Damn O'Driscolls

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When I woke up today Arthur was gone. I haven't seen him all today and it's already getting night time. I hope everything is okay with this business with the two families. It doesn't seem like a good plan but I'm not the boss.

Next 3 days

Arthur hasn't arrived and it's really starting to worry me. I hope he's okay but something tells me he's not.

I was down by the pier and I heard footsteps coming from behind me. "(Y/n)? I just wanted to tell you that I like the book you got me." Jacks little voice just comforts me. I look down to see him staring up at me, "You're welcome Jack." I pinch his cheek just a little and I felt something tug on my line. "Ooh did you catch a fish?" I pull the line and it was a medium size fish by the way the water splashed. "Yeah let's hope so." Finally I reeled it in and it was a good size fish.

"(Y/n)! Come! It's Arthur!" The look of worry in Tillys face was enough for me to just drop everything. "What's wrong? What happened?" I started with a speed walk then I kicked it up with a sprint. I run down the pier and see that everyone was gathered around a horse. Pushing everyone aside to see who it was, it was Arthur. I got on my knees because they felt so weak, he was beat up and hurt. "Who did this?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Dutch came from behind me and tried to give Arthur some space by pulling me away. "No Dutch! He needs me and I'm going to be there for him!" Miss. Grimshaw and I get towels then some clean clothes. "Wipe off the blood and I'll go get him some medicine." My hands were shaking as I was wiping off the blood.

Someone came from behind and hugged me, "He's going to be okay (y/n). Arthur will be better in no time." Charles said to me holding me tight. He gets up and puts some red liquid on Arthur's forehead. "This is ancient medicine, it'll help him heal quickly." Miss. Grimshaw comes with some food and medicine. "Let's get him all patched up before he wakes."

After hours of cleaning his wounds and cleaning him up. I walk over to Dutches tent, "Dutch? Can we talk?" I walk towards the lake and take a deep breath before I say anything. "Is there a problem (y/n)?" Dutch asks. "Look I'm very grateful that you took me in. I owe you for that but... Dutch, Arthur is not safe. I don't want him going out after what just happened. He could've died Dutch!" I cry and Dutch kicks dirt the other way, while looking down. "(Y/n).. this is the life that he signed up for. He needs to get me money so we can start the plan to get out of here. (Y/n) with this lifestyle he's never going to be safe. You just need to have faith on your side and hope to god that you don't end up 6 feet under or in jail." Dutch hugs me afterwards but I couldn't help feel a little off. I checked on Arthur and he was still asleep on his bed. I went to my horse and took out my bedroll then set it down next to Arthur's wagon. I'm basically on the opposite side.

Tossing and turning all night, I couldn't sleep. I have too much on my mind so I need to write it down.

Arthur came back but he's hurt and I don't want him to run errands for Dutch anymore. But I don't have a say in things like that, I just want him to be alright. Running away is not an option but something tells me that we need to.

Next day

"(Y/n) wake up. Arthur is wake and he wants to see you." Charles wakes me up and I get up then turn the corner. Arthur had no shirt and some bandages all around his shoulder. "(Y/n)..." Arthur offered me his hand and instead quickly hugged him. "I missed you Arthur, so damn much." He grunted from me hugging him. "I missed you too (y/n)." I tear rolled down my cheek and landed on his bare back. "(Y/n)?" He softly said as I pulled away to sit next to him. "We need to talk Arthur." Arthur signals to Charles and Miss. Grimshaw for some privacy.

"What's wrong?" Arthur connects his hand with mine. "Arthur I think we should run away. I know that it's not in the cards but I want you to think about it at least. I want you safe and I know..." I was cut off by me struggling to get words out. "Okay, okay. Calm down (y/n) I just need the money and we'll take off but before we do, we have a wedding to plan." I puts his forehead on mine smiling. "So I'll go into town and get a tuxedo then the ladies can help you with your dress. This week should be good to have it." I smile at him and he kisses my forehead.

"Aaahh! You're getting married!" Mary-Beth screamed and then Tully joined right after. "Yes and I was wondering if you ladies can help me with my dress?" They screamed excitedly in response then they started measuring me. "What seems to be the issue here?" Miss Grimshaw came in with a stern voice. "Miss Grimshaw... I was wondering if the women can help me with my wedding dress? It would be nice to have you help as well." Her face warmed up and went from a frown to a smile. "Who's the lucky man?" I started blushing and looked down, "Arthur.."
"You're a lucky woman (y/n) and of course I'll help you. The lazy bums need to get off their asses for once!" She measures my body structure as well and then she steps out to get some fabric. "(Y/n) have you and Arthur..." I blush and start smiling, "No.." Tilly throws a pillow at me playfully, "I don't believe that for a second! Have you two been thinking about children?" She adds. "Well, no but I don't see why not."
"I think you two should start, your children would look so cute." Mary-Beth adds. Everyone laughed and made jokes the rest of the night. Miss. Grimshaw got started on sewing my dress, "You need to get your sleep, miss." She demand me to get some sleep so I waved goodbye and headed towards the tent. I laid next to Arthur and he turns towards me. "Hey, how is the wedding dress coming along?" Arthur covers me with the blanket and it was so warm. "Miss. Grimshaw is helping and right now she's sewing my dress." Arthur pulls me in and I wrap my legs around him. "Goodnight Mrs. Morgan." I smile in response and he does too.

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