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Next morning

"Y/n, honey wake up let's get you something to eat." Arthur just woke up and he tried waking me up. Successfully I did but I continued to pout how tired I was. "Arthur I think I'll just stay in and sleep." He sighs and puts his boots on. Arthur crouches to me sitting up and then kisses me with morning breath. "No ma'am you will get up and eat breakfast. Then help as much as you can so we can settle somewhere new." I sigh and then Arthur helps me up to my feet. Him and I head out the front door and immediately Miss. Grimshaw is pushing the girls to get to work. "I need everything to stay packed don't even think about taking anything out!" She heads to a tree and cools down there. "Miss. Grimshaw is scaring me." I confess to Arthur. "She's just stressed." Arthur and I head to the fire and he starts serving me. I get a cup of coffee and I sit down with Arthur. "I'm going to head into town, Sadie needs to see me about John." I hope that they can get John back no problem. Abigail is kind of a mess and I don't blame her. Arthur stands up drinks some coffee then empties his cup. He kisses my lips then pulls apart, "I'll be back, okay? I won't take too long." Arthur places his hand on my shoulder and I place mine on top of his. His hand slides off and he gets on his horse then he's out of sight.

I finished my breakfast and started helping Abigail. "What boxes need to go in the wagon?" She points to three boxes and I start loading them up. They weren't heavy I was mainly doing small things. "Y/n would you help me with cleaning my shotgun?" Tilly asked. "Sure." I make my way and we start taking care of the weapon. It was getting late and I noticed Arthur wasn't back yet. "Alright dinner is served." The same old stew but I can't complain, the last few days were hard. I serve myself and the girls came and joined me at a small table. "So how are you feeling y/n?" Mary-Beth asked. "Well better mentally but physically I feel like a whale."
"That's cause you are one." Micha added while passing by. "Shut the hell up Micha, no one is talking to you." I turn around to see Arthur, he is so handsome with a haircut and a trim. I give him a smile and a wink for defending me. Micha gives a look then walks away pissed off. I get up and hug Arthur, I kiss him and when we pulled apart he said, "Hey you should continue eating and after when you're done I think we should talk." Arthur was serious. I sat back down and thought about what the conversation could be. I didn't do anything wrong, I was thinking the worst but I tried to move past that. Arthur made his way to a crate and took out a whiskey bottle.

All the girls were laughing and smiling but not me. Something doesn't feel right and my stomach feels like it's turning. I dump my food near a tree and put it in where all the dishes are at. I sit with Arthur and he interlaced his fingers with mine. He turned to me and said, "I think we should go somewhere private." I stare at him and his eyes tell me something different. We get on his horse and ride away from camp. The silence was killing me, the wait was killing me.

We arrive the lake and Arthur hitched his horse near a tree. He sat down on a tree that was cut down and he patted the empty spot next to him. "Arthur what's going on?" He takes a sip of whiskey then stands up and sets the bottle down. Arthur grabs ahold of my hands and looks at them while rubbing them. "Y/n.." his voice cracked and the sadness was in his voice. "Yes?" I firmly squeeze his hands.

"I'm-I'm dying."

I lost my breath, my balance and most of all, my mind. I landed on my knees and tears come down my cheeks. "Y/n.." Arthur came down to hold me tight. "You can't leave me, I need you." I pull his by his jacket and cry really loudly. I place my hand on my forehead and push back. I was still processing what Arthur said. I stand up and stare out into the lake, I stood there for I don't know how long. By the time I was ready to sit down the sun was slowly rising. "What is making you sick?"
"Tuberculosis." I close my eyes and they start to water again. "How long have you known?"
"I just found out today." I place my hands on my face and just start to cry again. "I-I can't raise this baby on my own, Arthur. I'm going to go crazy when..." I couldn't even finish my sentence, I didn't even want to think about it. I shake my head and he grabs a hold of my hand then kisses it. "I know... but I have something planned for when it's time. Let's head back, okay?" Put my head on his shoulder and he turns his body towards me so now my head is on his chest.

Arthur and I made it back to camp and Abigail was probably telling Dutch about John. "It's just talk!" Dutch snaps. "What is his deal? Dutch has been acting different ever since y'all came back." Arthur helps me off the horse, "I don't know, I've been trying to figure that out too." Arthur hold my hand as we walk and we part ways. He goes to talk to Dutch and I go to the ladies for a talk. Tilly, Abigail, Mary-Beth and Sadie were there for me. "I'll help you with whatever you need y/n." Abigail said placing her hand on mine and I gently squeeze it. "I just want my husband to see his baby at least. To hold him, to see him grow up." Abigail and I starting crying, she was sad for me and worried about John. She doesn't want Jack fatherless and now that there's people wanting him to be hung. It worries her.

I'm worried that I won't be the same after Arthur leaves. I'm scared I won't be there for my baby.

'My husband is dying.'

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