Old Friend

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"Y/n it's been a while, I won't lie." I nod my head in agreement. Charles and I haven't crossed paths in a while. Yes we're in the same camp but we don't hang out as much anymore. Plus I think he wanted some time after the whole rejection thing. "Is there something wrong? You don't seem yourself." We walk together getting away from the pier, "Well Arthur got a letter from Mary and I feel upset about it but is it really my place to be upset?" Charles stops and so do I, we face each other and he places his hands on my shoulders. "Y/n you have the right to be upset. He should've told Mary that he was getting married to you, he should've let her know that he couldn't be talking to her anymore. But that's just my opinion, if I was getting married and one of my ex wives were contacting me it would've been over a long time ago. Honestly and I don't mean to worry you but think about it, that would make me really concerned if that was still happening." In a way Charles is right this is making me feel a certain way about things. It's making me feel skeptical but I shouldn't feel this way right? Does that make me a bad wife if I feel this way? "Come on, let's go get some dinner."

Charles and I make our way to Pearson's area. The stew smelled great actually, different. Charles grabbed our plates and I got water for us. We sat down on the wooden table and started eating. "So.. I heard you have a little bun in the oven." He said kind of loudly and before I could tell him I wanted to tell everyone. "Congratulations y/n! Everyone y/n is with child! Gather around." Uncle says loudly and with a slur so he was definitely drunk. "Uncle you're hearing things." I laugh awkwardly and pat his shoulder, only to regret after noticing he smelled. Everyone was still gathering around and Charles helped me up on a box. I got on so I could see everyone better. When they were all there someone asked, "Is it Arthur's?" Molly asked. Obviously she was still salty about the whole John Marston thing either way me and Abigail apologized. "Yes. It's definitely Arthur's, I haven't slept with anyone else but Arthur." I could see Arthur in the back getting kinda embarrassed, his cheeks were getting red. "This is not how I imagined announcing this to y'all but y'all don't have to worry about me. I'll just get in the way of things so just pretend that I'm not even here." I shrug my shoulders. "I'll help you if you need anything! Just let me know!" Abigail adds right after, letting me know that I won't go through this alone. "Me too!" Tilly said to my right. "Me as well!" Mary-Beth. I look down and realize, "Thank you, really. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm glad I have some sisters to count on. I don't have any siblings so this means a lot." The three of them smile warmly at me as I said those words. I could tell they took that to heart.

Charles helped me down and I sat down to continue to eat. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to put you on the spot." I shake my head, "You didn't know, who told you by the way?" I eat the soft meat with a carrot on my spoon. "It was Dutch actually." I slowly and secretly roll my eyes as he said that. I wouldn't trust Dutch if he was the last person on earth. Charles clears his throat, "so I think Arthur is disliking that you're hanging out with me." Charles tilts his head to the side to point where he's at and I look. I could see him glaring for a second then look away when I'm staring.

'Is this really happening?'

"Hey lemme talk to you for a minute." Sadie sat down across from me and took off her hat. "I'm going to give you the honest truth because I care and I think you need it. Mary-Beth told me why you're not hanging out with Arthur. Now she only told me this because she's concerned as a friend as well. You gotta get on top of this situation honey! If I found out my husband was talking to another woman, you best believe I'm cutting off some tits or balls that day! In other words you need to talk to him, take all the time you need but I would do it soon." Sadie is right even though I hate to admit it. "I'm just scared that he might say something that'll break my heart." Sadie places her hand on mine, "if he's truly a man he will not cheat. If he truly loves you, he he'll say he didn't cheat."

I get up and Charles grabs my hand, "Whatever happens I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what." I nod my head in reassurance and walk up Arthur. "Can we talk?" We both head to the back of the house and we just walk slowly away from it. "Firstly I just want to say that I'm sorry and I overreacted but I had that right. There's one question that keeps running through my mind, are you still in love with her?" The silence was deadly, it made my chest hurt. "Y/n... I do love her but I love her just as much as Eliza. She's in the past and I'm more worried about you." He interlaced his fingers with mine and a tear rolled down my cheek.

'I hate being this emotional.'

Arthur lifts my chin up with the other hand, "You have nothing to be worried about honey. I promise." I stayed quiet, "Also why were you talking to Charles? You know I don't like when you're around him." I scoff then look him in the eye, "he came to me and now look who's jealous." Arthur throws his hands up in defeat, "alright you got me. So honey I was wonderin' if you would like to come to a 'garden party' with me." He says mocking someone but I don't know who. "How did you get an invitation? Those are usually private."
"Dutch got the invitation and Bronte wants to invite us to talk to folks and be nice." I laugh and smile at him. "Of course, I would love to go with you honey. When is the party?"
"Tonight?! I need to get a head start on getting ready!" I hurry to the girls so they can do my hair.

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