Josiah or Charles

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1 month later

"Y/n come get something to eat!" Sadie said while in the kitchen. She was cooking deer and potatoes. "Is he on his way?" Sadie sighs while putting the wooden spoon down. "Yes y/n, Charles is on his way right now." Sadie sets down the bowl of food and contemplate on eating it. "Eat." She says then she sits in front of me to make sure I eat. I start to take little bites and she happily watches me.

"Y/n do you think it's a good idea to have him over? I know he's a friend but.. what you told me. It just doesn't sound like the best decision." Sadie says washing the bowl I ate out of. "You didn't say anything when I told you about Charles." She continues to wash the bowl silently. "Well?" I ask her. She turns around wiping her hands dry then throwing the towel over her shoulder. "I just think you're better off with Charles. I don't really trust Trelawny." Sadie sits down with me after.

Third person POV

Charles makes his way to Saint Denis and stops at the pier. "Where is he?" Charles says annoyed. "Charles Smith it's good to see you doing well!" Trelawny says excitedly and waves at Charles while he's getting off the wagon. "Trelawny, I wish I could say the same." Charles takes his bag then tosses it in the back of the small wagon. "Be caref- never mind." Trelawny notices that Charles is in a bad mood and quietly gets on the wagon. "So Charles, what's new with y/n?" Charles slaps the reins on the horse and they move forward. "Why don't you ask y/n when you see her." Trelawny furrowed his brows, "What is the issue dear boy? This a marvelous week y/n is giving birth and Trelawny is here to make things interesting. I was even thinking about doing a little bit of magic. Oh! I must tell you, I can't stay too long I'm needed in Saint Denis and then I make my way back to Mew York!" Trelawny says enthusiastically. Charles sighs hard while speeding up the horse, "is something wrong?" Trelawny asks while turning his head to the side like a dog. "Yes Trelawny, two things. One, you talk way too damn much and two, I don't like you."

Trelawny looks forward and stays quiet for a few seconds. "Well I hate to break it to you Charles but not here to be liked by you. Also I can't think of a simple reason of why you don't like me." Trelawny takes out a small comb and brushes his mustache. "I'll tell you why... because you love y/n. I loved y/n before you and I'm here to tell you now to back the hell off." Trelawny laughs at Charles, "that is a ridiculous threat! You'll have to try a lot harder than that my dear boy." Charles grips the reins, "I mean it Trelawny. She's better off with me." Trelawny scoffs and lights a cigar, "what makes you think that? What makes you think I can't take care of her better than you? I could give her a warm bed. I could keep her from sleeping in used cabins or on the ground." Charles pulls the reins hard and they came to a complete stop, "Because Arthur told me to take care of her, not you! He didn't trust you enough to make you have that responsibility!" Trelawny took a last puff and threw his cigar, "Arthur May have done that but it's what y/n wants. Let her decide. Now, let's go see y/n!" Trelawny points forward to make Charles continue the ride.

Readers POV

"I'm just sayin' I don't really trust Trelawny but I like him." John said while he was cutting potatoes. "I know but I trust him, we talked a bit and he's told me things that not even Dutch knows about."
"Which is?" He asked right after turning around. "I'm not going to say." I promised Trelawny that I wouldn't tell anyone his secrets. He promised me when I told him mine.

"Trelawny has arrived!" He barged in and I ran up to him. "Josiah!" I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a good hug. "It's good to see you y/n. You look lovely. How's the baby?"
"It's great, moving around a lot and I'm nervous for giving birth." I smile weakly at him. "Well we should all celebrate to a nice cup of tea. Charles, would you be so kind to make us some tea while we catch up." Charles gave him an ugly look then went to the kitchen.

"Let's sit." Josiah signals his hand to the old couch. "How are things with you in New York?"
"Things are... getting a little out of hand. I might need to stay in Saint Denis soon."

Saint Denis? So that means-

"I'll be seeing you a lot more soon y/n." Josiah puts his hand on my thigh and looks into my eyes. I smile awkwardly and he grabs then holds my hand. Josiah gets closer to me, "So did you think the proposal I gave you?" I nod my head and when I was about to speak Charles put the tray down noisily on the table. "Thank you Charles." Josiah says staring at him then looks back at me. Charles didn't move so it made it awkward, "Charles can we have a moment?" I ask him nicely. Charles walks away and then slams the bedroom door. "Sorry about that, what were you saying?"
"It's okay, the proposal of you living with me and I take care of you and the little one." I grab my tea and sip it, "I don't know Josiah I'm a widow and I just-" I do like Trelawny but he's a handsome man and women look at him all the time. "What is troubling you?" He picks up his tea then sips. "What if someone else catches your attention?" He smiles and lightly shakes his head, "you're the only one I want. I've been wanting you in my life. It's not perfect timing but I'm willing to help you. I'm here for you."

Charles has been taking care of me for the last month and he's so caring. If I'm really honest, I do like that Josiah wants to take care of me and the baby. It's like he wants to take the responsibility.

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