Entitled and Ignorant

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I sit down on the two seater couch, staying close with Arthur makes me feel safe.

'Just in case.'

"Where's mother?"
"Probably in the kitchen making tea. Why?"
"I need to tell y'all something." The room was quiet, too quiet. "Y'all? Well.. you've certainly kept up your vocabulary." He says mocking me and then sipping his tea. I dislike that my father is like this he hasn't even looked me in the eye.

Soon my mother comes in the room with a tray and stops in her tracks. "Y-y/n, you're back."
"Yeah, in a way. I'm just visiting. It's nice to see you mother." I say smiling and standing up. "I have some news to tell y'all. If you could.." I signal her to sit down with dad and she quickly does while setting the tray with tea down. After she got comfortable and my dad finally paid attention to me. "Mother, father these last few months were really adventurous. So great that I got married and now I'm pregnant with his baby." I smile but my parents don't. My mother passes out and lands head first on the floor. "Mother!" I was about to help her up but my father started scolding me. "Don't you worry about your mother! Worry about what you just did! I cannot believe you would do something this reckless!" He stands up and so do I. "Oh yeah? You want to talk about reckless? How does throwing out your daughter for no good reason sound like? I'm happy, I have a family and if you want to put your hands on me for being happy then you do it, asshole." I immediately regretted saying that but I needed to stand my ground. My father slaps me so hard that I land on the ground, Arthur stands up and aims his gun at my fathers head. "Arthur! No.. he's not worth it." I could tell Arthur was contemplating but he listened and then helped me off the floor. "Let's leave." He suggested and I nodded my head. "But not until I get a few of my things. Where is my stuff?" My father stays quiet and I start making my way up the stairs.

I open the door to where my room was at and it surprised me. It wasn't touched, it's just like I left it. I don't know why but I couldn't move to how surprised I was.

'I thought they got rid of my things.'

I head over to the end table near my bed and open the drawer. I grab the two notebooks and I look under my bed and grab my scrapbook then a few letters. Quickly making my way to my chest and taking out a bag then a red blanket. I went into my closet and took my yellow ball dress, lastly I opened the drawer beneath and grabbed a small green box.

This is it. I take one last look as I'm about to close the door, one last look. I'll never be able to come back, I always loved this room. My room.

"What do you have? You can't take things." I open the door and I head out with Arthur behind me. No goodbyes, no acknowledgement. "You are sorry people! Just because you live better than most people doesn't make you better than anyone! Damn assholes!" Arthur helps me up and we ride away.

As Arthur and I were heading back to camp I was crying but I don't think he noticed. I didn't want him to notice. "Are you okay honey?" I stay quiet for a bit so he doesn't hear the sadness. "Yeah I'm fine." Arthur turns to see me then quickly looks forward. "No you're not, honey we can talk about it."
"I just don't understand! They do they have to be the way that they are?! It bothers me so much and it's like my parents want me to be the perfect daughter." Arthur stops his horse, "Y/n you have parents that are assholes but deep down they do care about you. They want to see you do good but also you have to make decisions for yourself. Otherwise are you really living? Are you really doing things for yourself? Your parents don't have to like what you do but they do need to be there for you, no matter what." Arthur clicks his tongue and tells the horse to go forward.

'Honestly he's right but my parents will never be like that but you see that's what makes me different from them.'

We arrive back to camp and we head in the house. When we got to the top of the steps Dutch called for Arthur and I went in the room. I set my things down and stretched my arms, I was holding my dress tightly so it wouldn't get dirty. As I was putting things up I noticed there was a letter on his table. I picked it up and as I read it, I noticed it was a woman's handwriting. She needed help about her father and then she rambled on about her brother. I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed waiting for Arthur to arrive and give me an explanation.

I was getting anxious and I hate that I had this letter in my hand. Finally the door opened and I stood up quickly with my arms crossed. "Why is Mary writing you? And who is she? You never went into detail." Arthur attempts to reach for the letter but has no luck getting it. "Y/n she probably just needs help with something." I look down and put the letter on the table. I grab my bedroll and journal then I head out the door. "Y/n! Listen to me please." Arthur runs after me and grabs my arm. "Are you... cheating-" before I could finish he stepped in front of me. "Hell. No. You are my wife and I am only with you. Why are you jealous?" He grabs my hands and kisses them. A tear rolls down my cheek, "You should read the letter, she's clearly still in love with you." I walk past Arthur and head down stares then out of the house.

I make my way to the small pier and lay my bedroll out. I open my journal and write the following.

I haven't written in a while and that's only cause there's so much that has happened. Firstly I got married to the man I love and I'm with child. His child. I love this man so much but I don't think he loves me to the fullest. There's a woman, Mary. She wrote to him and today I got the damn letter.

I don't know if she's trying something or maybe she doesn't know either way it's bad. I would like to meet her but I don't think Arthur would allow that. I stepped away because I just needed some time for myself. I think I'm sleeping outside for a couple of days.

Also we moved again but this time we're in a house. Shady Belle.

I close my journal and look into the lake. There was a crocodile getting pretty close. "I would probably get away from him. He looks mean as hell." I turn around and it was Charles. I smiled at him and he did the same back. "Hey Charles." I get up to greet him with a hug.

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