Oneshot | Cowboy Booty

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I sharpen the wooden spear I made and then glanced at the perfect view in front of me. Arthur has a nice ass, it's not too big and it's not too small. Just right. I silently get up and squeeze his left cheek. "Wha- What the hell was that?" He turned around shocked and looked at me with a stern look. "Sorry Mr. Morgan I couldn't help myself." He smirks and then tackles me to the ground. "You have a lot of explaining to do Mrs. Morgan." He was so close to placing his lips on mine and when I would attempt to kiss him, he would back away. "Come on don't tease me." He chuckles, "oh but I shall, that was very unladylike." I roll my eyes, "what even is ladylike? Plus we're married now, I can touch my husbands ass just like you can touch mine." I flip over him and straddle him then placed his hands on my ass. "I like this already." He laughs.

2 days later

"Well see what you can do about the O'Driscolls camping near by. They're too close and they'll eventually find us." Dutch was talking to Arthur while he was drinking his coffee. I slowly make my way around him and hug him from behind. He was still sipping his coffee and I stopped hugging him. "Yeah they'll be gone tomorrow." I raise my hand then smack his ass. He jolts forward, "I need then gone today-" Dutch was cut off by my action. "Arthur what in the world just happened? You know what never mind, I don't want to know." Dutch walks away and Arthur turns around. "Woman you have a way with timing you know?" He dumps his coffee near a bush, "oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it cowboy?" I steal his hat and I run into the woods. We were in the heartlands so it was easy to hid behind a tree. "You better give me my hat back. I'm gonna get you, then you'll regret it." He says playfully. I made my way far enough from him and put his hat on. It smelled just like him and I enjoyed it until he knocked me over.

"I found you!" He starts tickling me and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Stop! I'm going to pee!" He continues to tickle me and I was moving my body all over the place, like I got ants in my pants. "You should've thought about that before takin my hat." Arthur stops then quickly gets his lasso and tied my hands and feet. "Aww come on." He ties the other end to a tree. "I'll let you be free if you stop this nonsense." I didn't know if he was being serious so I asked. "Are you serious?"
"No. I'm only playing along." I smile and I'm glad that he accepts my weirdness.

"You're going to have to make me stop because I'm always going to smack that cowboy ass." I wink and smirk at him. "Oh really?" He pushes me back and starts kissing me. His tongue was wrapping with mine and twirling around. We started making out for a bit and I would try to smack his ass so I could get into trouble more but he tied my hands good. "Can't smack this cowboy ass huh cowgirl?" He laughs and then gets up. "Now if I let you free are you going to stop?" I nod my head. "No I need a 'yes sir' from ya." I blush and look at my hands then into his blue eyes. "Yes sir." He untied me and then turned me around to smack my ass. "That's payback."

Later that night

I was getting ready for bed and Arthur was in his underwear because it was too hot for his sleepwear. He was shaving his stubble and then when he was done he washed his face. "Always looking handsome." Arthur dries his face, "only for you honey." Putting up the towel then loading his gun for the night. Arthur never sleeps without his gun near him. We got ambushed a couple of weeks ago and it's put him on edge since. He made his way next to me and then plopped down on his stomach. Immediately see ass cheeks and smack them hard. Arthur props himself up and looks at me. "Do you want me to tie you up again?" I bite my bottom lip "Maybe you can tie me up on this bed." I wink and he laughs while rolling his eyes. "I think that can be arranged if you keep acting up." I intertwine my fingers with his, "Well then I guess I just need to act up more then." Arthur places his forehead on mine and smiles into a passionate kiss. "A good girl turning bad is a turn on." I peck his lips, "well, I know what your weakness is now."

A/N: Sorry this one is so short but I just wanted to say really quickly that this book was entered in the wattys. I'm really happy.

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