I love him

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Next morning

I was woken up by Josiah coming in with breakfast. I chuckle, "you made me breakfast?" I ask. "In a way." He sets down the tray on a small table next to the bed. "I think I should eat too." I smile at him and he kisses me while he's on top of me, naked. He slowly opens my legs and kisses me from my lips down. He was making a trail and when he got to my sweet spot, he starting licking. "Oh yes." I run my fingers through his hair. He licked my clit and my toes curled. Josiah's mustache was giving me an extra tickle and I never thought I would say this but his well groomed mustache felt good. "Don't stop Josiah." He sticks two fingers in me and I start to moan loudly. "You like that y/n?" I nod my head and continue to moan. Josiah goes hard and fast into my vagina. He moves his head side to side and I was close to coming. "I'm close Josiah." I grip the sheets and squirt into his mouth. "Ohh fuuck." I breathe heavily and my vagina was pulsating and my legs were shaking. "Did you like that?"
"Yes, very much." I drink the orange juice that was on the tray and exhale out of my mouth.

"I think we should go out today and see a show. Then we could take you shopping for dresses. How's little Arthur by the way?" I smile when I hear that name, "he's great, almost walking and talking. And Josiah I don't want to you spend money on me." He lays down and then makes me straddle him. "I want to spend money on you." I smirk and put some hair behind my ear. "Let's get the day started." Josiah said while placing a hand on my cheek.

Josiah and I went to see a show, it was pretty hilarious then after we went shopping for dresses. I only picked out two but Josiah wanted me to get more. After paying we went to get something to eat and then we went back to his place. It was a great day, in fact that was the most fun I've had in a while. "Thank you for taking me out. It's been a while since I've been somewhere nice." He takes off his hat and his hair tussles over, making a mess. "Well I'm glad we went out." I smile at him and he kisses me passionately. He pulls apart and looks into my eyes, "live with me, we can get your stuff tomorrow and little Arthur and we can live here." He lived just above an art museum so it was peaceful. I hesitate to speak but he talks before I can. "Just think about it, little Arthur can have a head start on school in a few years. You both don't have to sleep in a random cabin and you'll have me."
"I-I need time to think about it." Josiah kisses my hands, "of course darling but while you're thinking about it." Josiah puts one of my hands through his pants. I smile excitedly and we make our way to the bed again.

After some time we were finally done and I was laying down thinking about what was offered. Josiah is right, I mean little Arthur has no one to play with, I want him to focus on school and become something, also I'm in love with Josiah. "Josiah." He turns his attention to me, "yes dear?"
"Do you love me?" He shakes his head, "Why is that even a question? You know I love you." I had a few questions in mind to ask him. "Okay I want to ask you a few things if that's alright."
"I'm all ears." Josiah lays on his back and fixes his hair. "When I was gone did you sleep with other women?" He turns me to and places his hand on me cheek. "Y/n no I only want you. Did you sleep with someone?" I didn't answer I was hesitant to answer. "Who was it? Charles?" I slowly nodded my head and look down shamefully. "Y/n do you love him?"
"No Josiah, I love you, I want you." Josiah makes my heart feel like there's butterflies all around it. He makes me nuts for him but I don't know if I'll ever marry him. I want to stay Y/n Morgan. "I do love you Josiah but respectfully I don't think I can marry you. I only wanted to get married once and I don't want to change my last name." Josiah nods his head, "I can respect that."

Next morning

"Well did you think about it?" Josiah asked while grooming his mustache in the mirror. "Yes and I want to live with you." He turns around happily and stretched his arms wide. I go to hug him and we exchange a kiss afterwards. "Let's go get your stuff."

Josiah and I pull up on a wagon and I get off. I open the cabin door and Charles was nowhere in sight. Arthur was still asleep, alone. "Honey wake up." I gently shake him and take out his suitcase then started packing his stuff. I took mine out and started packing clothes. I put the suitcases in the wagon and I grabbed Arthur's underneath the bed. "Come on honey." I reach for his hand and he holds mine. I put the suitcase with all the others and I put Arthur in the front with Josiah. Thinking about if I was forgetting something I did, "Hold on I'm forgetting something." I quickly made my way back inside and get my satchel. I noticed it was a little light and when I looked inside my journal was gone. "Are you looking for this?" Charles said at the doorway holding my journal. "Give that back Charles."
"You know I read the most recent page and why don't you love me y/n? I do everything for you and now you just want to leave?" I swallow hard, "where are all the the letters Josiah sent?"
"I threw every single one away." I shake my head and attempt to snatch the journal out of his hands. "Why is Josiah here?"
"I decided to live with him. I think it's the best thing for Arthur. He's going to have friends and go to school. I want what's best for him." Charles was so upset, "I WANT WHATS BEST FOR HIM TOO! Why do you think I'm working hard to keep food on the table and clothes on our back?!" I quickly grab my journal and hold it to my chest. "I'm leaving Charles." I walk out and he grabs my arm, I look at Charles in the eyes and he was hurt. His eyes watered up, "please don't go." I look away, "I love him, Charles." He let's go and I walk away. "Don't even think about coming back when he kicks you out! He'll leave you y/n!" I get on the wagon and we start making our way to Saint Denis. "Don't listen to him y/n, you know I would never do that to you and little Arthur." I was scared to say anything but Josiah understood.

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