Meeting Trelawny and McGuire

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Arthur and I finally arrived to camp, it was night time and everyone was sleeping. I take my things and I attempt to set up my tent. "Hell.." I whisper as my tent falls to the ground. "Do you need help?" I turn to see Charles and I smile at him. "Yes and I-" I stop myself and turn over to Arthur's area to see if he was asleep. "I was wondering if you and I can talk?" Charles nods his head then approaches me and gives me my headband that he made me. I watch Charles pitch my tent and we get on his horse. "Can we go by the river and talk?" Asking Charles. "Sure."

Charles puts a blanket on the ground and he lays on his side with his elbow holding him up. "What did you want to talk about?" That question made me feel sick to my stomach. "Charles... I fooled around with Arthur." I turn to look at him and he just laughs, "You're joking right?" I shake my head, "I think I made a mistake because it was my first time and he's mean." Charles stays quiet and I just felt bad for doing that. "I like you (y/n) but I can't like someone that likes another person. I know you like Arthur otherwise you wouldn't have given yourself to him." I sigh, "Charles I should've been more careful." He nods his head a little, "Arthur is not a bad man. Well, not entirely. He has a heart in there somewhere, you just need to find it (y/n)."

After Charles drops me off to my tent, "Thanks for fixing my tent and do you want the headband back?" I take it off but Charles pushes it back to me. "Keep it. It looks great on you." I smile and plant a kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight Charles." I smile back at him, "Goodnight (y/n)."

Next day

"Miss. (L/n) I'm sorry to disrupt you but would you mind heading to my tent?" Dutch shouts outside my tent and I get ready to the day. "Dutch, you wanted to see me?" He lights his cigar, "Yes, Thank you for bringing the meat from the hunt. I need you to accompany Arthur to Blackwater." There wasn't that much details, "What are we doing in Blackwater?" Dutch signals me to go with Arthur. "There is not much time child, I want you to run with the men for now." I wave goodbye and jump on my horse waiting for Arthur.

After a few minutes Arthur gets on his horse and he starts riding. He didn't say anything the whole ride so I just stayed quiet. When we arrived to Blackwater things were weird. Arthur would check his surroundings constantly and we didn't follow any roads. "Stay on your horse." Arthur tells me while he's heading over to Charles and Javier. I shrug my shoulders and clean my pistol while he was spying the town. I tried to listen but they were whispering too quietly.

"Hello Miss, who might you be?" A man with a chipper voice says. I turn to see a man with a mustache and a top hat. "I'm (y/n) (l/n)." He takes off his hat and bows, "Josiah Trelawny at your service and might I say you are very beautiful Miss. (l/n)." I smile and look down, trying to hide that I'm blushing.

"Josiah! What are you doing? Get over here!" Arthur calls him over. Josiah motions his head down once at Arthur and looks over to me. "Until we meet again Miss. (l/n)." He walks over to Arthur and discusses something for a bit, "Charles go find a high place and the rest of y'all follow me." We ride to the end of a cliff and watch a boat go by. "He should be on there let's follow it until it reaches the shore." Trelawny says. We all start to follow him and I was 3rd in line. "Miss. (Y/n) would you mind accompanying by me?" I start to pick up the pace until I'm by him. "Hello, again. Would you mind telling a few things about yourself?" He asks. "Well I'm from Saint Denis and I'm 18 years old. I have never worked in my entire life, I was raised with a silver spoon in my mouth."
"Sounds like a nice life, why did you run away?" Trelawny asks curiously. "My father wanted me to marry someone in his honor and I didn't want that." I thought of marrying Arthur but quickly shook the thought. "Have you found someone you wanted to marry?"


"I thought I did but he's not interested in me like that. Plus he was too mean to me and also very complicated-" Arthur gets in the middle of me and Trelawny, like really he shoves his horse in the middle. "Josiah are we close to the boat?" Trelawny raises a brow, "Yes let's stop here." Me, Arthur and Javier get off our horses. "(Y/n) if you're ever interested in a handsome, charming and smart person to be your husband. Just let me know." Josiah winks at me and I start to blush. I glance over at Arthur and he clenches his jaw and bawls up his fist. "Now let's see... yeah that's Sean alright. I'm going to create a distraction and you boys take them out." He rides away and we all go into the stream, waiting. "Did Josiah piss you off Arthur?" Javier asks. "Yes but it's not what you think." Javier chuckles softly, "Sure Arthur, sure."

Arthur and Javier take out the men then we head up the hill. I helped shooting as we head up the hill to some shacks. "Let's clear this out and we'll get Sean down." After killing everyone shooting at us all the men head over to Sean. I noticed that there was someone in the shack so I wanted to kill him before he could kill anyone else. I head inside while they were taking Sean down.

"Where are you? I saw you." The man quickly covers my mouth so I couldn't scream and he starts choking me. I couldn't breathe and I tried breaking free. I took my knife and stabbed him in the stomach, he yells in pain. So I quickly run over to my gun and he shoots me before I could shoot him. "Ow!" Arthur bursts in the door and shoots the man not once but emptied his 6 shooter on the mans face. "Arthur! Arthur! Help me." He runs over and puts his gun away to check my wound. "He grazed you, that's good but we need to cover your arm so it won't get infected. Let's head into town and patch you up." He offers his hand and he helps me up.

"Is she alright?" Charles asks running up to Arthur. "He grazed her, I'm going to get (y/n) to a doctor in town. Javier take Sean back to camp and Charles ride back separately." Arthur helps me on my horse and he ties my horse with his. "Arthur I can patch that up, you don't have to go into town-" Arthur interrupts Charles. "Charles I know that but I want (y/n) save. It's not that I don't trust you, I have my reasons." With that Arthur and I take off and start heading to Valentine.

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