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After arriving back from Saint Denis, Arthur was back early. I quickly hid the papers in my shirt before he turned to see me. "When do you plan to tell him?" Abigail asks. "I don't know... but not any time soon because I'm nervous." Abigail stops the wagon just as we crossed the bridge. "Well if he doesn't want anything to do with the child then I will be more than glad to help." I smile at her and just remember when we had the bad times, now she's offering her help. "Thank you Abigail, that means a lot." Arthur came running up to the passenger side of the wagon and helped me off. "Hey I heard you went into town?" I kissed his sweaty cheek, "Yeah I wanted some chocolate and we needed to get Mary-Beth some lady products." Arthur was confused at first but then he caught on. "Well uhh I'm going to be gone tonight. We're going to see if we can get Jack today." I grab his hand and squeeze it firmly. "Please.. try to get him back. Abigail is worried sick and I just wouldn't wish that on anyone." He nods his head, "Yeah we'll get him back, I promise."

Arthur and I for the rest of the time being at camp we helped with chores. Feeding the horses, washing clothes, and cleaning dishes. The sun was setting and Arthur, Dutch, and John were settling up on their horses. "Alright honey, I'll be back before you know it." Arthur gives me a long kiss, his tongue was wrapping with mine and then he put his hat on.

They all take off down the trail and I was left alone with dirt passing by me. I turn around and head to our room, there was nothing left to do but sleep. I quickly washed myself down with the Well water and laid down. The sound of crickets and wind by the window put me to a deep sleep.

Later that night

I woke up in the middle of the night and the light was off in the room. That only meant one thing, I looked to the ground and saw Arthur asleep. "Arthur.. Arthur." I shook him awake. "Yeah?" He asks me tiredly but concerned. "Come lay down next to me. Why didn't you tell me to move over?" He gets up and I move over so he can lay down. "Well you looked peaceful and I didn't want to wake you." I put my arm over him and he was freezing. I throw some of the blanket over him and put some of my body on him. "Where's Jack?" I ask him. "He's fine, we brought him home." He kisses my hand and his five o' clock shadow scraped my hand. "That's great news, I'm glad he's here." Arthur slowly nods his head and he dozed off. I just stared at him and watched him sleep for a while. He is so handsome and I'm so glad I married him. Arthur starts coughing and breaks my concentration on his features. "Are you alright Arthur?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm going to go outside for a bit." He puts his boots on and heads downstairs.

I wanted to wait up for him but I couldn't. I was half asleep when Arthur came back, he pulled me close to him. We both drifted off to sleep.

Next day

Waking up to John and Abigail arguing in the next room. "Well Arthur said that he would help and I trust him." I propped myself up to my elbows to listen better. "Well I don't think we can trust him John. He's known Dutch for a long time how do you know he's not siding with him?"
"Because I just know Abigail, this is the only person we have." There was a heavy sigh and someone walked out of the room.

'What the hell was that about?' That was the only thing that ran through my mind.

I got up and started getting dressed, as I was putting my hair up the door behind me opened. "Hi y/n, I missed you." I turned to see Jack at the door. "Hey little one, I missed you too. I was worried about you the whole time." I give a faint smile. "Oh no I'm fine, I had sleepwear and they fed me spaghetti!" I remember being served spaghetti when I was living with my parents. "Spaghetti is good right?" He nods his head and I pick him up. "What else happened?" I asked while going downstairs with him.

Jack was explaining what he was doing while he was away from home. "Well that sounds nice but everyone wanted you to come home."
"Yeah I missed everyone and I'm happy to be back." I put him down and tussle his hair. Jack pulls my arm down, "No wait! Can we play hide and seek?" I smile and we play the game for hours.

"I'm going to find you!" I knew where he was at but I was playing dumb so he could win. "Alright, I can't find you. You hide real good Jack." He comes up from behind me and hugs my leg. "Hey, there you are!" Jack laughs and I pick him up. I kiss his cheek and we head across the bridge.

Pearson needed help with making lunch so I started chopping potatoes and carrots. When I heard horses coming from the distance I saw Arthur and Sadie riding in. I didn't think much of it but when I saw Arthur laughing and smiling it made me feel some type of way.

"Is this enough?" I ask Pearson while he's cutting the meat next to me. "Yeah that's fine." I take the apron off and throw it over the wagon. I felt so gross and heavy, Abigail came up to me. "Y/n are you okay?" I nod my head, "Yeah I haven't eaten all today so that's probably the reason why." We sit down near a table and she brings me some food from her stash. "Here you need it more than me."
"No Abigail, you've been so nice to me." She places her hand on top of mine, "I insist y/n. Really it's no problem." I open up some candy and peanuts then munched down on them. "Can I ask why you're being so nice? I'm asking this respectfully." She folds her hands together, "Well I didn't have anyone when I was pregnant. Either no one understood because they weren't pregnant or they thought I was just.. complaining." I'm glad I have someone, I know I'll make it through this journey. "Thank you Abigail but I still feel horrible. I think I need some water."
"Why do you feel horrible?" A voice asked me from behind. I turn around to see Arthur behind me holding his hat in his hands. "Um.." I froze, I felt like I was a little girl that got caught doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing.

"I'm going to go get your food and water, I'll be back." Abigail gets up and speed walks to the food pot. "Well?" Arthur's boot spurs were clinging as he was walking to sit down next to me.

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