Arthur and Charles

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We sit down and I take a look at his hand. It was definitely going to bruise and it might swell up. "Don't hit things Arthur." I start to take out the small splinters in his hand. "Hey that meeting went really south." Charles said while I was concentrating on Arthur's hand. "I know, I just hope no one does anything foolish. I'm just having a hard time understanding why Dutch is using them." I was done so I got up to get alcohol to clean the cut. When I grabbed the bourbon and came back out, Arthur was arguing with Dutch. I quickly made my way to Arthur, "You need to leave these people alone Dutch. It ain't right and you know it." Dutch was smoking a cigar and blew the smoke in Arthur's face. "Arthur we need a distraction and noise so we can move on. Have faith in me Arthur!" Arthur was upset so he stepped closer, "Faith? You think this is about faith?!" Arthur started coughing and in the distance I heard horses rushing in. "Arthur and Mr. van der Linde they killed my men for oil! Ride with me, to fight the men that killed my people!" The young man was upset and Rains Fall came just in time to stop anything from progressing. "No my son I lost your older brother due to fighting. It's not worth it, my only son." He brushes off what his dad said to him. "Dutch will you ride with me?" Dutch makes his way to his horse and Arthur looks at Charles. "Mr. Morgan will you help me please, I know I've asked for your help too many times but.." Arthur nods his head, "Sure I'll make sure he's alright." Arthur kisses me and quickly gets on his horse and Charles follows after.

I make my way to the tent and start packing the clothes that Arthur gave me. There's this old suitcase that he doesn't use so I just packed the things in there. Before I closed it I noticed a picture sticking out from the pocket of the opposite side. It was Arthur when he was a baby he was in the sink taking a bath. His eyes were so big and his smile was the cutest thing. I want to keep this along with my other pictures. So I put all the pictures of me and Arthur together and put them with everything else. I close the suitcase and put it under the bed.

I was getting hungry so I wanted to see what Pearson was getting ready. He was nowhere in sight, "Miss. Grimshaw where's Pearson?" She was washing clothes, "he left, if you're hungry you'll have to feed yourself. That goes for everyone." I walk away and go into Abigails tent. "Hey do you want to go hunting with me? Pearson left so now we have to feed ourselves." She looks at little Jack, "Sure what are we hunting? Jack go with Miss. Grimshaw for now and do what she says." Jack makes his way to Miss. Grimshaw and I give her some throwing knifes. "You should hunt small things like rabbits or squirrels. I'll hunt for some deer." I grab my bow and we head into the woods. "I think I'll be better with a bow." I give it to her and I point at a tree. "Try to hit that tree." She strings the bow back and misses. It was a pretty big tree and it wasn't that far. I hand her a throwing knife and she throws it at the tree, making a good landing. "Stick with the knives for now. I can teach you the bow later. Let's split up we'll meet back here." I take off and hunt down for a deer. I waited against a tree and there was one slowly coming out from the top of the hill. Slowly raising my bow and bringing it back. I inhaled and exhaled while releasing. Right on the head it dropped to the ground. I went up the hill and put my bow between my right shoulder. I didn't want to pick it up so I put some rope around it and started dragging it.

Abigail came shortly after I arrived with the deer. "I caught something, I think it's a squirrel." She raised it up and I couldn't help but smirk. "What?" She puts it down. "Abigail that's a raccoon." She quickly drops it and wipes her hand on her skirt. "Eww." I hand her the rope and tell her to take it to camp to drop it off and bring a small wagon.

I make my way to where Abigail was looking and I starting targeting at some rabbits. I headed down to the lake with the rabbits and got some ducks. On my way back I got a few squirrels. "Wow we should be good for the next couple of days." I nod my head as I put all the animals in the back and we turn around and head back to camp. "So I'm sure that the money is in the cave."
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah it's all the way in the back. If I could just get the key then we're all good." Everyday we get closer and closer. How it's time to make dinner and pretend nothing is going on.

Third person POV

Eagle Flies died when Charles and Arthur came back to Wapiti. "Please I need a minute with my son." Rains Fall said. Then they both walked out, "Charles what's going to happen?"
"They need to move, people will be looking for them. I'm going to stay and help them." Arthur nods his head, "I'll help too." Charles places a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "No Arthur you have others to worry for. Go spend time with y/n Arthur." He nods his head and gets on his horse. "Charles... don't forget we leave in 2 days. I'll need you soon." Charles nods his head and waved goodbye.

Arthur was almost at camp but his chest started to hurt. He coughed and coughed until a lot of blood came up. He landed on the ground and closed his eyes. When he reopened them the German family that he helped a while back appeared in front of him.

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