2 days 2 nights

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The next morning

"Listen I need to know where the money is so when he helps us we'll leave." John was talking to someone low but not low enough. "I'll try but can we really count on him? You don't think he'll tell on us?" Abigail said back. "He told me the plan he want to leave with y/n and us."

I wanted to say something but I didn't want to startle anyone. Slowly getting up from bed I head out and get some breakfast. "Y/n it's great to see you this morning. How was your sleep?" Trelawny asked. "Umm it was alright. I still feel kind of tired, how was your sleep?" I bite into a piece of bred with some egg with cheese. "It was alright as usual." He said bluntly. I was too hungry to see if something was wrong. Trelawny hesitates to walk away and I just kept eating.

Arthur wasn't back so I assumed whatever he was doing needed to be done right. I grab my journal and walk to the table to start writing.

Trelawny is acting a bit different today. I can't tell if it's about something or what we discussed yesterday. He told me that he likes me and that if Arthur didn't like me well he would've taken my hand. But that's not all, Charles likes me too. I hope this doesn't cause too much drama or attention because I don't need that. Arthur is not bac____

Someone took my journal from me and it was Micha. "Blah, blah, blah.. ohh this sounds good. Trelawny likes me and so does Charles, I don't want any-" I hit Michas head and he lets go of the journal. He pushes me and I land on my butt he pulls out his knife and points it at me. I quickly kick his balls and he falls to the ground. "You bitch! I'll get you for that!" I dust myself off and pick up my journal. Micha mutters under his breath and I kick dirt in his face. "What seems to be the problem here y/n?" Dutch asks me. "I don't think you'll care too much about it Dutch to do anything. So just leave it alone and keep your dog on a leash." I walk to my tent and stay in there all day. Abigail walked in, "Hey you can't be getting into fights. We have to keep our heads down for the plan."
"So all four of us are going to make a run for it?" Abigail nods her head, "Well yes, Sadie too." Abigail is right I can't attract too much attention.

The next day

Well arthur is still not back and it's kind of making me a little worried. Yes he can handle himself but I just hope nothing happened to him. I wish there was traveling telephones, I'm pretty sure if I was able to call him he would've answered. Anyways the baby is kicking a lot to day so he or she is happy or excited about meeting me.

Next morning

I woke up to my back hurting and the need to pee badly. I get up quickly and make my way to the outhouse which was kinda far. I attempt to open the door but it was locked. "Someone's in here!" It was Trelawny. I feel like at this point he's following me or I'm following him, accidentally. "Sorry." I make my way to the large rock and put my back against it then squatted down a bit. I pulled my underwear down a bit and just went. Luckily there was no slant so the pee couldn't move and touch my feet or anything. I was almost done, "y/n I'm sorry if- oh dear. I'm sorry." Trelawny snuck up on me then realized that I was doing my business. He ran into the rock just as he was about to leave but his hat fell down. I pulled my underwear up and got it for him.

"I didn't know you were.. from the distance it just looked like you were leaning against the rock." He explains while putting on his hat back on. "It's fine, I should've told you that I was going to go in a bush." I admit. There was an awkward silence and finally he spoke up. "I'm leaving today. To New York." Maybe that's what he wanted to tell me yesterday. "Well I'm going to miss you." He smiles and gives me a hug, I return back. "I'll miss you too but I have something to give you." He reaches in his suit pocket and takes out a small paper. "This is the address you can send letters to. I promise to answer you back as soon as I can." Trelawny smiles and his mustache curved which made me giggle a little. "What's so funny?" He asks in a playful way. "Nothing it's just your mustache." I start to laugh and he pulls me in for a hug. "I'm going to miss you. I wish things would've been different for us." Trelawny kisses the top of my head and we pull apart. "We should head back before anyone suspects anything." He nods his hand and we walk back together.

"Ohh what's going on over here? Are cheating on Arthur? Is Trelawny making you feel good?" I bawled up my fist but I remembered I couldn't hit him. "I'm not cheating on him, Trelawny needed to ask me something." I put the paper that Trelawny gave to me in my satchel. "Oh yeah? 'Ask me something' huh?" Micha said while pretending that there was a head at his private area. I shake my head, hoping that he takes a hint and leaves. "Micha leave her alone." John steps in and says. "You gonna 'talk' to her too Marston?" John pushes Micha out and closes up my tent.

I start to get dressed for the day and someone opened up my tent while I was putting my shirt on. It was Arthur, he quickly came in so no one would see me. "Hey y/n." Arthur hugs me and I wrap around him. "What happened?" He sits on a nearby chair and I sit on the bed. "There's so much that I did these past two days. I had to get some explosives to blow up a bridge, Dutch wanted to watch Colm hang to his death, and.. we killed Cornwall." I immediately get up and just pace back and forth. "This is a lot of attention for us." Arthur gave me the 'yes I know' look. "Let's go get some food." Arthur takes my hand and we head out of the tent. We were about halfway but Arthur noticed that Trelawny had his bags packed. "I'm going to go talk to him." I grabbed a plate and watched as Arthur was walking to him. Trelawny walks fast then puts his bags in the back of the stagecoach. He looks back at me and runs up to hug me. We pulls apart, "goodbye for now." I smile at him, "have a safe trip to New York." He walks away and steps in the stagecoach. When he looked out he looked sad but he tried to stay happy. I knew he was worried about me but he didn't have to be.

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