Love in The Air

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Continuing that night (smut)

"Let's head back, I got us some deer for tonight's supper." Arthur wraps his arm around me and we head back.

"I don't get you Arthur. You show that you care but you tell me that you want nothing to do with me. When we made love that was my first time." Arthur meets his eyes with mine, "Your first time? It should've been special (y/n)." I shrug my shoulders, "It was already special, I didn't have to give myself to you, I chose you." I rub my arms and grab a blanket from my tent. Arthur sits down and remains silent while I cook some deer. "I understand if you don't want me or if you're not interested but I need to know now. If you want me you're in this for marriage." Arthur cuts in immediately, "I do want you but just scared. I'm scared to lose you or one day you might leave me. I don't want you hurt or even worse killed because of the stuff we do in this gang." Arthur sits by me and I place a hand on his cheek. "Arthur I'm a woman, I make my own decisions and risks. I don't care, I want you and only you Arthur Morgan." Arthur presses his lips on mine and we kiss. He pulls me to the tent and he lays down first then pulls me on top of him. "What are you doing?" I say with a smile 10 miles wide. "Nothin' just... up to no good." He smirks and then takes off my shirt. I giggle and my cheeks start to turn red, "Arthur Morgan you are not smooth." I kiss him after. "Oh really? I guess I should practice more often then (y/n) (l/n)." Arthur kisses my body and then I take off my jeans and my underwear. While I'm undressing he is too.

Arthur lays on his back and puts me on top of him. "You gonna ride me cowgirl?" He smirks while putting his at on my head. "Cowgirl?" I ask playfully. "If you're gonna run with us your not gonna be this prissy little city girl no more." Arthur says and I laugh then I dive down to give him a kiss. He puts his hands on my waist and I grind on his dick. Arthur moans after pulling apart from our kiss. "I want you (y/n)." Arthur whispers in my ear then licks it. I pick myself up and put his cock in, "Wait, do you want me to put a condom on?" Arthur asks. "Uhh yeah, go get one." Arthur hurries to his satchel to check it but nothing was in there so he throws it down then checks his pants. "Dammit! That was my last one, do you still want to?" Arthur asks coming back in the tent. "We've already started so yeah." He lays back down and I get back on top.

I slowly enter him in me and I start going in and out. Arthur's hands move from my waist to my breasts. "Oh (y/n) you're so beautiful." I pick up the pace a little and moan loudly. "Arthur! Oh Arthur!" Our skin was hitting together, making a slapping sound. "(Y/n) I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum." I shake my head no because I wanted to keep going, "Not yet Arthur I'm almost done." Arthur holds my thighs in place and he goes faster making his head tilt back. My head tilt back and my eyes rolled back, his veiny dick felt so good in my vagina.

Arthur cummed and was in me for a second then he quickly pulled out. "Satisfied?" Arthur asks me while I'm on top of him. "I was close... but it's okay." I lay down next to him and he gets between my legs then moves down. "Arthur what are you doing?" He places his index finger on my lips, "Do you trust me?" I nod my head slowly in response. Arthur opens my legs and places his tongue on my vagina. He starts to lick and it tickles at first but then it starts to feel good. It was a sensation that made me a mad woman and also made my toes curled. I moan and my leg twitches once in a while. Arthur slips in a finger and I run my fingers through his hair. "Mm yes Arthur." Arthur moves his free hand up my body and makes me suck his thumb. Arthur flicks his tongue quicker and adds another finger. I arch my back and Arthur pushes me back down. "Arthur don't stop. I'm so close." Arthur speeds up the pace and scream in pleasure. "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" I put my hands through my hair while my vagina pulsates while Arthur slows down and takes his fingers out. Arthur lays next to me then kisses me. "That was great, let's hit the hay because tomorrow we need to hunt and then leave." I put my head on Arthur's chest and listen to him breathe. The sound of the bugs and birds around the area along with his breathing put me to sleep.

Next morning

I wake up next to Arthur and slowly get out to get dressed. Then I make coffee for the both of us, I pour him a cup and take it to him. "Sleepy head, I made you some coffee." Arthur groans and rubs his eyes while sitting up. "Thank you." Arthur sips his coffee and it was silent for a bit. "Arthur.. lets stay here. I mean we got everything. We can go to a general store and get some canned food and live here, together." Arthur sets his cup down, "And then what? Grow old? I can't run away, I owe Dutch and everyone in that camp! Are you planning on running away? Why? Because some women are pushing you around?" Arthur gets up and starts getting dressed.

We both head out to the woods and got a lot of meat. From deer to squirrels, the wagon just kept piling up. Now we're packed up and riding back to camp. I shouldn't have said anything like that to Arthur, I really upset him. I think he hates me now, either way I can't go nowhere now. I'm here in this gang for life.

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