The Wagon

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The next day.

Water was splashed on my face, "Good morning, whore. Miss. Grimshaw needs to see you." Abigail throws the bucket near me and walks away. I get up and ring out my shirt. "What in hell did you do?" Arthur asked while I was trying to find dry clothes. "It wasn't my fault she cut me off before I could explain." He cuts into apple, "Explain what? That you were foolin' with Marston?" I sigh in frustration and walk away ignoring him. "Hey! I'm taking to you woman, you better answer me." I stop in my tracks and turn to face Arthur, "I wouldn't take him away, even if he only had Abigail. I'm not a person that takes another woman's husband." I turn around and head over to Miss. Grimshaw.

"You slept in so now you're going to do twice the work, whore." She mumbles the insult under her breath and gives me chicken feed. After she had me get pails of water by the stream which was a long walk. Then Miss. Grimshaw had me chop logs of wood, my hands were getting blisters. "Give the horses the hay and go help Pearson afterwards." Picking up the hay was difficult because my hands were feeling like they were getting poked by pins and needles. "Okay I need you to peel these potatoes and cut them. Then I need you to throw in some spices." Seemed simple but I had a hard time cutting the potatoes, my hands shook too much. "God dammit." I mumble. After when I was almost done my hand slipped and I cut my finger. "Ow! Damn!" I yell out. "Hey! What are you doing?" I was in too much pain so I ripped some of my shirt off and wrapped it on the cut. "Nothing, I just slipped."
"Okay well I'll do this we don't need blood getting in the food." Pearson takes the knife and peels the rest of the potatoes. I grab the spices and throw them in the pot.

I was done for the day so I headed back to my tent. As I approached my clothes were scattered and had something on it. "Is that?" I inhaled and it was horse manure. Abigail and Sadie were laughing in the distance, watching me. I'm not going to cause any trouble because Abigail has Jack and I don't need anymore trouble. I grab my clothes and take them down to the river to get them washed. It must have taken hours to them them cleaned, the horse manure was pretty dry.

When I got back my tent was up but there was a note pinned to it.

"You better watch what you eat."

Abigail watched me read the note and I crumbled it up. She walks to her tent with a mischief smirk.

'I'm so tired of this.'

"Hello (y/n)." A familiar voice comes up to me. "Look I'm not a whore okay? I don't want to fool with anyone I just want to be left alone." I say while my back is to them. "No I'm not here for that I just wanted to tell you that I put your tent up." I turn to see Charles with a smile. "Thank you, Charles."
"No need to thank me. Women around here can be cruel if you step on the wrong spot." He adds after. "Oh yes, I see that." We stay quiet for a bit, "I don't believe what everyone says, it's just talk. They need some entertainment around here just so they can forget about their problems. My advice? Just smile, it will drive them crazy." I flash a smile and he does too, Charles reaches in his bag and gives me a sunflower. "I saw this and I just want to say that I think you're beautiful. And you're right, you're not a whore. Just a person that made a mistake, goodnight (y/n)." Charles walks to his tent and I look down at the sunflower.

'He... likes me?'

I grab a empty bottle and put water in it then I add the sunflower. I set the bottle down by my pillow and stare at it. That was the most adorable thing that I have witnessed. My eyes got heavier by the second then I drifted to a deep sleep.

The next morning.

"(Y/n) would you mind heading into Valentine with me?" I wake up to Arthur talking to me in a loud tone. "Can I please get some coffee first?" Arthur reaches out his hand and I grab it. "Sure but don't take all day." I go to get a cup of coffee and I realized I have not eaten in a while. I pour myself a cup and Abigail comes from behind me and smacks my coffee to the ground. "What is your deal?" I ask frustrated. "Whores don't get to eat or drink." I couldn't hold back anymore. "I only kissed him! Nothing more! I didn't know he was married and that he had a son. If I knew this I could have never talked to him!" I get in Abigails face but Sadie comes and pushes me off. "I do not care you still talked to him and kissed him. Also you are a new person how do I know you are not lyin'?" I tried, why do I keep explaining myself? "Ready to go?" Arthur was already on the wagon and I got on the passenger side.

It was a quiet ride until about half way to Valentine. "(Y/n) where are you from?"
"Why do you want to know?" I was too busy thinking about how I need to leave before things get more complicated. "Because I want to know who you are." I huff, "Saint Denis." He stops the wagon, "You're a city girl?" I nod my head while looking at my blisters. "Well that explains a lot." Arthur says with attitude while continuing the wagon. "What is that supposed to mean?" I tried so hard to not be offended. "You have never worked hard a day in your life."
"I have polished silverware for a party and it needed to be perfect. One mistake and I had to re-polish everything." Arthur laughs. "That sounds easy. What I meant was you gettin' dirt on your dress, shootin' a gun, or huntin'."  I stay quiet and mess with my dress while the ride was awkward. "I went hunting before I ran into you and Charles but I didn't go well."
"So you made it bleed too much and that is how the bear caught up, right?" I nod my head in response. "Maybe I can show you how to hunt. It's not too hard to figure out." Arthur adds. "Well maybe Charles can help he's pretty good with his bow. Plus he's been really nice to me, I think he likes me." Arthur doesn't say anything and we finally arrive to Valentine. "Stay here I'm just going to get a few things." Arthur heads into the general store and I look around the town to take in my surroundings.

"Ma'am would you mind helping me with my boot, I think it's stuck on my stirrup." I get off the wagon and help the man with his problem. Then suddenly I hear the wagon take off and when I turn it wasn't Arthur. "Oh my.. get off I need to borrow your horse." I push the man off and he lands on the back of his head on the mud. I kick the horse in the gut and he/she takes off.

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