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The next day

I wake up and Dutch was talking to Arthur about some plan. I get up and slip on some shorts and a shirt of Arthur's. Walking down the hall I was rubbing my eyes to wake up and Arthur noticed me. I made my way downstairs and out the front door. Then I heard Dutch say, "What in the hell is that crossing the bridge?" I look and it was Kieran his head was in his hands with his eyes gauged out. Somehow we was still able to stay on a horse. I look over to my right and see a shadow and it was a man. No, several men.

'Oh god this is a shoot out. I need to get inside.'

"Y/N!" The shooting starting zipping past me and I quickly get inside before I get hurt or worse. I run to the stairs and Arthur meets me at the bottom. "Come with me, now!" He firmly grips my hand and practically drags me up the stairs. "Hide here and if they some how make their way inside shoot them with this no hesitation okay?!" With that he closes the door and heads downstairs. I was griping the shotgun so tightly, I just wanted Arthur to be here with me.

After some time the gun shots slowed down and they eventually stopped. That could've meant anything so I made myself ready. I heard voices but I couldn't make them out. Then some footsteps came up the stairs and I had the gun pointed at the door. A knock appeared on the door, "Y/n it's me Arthur, I'm coming in." I still had the gun pointed just in case. He had his hands up and walked in, a man in black followed in afterwards. Arthur raised his brows and that meant a signal so I looked down and he had three fingers. "I know y'all have some cash laying around here so tell me where it's at or I'll shoot your husband, Miss." I nod my head, "alright I just want to say one thing before I show y'all. Y'all ain't fuckin right!" I shoot the man that held Arthur hostage and I quickly toss the gun to him and he shoots the other two. "Were they only ones? Are you alright?"
"Yes I'm fine honey. That was great." Arthur pecks my lips and then leaves the room.

Making my way downstairs again and outside. "The women and children stay inside from this point on." Dutch announces at the balcony. Charles and Hosea were cleaning up Kieran's body and I couldn't help but have shivers. "He didn't deserve that, poor Kieran." Mary-Beth said joining me, along with Tilly, Sadie and Abigail. "So I have a confession to make." Tilly said. Everyone pulled in close to listen, "Ch-Charles is cute and I've always liked him. He's sweet and not like the rest of them." Her cheeks start to get red. "You should go for him, Tilly." Sadie added.

I was secretly jealous but why? That's something that shouldn't even be thought of. I guess it's because I used to like him. "So y/n, hows the foolin' around with Arthur like?" My cheeks start to get red and I feel arms wrap around me, "it's great." Arthur chimes in. I turn to see him, John, and Charles.

'Oh no they're gonna-'

"Hey Charles, Tilly has something she wants to tell you." Sadie says and Abigail smacks her arm. "What's that?" He asks her. Her cheeks started to get red and she excused herself. "Oh my goodness no one is fun around here." Sadie said. I got up and went to find Tilly. "Hey it's okay. Sadie is just being herself and if I'm really being honest it's okay to be nervous. Arthur made me really nervous and he was a tough person to get to know."

Third person POV

Arthur was going to get me and tell me that she's needed space but I was fast enough. "It's okay to be nervous. Arthur made me really nervous and he was a tough person to get to know but now he's my husband. You'll have the confidence it takes time, it took a lot for me because Arthur scared me but his handsome looks is what made me go crazy for him. Also the fact that he talks in his sleep and his eyes. You know when we lay together and when his eyes meet mine it calms me."

Y/n's POV

"I love that man so much and the fact that we're going to have a child together excites me so much." I say rubbing my stomach. "I'll never have that y/n." I look at her and hold her hand. "Of course you will Tilly, I have no doubt about it." She smiles at me with watery eyes we hug it out and then we make our way back to camp.

We part ways and she starts talking to Charles. Arthur comes from behind me and hugs me. "I love you so much." His scent and his hands everything about him is my weakness. I don't know what I would do if I lost him, don't think like that. "I'll be back Dutch and I are going to rob a trolly station." He kisses my cheek. "Alright, just be careful."

For the rest of the day I was hanging out with Abigail and Jack. "So I'm nervous about giving birth." I say to Abigail. "I was nervous too and I won't lie to you, it will hurt." I rub my stomach and start to worry. "But don't worry you'll be a great mother." I look down at my stomach, "What if I'm not a good mother? What if I can't buy a book or a toy that he or she likes?" The thought breaks my heart, I'm afraid that I won't be able to provide for my child. "You will be a good mother and well just give him or her love. A lot of love. What does Arthur want it to be?" I smile remembering the conversation, "He wants it to be a boy." She smiles while brushing Jacks hair, "Of course."

Rubbing my stomach while I'm sitting on the floor. "Y/n." Arthur said softly through the hole in the wall. Arthur comes in and helps me up, "Let's get some sleep." I wave goodbye to Abigail and Jack. I get naked and lay down, still rubbing my stomach. Arthur soon joins me and I felt a little kick. "Arthur!" I whisper and quickly grab his hand, I place it where it kicked and it kicked again. "Wow.. is that normal?"
"I suppose.. the doctor said if I feel pain then it's a problem." Arthur was staring at me while I was looking up at the ceiling, concentrating. Another kick and Arthur hitched his breath. "That's daddy, little one. He loves you so much and me? I'm mommy, I love you so much." I whisper then look at my stomach.

For a moment it didn't feel real but I just needed the eyes. I felt at home.

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