Our Night

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When it was night time the both of us were at the fire sharing a whiskey bottle. "We need to go soon." He says drinking a swig of whiskey then passing it to me. "Where are we going?" I take a swig after. "In town, Dutch paid a hotel room just for us. We get to have 2 whole days to ourselves." I hug him excitedly and kiss his cheek. "Can we go right now?"
"Yeah, let's go." We get up and get on our horses with a bag packed. "Arthur you really shouldn't drink and horse!" Lenny says. "We got this! We're fine mah boah!" And with that we take off into the dirt road and head into Rhodes.

"Alright go check us in and I'll get the suitcases." I head inside and the man at the front desk hands me the key. Arthur comes behind me with me noticing, "Hey darling." I jump out of my skin then turn around, "Arthur you scared me, I got the key."
"Alright let's head up." He grabs the suitcases and we go up the stairs to room 2. When I opened the door he put the suitcases down and sat on the bed. "I think I might have a bath." I said. "Alright, can I join my wife in the hot bath?" Arthur kisses me and he starts to have an erection. "I can't wait until we're done with our baths." He says rubbing my butt while I'm on top of him. "Why is that?"
"Because... I'm going to do things that you would have never thought of." I immediately got goosebumps from him saying that last part in my ear.

I bite my lip and get off quickly, then head to the bath. I have never scrubbed so fast, I was almost done when Arthur came in. "Well damn, it looks like someone is excited." I nod my head and then get out before I get dressed he stops me by putting a hand on my stomach. "I just want you to know.." Arthur's cheeks got a bit rosy. "That you are a beautiful woman and I'm so glad that I married you." Arthur showing his soft side was the best thing ever. "I knew you were a softy, but that's okay.. I love it." I said playfully punching his arm and then smiling at him. He pecks my lips and then jumps in the bath, then I head out to lay down naked on the bed.

After prepping everything which was closing the shutters and putting on my good perfume. I get comfortable and wait patiently for my husband. Arthur comes out with a towel wrapped around him and his body was still kinda wet. He drops the towel and then stands there staring at me hungrily. I reach to turn off the light but Arthur says, "No, I want to see everything." He walks towards me and gets on the bed with his knees. Arthur opens my legs and gets between them to kiss me, I could feel his penis poking me. "Are you ready honey?" He asks me in my ear. "Yes." I tell him back.

Arthur kisses me, then gives me a trail of kisses all the way down to my stomach. He opens my legs and starts eating me. He was sucking with his lips and licking fast with his tongue. After when he was done after some time "Put your hands over your head," And I did what he said. Arthur dug in his satchel and pulled out some rope then he tied my hands against the bed. "This is something new." I said winking to him. "I thought we could use something different." After tying me up he slides the tip in slowly then pulls it back out. He watched me react to what he was doing. Arthur noticed that I was getting a little wet so he rubbed my wetness all around his cock.

Then he shoved himself into me and I let out a big gasp. Digging my nails onto his back was a habit on mine but I knew he liked it. "Oh Arthur.." I moaned while he was going slowly. "I'm going to make love to you and show you how a woman is supposed to be treated." Arthur picks up the pace and he starts to rub my clit. "You feel so good y/n." Arthur keeps pumping into me and I just keep moaning his name. His dick was making my pussy pulsate, "I'm so close Arthur, don't stop." I was tightening around Arthur as he was still going, he picked up the pace so he was watch me. My legs were shaking, "Oh damn y/n I can feel you gripping on me." I think Arthur was going to cum with me because he made his 'I'm-going-to-cum-face.' He doesn't really need to tell me so that I know but he always does. "I'm going to cum!" His body tightens and we both cum. I could feel his cum fill my pussy and it's so warm.

He untied me and I got some cum that was dripping down then tasted it. "Oh that's sexy." Arthur says biting his lip and staring at me. He lays down with me and we get under the covers. "I love you so much." Arthur says pushing some hair back behind my ear. "I love you too Arthur." I put my head in his chest and slowly start drifting off to sleep.

"Arthur! We need your help! It's Jack." The door was busted open and Javier and Bill came barging in. "Sorry to disrupt y'all but Arthur it's an emergency." I was covering myself and Arthur had his arms around me. "Wait outside!" He yelled at the two of them. When they closed the door behind them I turned to Arthur and he looked worried. "I'm sorry about that honey, those idiots don't know how to knock. I need to get you back to camp. So start getting ready." I was so worried about Jack, I felt sick to my stomach. No really, I felt sick so I run to the bathroom and puked in a bucket. "Y/n! Are you alright?" Arthur asks me and I just sat on the floor. I sniffled and starting, "Did they say what was wrong?" Arthur hugged me tightly and said, "Javier told me that someone might've took him. That's what Dutch was guessing." Pulled away to what he said, "Took him? Who in the hell would take a child?!" I get up frustrated and I close my suitcase. "I'm going with you to whoever is responsible for this mess." Arthur stops me, "No it is too dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt okay? I need you there for Abigail so you can be strong for her."

After going back and forth I just stopped arguing and Arthur took me home. I was really worried about Jack, where ever he is I hope he's okay.

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