Last breath

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"Everything is going to be alright for y'all. We're going to go meet up with Tilly and Jack then wait it out for a day or two." Abigail stared off into the distance and I was zoning out. They couldn't get our attention if it depended on us. I just wanted him to come back into my arms, to hold again when we sleep together.

Arthur's POV

I start making my way back to camp or if you can even call it that. I think about all the people I've helped and all the people I've hurt. Damn, I wish I could take it back but that's why I helped Rains Fall. I wanted to do good because I know deep down, I know I'm a good person. My only regret is never being there for y/n. All those sleepless nights, alone. I should've done something different. Maybe I can, if fate let's me.

I arrive back to camp and get off my horse. "We need to have a talk!Dutch! Get out here!" Dutch came out of his tent and Micha was coming towards me. "Don't come any closer." I cock my revolver and point it at him. "Woah, Arthur! Why are you acting crazy?!" Dutch asks with a crack in his throat. "He talked Dutch! I need you to understand what I'm saying to you right now. I just saw Agent Milton and he said that Micha talked!"
"I did no such thing cowpoke! Dutch he's sick look at him that's why he's acting crazy." Arthur grips the revolver tighter, "you better shut your mouth up boah!"
"Or what Arthur? I mean.. black lung." Micha says. "I'll kick your ass Micha, don't push me."
"Dutch! You left me! You left me to die!" I turn to see John coming towards me holding his arm. "Are you alright?" Asking John. "I'm alright, what's going on here?" He signals to Micha. "He talked."
"Listen here now! I'm tired of the games and doubts!" Dutch pulls out both of his guns and points them at the rat and to John and I. John gets his revolver out and Dutch slowly makes his way to the other side. "Who is going to betray me and who's going to continue to be loyal?" I started to drift away from Dutch and Micha. John joins me and I keep pointing the gun at Micha. "You should think your yourself Dutch."
"I am Arthur, it's your I'm worried about! Traitor!" I couldn't take that damn word anymore! "Traitor? We've known each other for twenty years Dutch! You'd rather listen to someone that's known you a hell of a lot less than that. When have I ever betrayed you? You're betraying me, us!" I glance over to John then back to Dutch.

"Put your guns down or we will open fire!" Seconds later a bullet zipped passed me. John and I quickly got into cover and started shooting at the Pinkertons. John and I took down a few then the others dumped them on to us. "Let's just leave! Come on!" Micha and everyone else left but John and I were still fighting the Pinkertons. "We need to go get in the cave. I know a way out." John runs in quickly and I follow after. The cave was uneven with the ground so I stumbled a few times. We climbed up and we were back outside. "We gotta go Arthur." John called for his horse and I did the same. "John.. you gotta promise me something." He looks at me with confusion, "I want you.. to not look back. Promise me."
"What about y-"
"Don't worry about me. Promise me." John hops on his horse, "I promise Arthur." I get on mine and we head down the road. "Where's Abigail and Jack?" He asks. "They're at copperhead landing, I'll take you to them."

Pinkertons started to tail us and then shot at us. "We need to get them to stop following us." I said to John. We shot at them for a while and the both of us were going up on a hill. "Come on boah. Keep pushing." I told my horse was we were going up the hill. Suddenly a bullet hit my horse and I flew off. I ran to my horse quickly and comforted him. "Arthur we need to leave!" I placed my hand on my horse, "I just need a minute." With every breath it was getting heavier and heavier. I leaned in slowly, "Thank you."
"Arthur we have to go! They're coming!" Bullets starting flying by and I immediately got up and headed to the hill.

The hill was so high to climb so when we got to the top Pinkertons started shooting us again. I focused and shot all of them down with head shots. "Let's go." John says then I follow him more up the hill. "Wait." I start to cough really hard. "Come on." John wraps his arm around me and we continue to walk up the hill. Just when we were about to head down we saw some horses. "We should take those." John points. "I think those are-"
"Ours." Micha says behind me. I turn to see him pointing a gun at me. I quickly push it up and twist his wrist so hard that I break it. He let's go and I throw the gun off the cliff. I get mine out of my holster and John does too. He points it at Dutch and I point mine at Micha. I take away his other gun and throw it off. I pick him up by his collar and drag him next to Dutch. "Give John your weapons Dutch."
"I will do no such-"
"Now Dutch!" I demand. Annoyed and tired I was I took his weapons and threw them off the hill. I lower my gun and look over at Dutch. "I need you to understand something Dutch. You preached about faith a lot, probably way more than you should've. The one thing that you should've preached about was loyalty. I gave you everything I had. All my loyalty to you." John leans in, "Let's head down Arthur." John was pointing his gun to the both of them while Arthur was going down. John followed after when Arthur made it to the bottom. "We'll meet again and again, John." Dutch said staring at him.

I got on Dutch's horse and John got on Micha's. "Hiya!" We take off down the road and make our way to copperhead landing. We were riding hard and quickly, we didn't want any Pinkertons on our tail so we would check every few seconds. I started coughing up more and more. "We're almost there Arthur don't give up!" I pushed me to hold on just a bit longer.

We arrived at copperhead landing and my breathing started to get shorter. I fall off the horse and onto my back. "Y/n! Y/n! Come out hurry!" John yelled at the top of his lungs and my sweetheart was making her way to me. "Arthur? Arthur! You came back.." she noticed what was happening and she came to her knees to hold me close. "Y/n, I'm.. s-sorry." I say looking into her e/c eyes. She's so goddamn beautiful, I was a little bit distracted. "For what Arthur?"
"Not.. being a good husband." She shakes her head, "you were honey. I swear to you. You're everything I imagined." Tears started rolling down, "I love you always y/n."
"I love you always too Arthur." My breathing starts to slow down and I watch the sunrise between some hills. I take my last breath.

Readers POV

His lifeless body was in my arms and I just held him closer. "Thank you for coming back." I couldn't stop crying, it felt like part of me died with him. I just kept crying louder and holding him tighter, hoping that he would come back. "Please don't take him. Bring him back, please!" I look up at the sky for a bit and then back at Arthur. I kiss the top of his head and gently put him down. I made my way to Sadies arms and broke down, I was so weak I couldn't stand up. "Come on honey, let's sit you down." Sadie sets me down on a chair that Abigail brought me. "I can't do it Sadie." I say shaking my head and looking her in the eye. "Yes you can, if I can do it, you can do it."

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