Meridith Monroe

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One year later

Little Arthur has been crawling for sometime and Charles and I have been trying to teach him how to walk. I'm already teaching him how to talk. His favorite word to say is mommy but of course he can't pronounce it just right, yet. He's healthy and strong, I've taken him to a lot of doctor visits. Charles gets mad about how much it costs but I want to make sure my child is okay. Everyday he just looks like his father. Blonde hair and blue eyes, little Arthur is going to be a heartbreaker. Uh-oh.

I've been thinking about Josiah a lot and I haven't received a single letter. I want to give up on him but something tells me not to. A little part of me tells me that he's in trouble and maybe that's why he's not writing cause he's afraid. He has no reason to, I would never tell the police anything. I hope he writes me soon. I miss him.

Charles and I we've been busy but when we're not we make love together. He says "love" but I just say a thing that we need. I don't love Charles the way I love Josiah. I like that Charles cares and maybe I don't deserve to be taken care of by Charles 'cause he's just too nice. I hope he falls in love with someone other than me, I say that respectfully.

I also cut my hair short because I thought about having something new. I like it.

A wagon pulls up and it was Charles making the usual run into town. "Y/n! Come help me unload the stuff!" He shouts and I put my pen down and head to the wagon. I take some crates of fresh vegetables in the kitchen. "Hey you have a letter from Meridith Monroe. Is that your grandmother or something?" I think for a moment. Meridith.. Josiah. "Yes that's my grandmother."
"How come you've never told me about her?" He asks confused. "It just didn't come to mind. I haven't seen her in forever." I open the letter and take it out. It read:

Dear y/n
This is your grandmother Meridith and I am dying of old age. I still live in Saint Denis, if you want to visit me before I go. I hope to see you soon.
Love JT

I checked to see if Charles was still there and he wasn't so my face light up. I knew it was Josiah but why is he sending me a letter like this? "What's going on?" Charles asks while putting a crate down on the table. "My grandmother is on her death bed."
"Sorry to hear." I nod my head and walk up to Charles. He hugs me and kisses the top of my head. "Are you going to visit her?"
"Yeah for a week maybe. I don't know how much longer she has." Charles interlaced his fingers with mine, "Just be careful and take as much time as you need y/n."
"I'll be taking Arthur with me."
"You don't have to, we'll have the best time I promise." I look at him playing with his wooden horse. "Are you sure?" Charles places his hands on my waist, "Yes I'm sure. Pack a bag and go spend time with your grandmother." He walks off to get the rest of the groceries and I open my suitcase and start packing.

After I was done I get dressed into some jeans, a button shirt, Arthur's stalker hat and his scout jacket. It was winter and it was pretty cold out. "Alright honey mama loves you, I will be back." Arthur pecks my cheek and I smile at him. He smiles back and grabs my cheek.

"Okay have a safe trip and call me when you arrive or tomorrow." Charles says while I get on my horse. "I'll try tonight but don't worry if I don't. My grandmother doesn't have a phone but I'll see if I can call from the city." Charles waves goodbye and then playfully takes Arthur's hand and waves goodbye.

I was on my way to see the man I love. I never knew I was going to fall in love again.

The ride was a little bit long but when I arrived to Saint Denis I checked the address. I was close by. I hitched my horse and untied my suitcase. I walked to the door and knocked on it. It took a while for someone to come at the door but when it finally opened. There he was, "Josiah." I quickly planted my lips on his and wrapped my arms around him. "Y/n let's come inside." I get my suitcase and put it on the floor. I started kissing him hard again and we made our way to the bedroom.

Josiah was already in his underwear and I was taking off my clothes. He helped and by a few minutes I was already fully naked. Josiah pulled down his underwear and slowly rubbed his tip on my clit. "Josiah.." I moan softly. He puts his penis in me and I gasp at the size. My eyes start to roll back as he was going in and out. "Make love to me Josiah." He looks into my eyes and enjoys my pleasure. "I'll do more than just make love to you y/n." Josiah picks up the pace and spreads my legs wider to go deeper. "Oh yes.." I moan softly and tilting my head back. "Y-y/n you feel so good." I moaned a little louder and he covered my mouth. "I'm going to cum." His whispered in my ear. I nodded my head signaling that I was going to cum too. Josiah goes faster and his balls were slapping against my ass cheeks. I was breathing hard out of my nose because my mouth was still covered. Josiah pulled out and came on my breasts. "Oh.." he moans while still cumming. Josiah came so much and when he was finally done he laid down next to me. I grabbed a rag and wiped off all the semen then laid back down.

"I missed you so much y/n." He grabs my hand and he interlaced his fingers with mine. "I missed you too Josiah. How come you haven't written me until now?" He looks at me confused, "y/n I've been writing you. I told you in the last letter in my name that I would be changing the address and name." Then it crossed my mind, "Charles is the one that goes into town to get the mail and groceries." Josiah raises his eyebrows, "Well that explains why you haven't responded to one letter."
"How many have you sent?" Josiah shrugs, "I don't know, over a hundred?" I stare into the ceiling frustrated and angry. "Don't be mad y/n you're here with me now and that's all that matters." He turns my head and kisses me. Josiah caresses my body and whispers how beautiful I am.

We went at it again and we were dead tired when we stopped. The both of us fell asleep in each other's arms.

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