Robbing Saint Denis

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There were several people walking by, ladies with their heels and talking about one another. Men saying how the poor is bringing down the country. These people are what made me run away, they think that by wearing the best clothes makes them better. For every ignorant and childish thing they said I would've written a novel by now. Minutes later a loud boom was heard from a nearby building. I stayed quiet and a lawman saw me tied up so he unlatched the wagon. "Ma'am are you alright?" He tapped my foot and I was pretending that I was knocked out. I didn't know what else to do. "Ma'am!" He speaks up so I finally respond to him. "Are you alright? Who did this to you?" He unties my ankles then my hands. "I don't know, I was on my farm doing my chores and then someone hit me from behind." He looked skeptical at first, "What's your name miss?"
"Tilly Adler." That was all I could quickly come up with.

Whistles could be heard a few blocks over. He checks his right side and then he was punched directly in the face. It was Hosea, "Thanks Hosea."
"Don't mention it. Now Abigail is going to drive out of here without me." I didn't understand he specifically said all three of us. "Hosea you said-"
"I know what I said but someone saw me with the explosives and I don't want to put the two of you in danger." My eyes start to water. I quickly get out and hug him with little time we have left. "I'll see you soon?" I smile at him then he wipes my tear away. "I'll see you soon."

I hop on the wagon and Abigail rides away. I hope everyone is fine and everything goes good. I'm worried about Arthur so much, I hope he's fine. Another boom was heard from the distance and gunfire as well. "We're going back to the house and everyone will be there." The ride was short and all I was doing was pacing back and forth when we arrived. The women helped but not as much as the men.

It was night time and Pearson made our dinner. Sadie came to tell me and Abigail as we were watching the entrance. "Ladies, dinner is ready." She hands me and Abigail a plate but I didn't turn around. From the distance I heard hooves hit the dirt and I stand up to see who it is. The man got off the horse quickly and made his way towards us. "Arthur..." I say softly, I still couldn't see who it was but the closer they got I knew it wasn't Arthur. "Charles." He hugs me when he comes up to me. "We need to leave soon. I saw Pinkertons pass by and I know by morning they're going to be here."
"Where's John?" Abigail asked Charles. "Law got a hold of him, I'll see what's going on with him." Before Abigail could say anymore I cut in front of her. "What about Arthur? Please tell me he's okay." I hold my hands to together and brace myself for the worst. "The rest of us made it to a dock and I had to distract the men that were blocking the path to the boat. Hosea and Lenny didn't make it, we need to get their bodies tomorrow." Hosea was nice to me and I didn't know Lenny that well but that was Arthur's good friend. "I think everyone made it on the boat but I can't say for sure. Go pack up y/n the sooner the better, I'll be there in a minute to help you."

I hardly packed anything the only thing I was doing was looking at Arthur's pictures. I've taken so many that I need to make a photo album. Charles peeked in then stepped in, "y/n... are you okay?" I shake my head and break down. "What if he's hurt or caught? We both agreed that it was a bad idea to be robbing the bank now Hosea and Lenny are dead, John is in jail, and my husband is missing!" I yell the last part loudly. He comes and hugs me tightly and I do the same back. "We have to go y/n okay? He's going to be back."
"Promise me." Charles says quiet for a bit but then looks at me. "I promise."

I help Charles load up Arthur's wagon and when we were done I snapped a picture of the room we stayed in. It was great having a roof over our head and this might be the only and last time we have a decent, nice one. Charles takes the reins and I wrap my arm around his and put my head on his shoulder. I was so tired and upset about everything. Charles was so warm so I fell sleep no problem.

When we arrived he woke me up and I saw my surroundings. We were definitely at rock bottom at this point. "I'll get your bedroll and mine okay? Go inside and pick a spot." I yawn and nod my head then turn around to head inside the small house. It was immediately crowded when I went in. Miss. Grimshaw was already hasslin Mary-Beth and Abigail was crying while Jack was hugging her to make her feel better. I walk down to the end of the small house and noticed a secluded spot. "Alright looks like we got the best spot in the house!" I could tell Charles was trying to cheer me up but it just wasn't working at the moment.

"I'm going to try to hit the hay." I sit on the floor then take off my boots. "I wish you didn't have to sleep on the floor." Charles puts his bed roll down in the same area. "Wait, what are you doing?"
"I'm going to stay with you, to protect you and make you feel safe. Is that okay?" I wanted him to tell him that I wanted space, but I didn't feel like being alone at the same time. "Sure... stay here. Night Charles." I turn to the wall and put Arthur's jacket over me. "Good night y/n."

I couldn't get much sleep, I know it's not healthy for me or the little one but my husband. I miss Arthur so damn much. I hope he's okay, I hope he's thinking about me.

Come home to me, Arthur.

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