly sorry and I hope you find peace. Taking care of y/n won't be an issue."
"I know you're in love with her."
"It's fine, I respect you for not trying to take her. Then we would've had a problem." They both laughed it off and continued to ride.

Y/n's POV

I was getting ready to lay down and I decided to write in my journal.

Arthur is dying and my child will be fatherless. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Arthur and I are going to spend as much time-

"Y/n?" I look up and I see Abigail and Jack standing in front of me. "Sorry to disrupt you but Jack wanted to say goodnight." I set my journal aside and he immediately cane to hug me. "Y/n... I heard Arthur is going to die. Where do people go when they die?" Abigail clears her throat and gives Jack a look. "Abigail it's okay, really. Well Jack you know how stories end?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Well when it's time for people to go, their story changes. They can choose to watch the ones they love or spend time with friends and family." Jack thinks for a minute, "What do you think uncle Arthur is going to pick?"
"I think he's going to choose to watch over us. To make sure we're okay."
"How will we know if he's there?" I couldn't answer anymore because this was silently breaking my heart. "We won't know Jack, we'll just have to guess that he's there." Abigail jumped in, she could tell that I was struggling. "Well I hope he's going to be alright. I wish I could take him to the doctors and give my two dollars to help him get better." I smile weakly at the comment Jack made getting up. I look at Abigail and mouthed, "Thank you." She nodded and her and jack made their way to bed.

I laid on my side and closed my eyes. My eyes were really puffy and tired.

"Wake up y/n." Arthur woke me up then took my things and packed them up. "What's going on?" He put my journal in my satchel and helped me to my feet. "Let's head out." He grabs my hand and pulls me with him to the door. He was kinda in a hurry. We headed out and there was yelling when I rubbed my eyes there was a big group. I moved passed everyone and it was Molly, drunk out of her mind. "I told them Dutch! I told them everything!" Molly was swaying side to side. "Told them what? Who?" Dutch says angrily. "You bastard, I loved you! You changed and you're different." In a split second her insides were out. I look to my left and I saw Miss. Grimshaw with a shotgun. "She knew the rules." Arthur pulled me close and I was shaking. "Let's get you on the wagon." Arthur takes me to his wagon and he helps me up. Arthur gives me his jacket to wear along with a blanket. We ride away with Abigail and Charles behind us. The ride was long so I decided to wrap my arms around Arthur and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Honey we're here, come on let's get you to bed." Arthur woke me up while I was laid out on the wagons seat. "What?" I ask getting up confused. "I made the bed while you were sleeping." Arthur helped me down and I was half asleep walking to our bed, the only thing that was set up. "Get some sleep."

"You murderer!"
"I had to protect us!"
"She was drunk off her ass, she didn't know what she was saying!"
I woke up to an argument and I turned over on my left side. I saw Arthur writing something, "Good morning sweetheart." Arthur says. "Good morning, what are you writing?" Arthur sets aside the paper to let it dry, "Just something that Dutch wanted me to write." I get up and sit on his legs but facing him. "What are you going to do today?"
"Strauss needs up with loans today. I hate doing that for him, always have I just haven't said anything." Arthur made a frustrated face. I turn his head to meet mine, "Then do the right thing, Arthur." I peck his lips but Arthur wanted more so he pulled me in and kissed me longer. In this moment I was lost, I will always feel the same when I'm kissing him. That butterflies in my stomach and electric feel with my lips. I don't care if he's sick, he's my man. When we pull apart he puts his forehead on mine, "I need to go honey." I wish he would rest and spend as much time with me. "Okay, just be careful, please." Arthur and I came out and he let go of my hand when we parted ways. He was already talking to Strauss while I was eating beans and eggs. "Y/n" That familiar voice, I turned to see Micha. I roll my eyes and continue eating. "Y/n.. how much do you trust Arthur?"
"Why is that even a question?" I snap back at Micha. He could tell I was already getting pissed but he decided to add more fuel to the fire. "I'm just saying, he's been acting really weird now." I was two seconds from punching him in the face. "I think you should leave before I-"
"Before you what? Huh? What are you going to do you fat whale." My left/right fist made contact with his cheek and he fell to the ground. "Y/n!" Charles comes behind me and moves me away from Micha. "What are you doing?" Charles asked me while I was flexing my hand. "He pissed me off."
"He pisses everyone off. You cannot do that again, it puts a target on you. How's your hand?" Charles gently takes it and looks at it. "It hurts that was my first time hitting someone." Charles takes me to his tent and starts to put medicine. "This will definitely relax your hand but it's going to be bruised for a couple of days." He pours the liquid on my hand and it had a strong smell. "I forgot to mention the smell." Charles, Abigail and I sat by the fire all day and talked about what we wanted to be when we grew up. "I wanted to be a nurse." Abigail said. "I wanted to be in the military." Charles added. "I didn't know what I wanted. I could never figure it out. Either it was a mans job or I didn't have the requirements." I stare into the fire and wonder how the future was going to be like.

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