The Rat

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Readers POV

"You better start talking or you're going to get it worse y/n." Agent Milton said while taking off the gag he had tied around me. "Never.." I spit in his face and it landed right in his eye. "You see, I knew you were going to say that. So I prepared something special for you." Agent Milton turned around and went to a back room and brought a small table with a metal box. He opened the box and he took out some sharp tools. "If you don't talk. I'll have no choice but to hurt you and your baby."
"No!" I tried getting the rope loose so I can run away. "Well you better start talking y/n. Was Mr. Morgan involved in killing Mr. Cornwall?" I stayed silent and he gave the sharp tool to one of his men. Milton leaned in and whispered something in his ear. The man came closer to me, "g-get away from me. No! Noo!" The door was busted down and Sadie shot the man that was close to me. She came inside and another man was hiding behind a barrel. "Sadie watch out!" It was too late the man caught her and started pinning her down and tied her up.

Gun shots were heard after when Sadie was tied up. "That must be Arthur. Make sure to guard the door, I'll have my own protection." Agent Milton made his way to me and untied me. "You're coming with me." We headed to the back and I tried escaping but he got his revolver out and pointed it on my temple. "Move or try anything, I will pull the trigger." I was so scared, how was Arthur going to do this?

The gunshots stopped and footsteps were heard at the door. They stood there for a while and didn't do anything. "You can come in now." Agent Milton said. The door was kicked down and Arthur shot the man that tied up Sadie and saw me at gun point and pointed his gun at Milton. "Let her go." Arthur demanded. "Arthur that's not the way things work. Turn yourself in we already have proof that you killed Cornwall."
"And who told you that accusation? Molly?" He asked with attitude. "Miss O' Shea? Noo, we tried getting her to talk but she wouldn't. Micha Bell told us." Agent Milton said pressing the gun harder. "That makes so much sense." I could feel Milton's eyes on me so I quickly pushed the gun up and away from time then ran to cover. Arthur shot Agent Milton five times in the chest. He was gasping for air, Arthur walked up to him and pointed the revolver on his forehead. "You shouldn't have taken my wife and friends hostage." Then pulls the trigger, Agent Milton's brains were everywhere. "Y/n? Are you okay?" Arthur stood me up and I nod my head. "He almost hurt the baby." Arthur puts his forehead on mine and Abigail gets his attention by muffling something. "Oh damn, sorry Abigail." He cuts her loose and Sadie too.

"Let's ride. Charles come on let's go!" Charles came running down the road and got on his horse. I rode with Arthur and Abigail rode with Sadie. I noticed my suitcases were tied to Charles horse, I was going to say something to Arthur but we were making our way down the road. Pinkertons were shooting at us. "Honey you're gonna have to take this shotgun and shoot the bastards!" He says handing me a shotgun and I shoot down the men. We were moving left and right so they couldn't aim right but I could. Charles and Abigail helped while we were riding along. The last one was shot in the head by me, "Okay, that was the last one." I holster the gun in the saddle. Arthur asked while we were still riding, "What happened y/n?"
"Abigail and I were hunting and when I noticed she was gone I was going to get help. It was too late because when I called for help one of the men were throwing me in the stagecoach." Arthur stops in the middle of the road, "I'm glad you're alright honey. Abigail, I need to tell you something." Arthur was getting off his horse and tried helping Abigail off. Charles got off his horse and untied the suitcases then went behind some big bushes. "Abigail..." Arthur signals her to come down. "What's wrong? Did something happen to Jack? John?" Arthur looks down, "Abigail... John might be dead. I-I don't know for sure but I saw him got shot." I felt so bad for Abigail, tears started rushing down. "What about Jack? Is he alright?" She asks frantically. "He's okay, he's with Tilly at Copperhead landing." I hear wheels turning and I look where I last saw Charles. He was slowly rolling out of the bushes in a small wagon. A wagon? I saw the suitcases in the back when he was heading down the road a bit. I was trying to figure out what was going on but I couldn't.

"Honey.." I look down to see Arthur trying to help me down. I responded to getting off the horse. "Let's go with Charles." We head over to the wagon, then it hit me. "You're not coming?" I turn around to tell him. "No honey. I can't." My heart breaks while I stare into his eyes. This is why he couldn't promise. "Why? We're so close to freedom we can go and live somewhere. A-and then I-I can have the baby, then we can raise it." I couldn't stop the tears from coming down my face. "Arthur..." I hug him and put my head on his chest. "Come with me please." I beg him and hope that he changes his mind. He lifts my head slowly and kisses me slowly and passionately. Arthur makes this a kiss I'll never forget. He reaches in his satchel and takes out two letters. I hesitated and finally took them from his hand. I read the first one and it said 'to my son or daughter.' I look away and I couldn't help but cry more. Arthur walks over to the wagon and puts his hand on it, "Come on honey, you're going with Charles." I walk up to the wagon and look at Arthur before getting on. He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes one last time. "I've always loved you y/n. You made me the happiest man with the little time I had. Goodbye honey." He let's go and the wagon moved forward. I didn't break eye contact until I couldn't see him anymore. I close my eyes while we're still riding and whisper to myself.

"Arthur please come back to me."

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