I missed you

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The next day

I wake up on my own and I felt rested, my sleep was peaceful. I think that was the best sleep I've had in a while. I slowly make my way out and Charles was by the fire talking to Rains Fall. He noticed me and made his way towards me. "Y/n how did you sleep?" He asked me. "Great, I think that was the best sleep I've had in a while." He puts his arm around me and we walk to the fire. "Let's get you something to eat and then we'll go back to Lakay."

The women that helped me relax they handed me a plate with a lot of food. I wasn't complaining though. Deer, rabbit, chicken, corn, rice, beans and chocolate for dessert. I pretty much ate everything and I saved the chocolate for later. I hugged everyone goodbye and thanked them one last time.

The drive was long but fun, Charles told me stories about his childhood. It wasn't the best but he would tell me the funny and weird things that he would do for entertainment. For instance, he would tell me about the time that he would throw a rock in the air and try to catch it with the top of his head. Charles told me that's probably the reason why he didn't graduate school.

"Hey, we're back." Sadie was keeping guard then she pulled Charles away to talk to him. I think she was scolding him but I couldn't hear too clearly. I took my bedroll and satchel then made my way to the shack. Abigail saw me and she immediately hugged me, "I thought something bad happened to y'all." I shake my head when we pull apart. "I'm fine Abigail, actually I feel great." I walk past her and set my things down in my area.

I had to skip dinner because there wasn't that much food. Only person that could eat was of course Jack.

As I was laying down I couldn't help but feel lonely. I just wish Arthur was here.

Two days later

I woke up and Charles made me eggs and I was pouring a cup of coffee. "Do you really need that?" He said asking concerned. "Yeah I didn't get much sleep last night." He hands me my plate of eggs and a piece of bread.

After I was done eating I went to go sit near the lake on a chair I found and I open my journal.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm losing hope. I shouldn't but it's so hard. No, what am I saying? That's crazy I can't lose hope. I just want something good to happen today, even if it's just something small.

I close it and close my eyes, I sat there for a while to gather my thoughts. "Hey I'm going into town to see if I can get some food. You alright being here?" I nod my head and get up from my chair. All day I spent washing everyone's clothes, Pearson has a smell that just gets stronger every time. The sun was setting and I was running out of light so I called it quits. I head to the back and put on my sleep clothes.

I laid down on my bedroll and I was just staring at the ceiling. Suddenly I heard a loud bang of the door swinging on the wall. I peeked and it was Dutch, Bill, and Javier. I quickly get up and make my way to the front. "Hey y/n." Dutch says to me. "W-Where's Arthur?" I ask him in a hurry but struggling to ask, thinking the worst. "He's on his way. We split up so no one would notice us." I can't explain how much that put me at ease. Half of the stress left my body. I quickly get dressed and put on my boots, then I headed outside.

There he was my cowboy, getting off his horse and making his way to me. "Arthur!" I run up to him and we hugged each other tightly. "I missed you so damn much." A tear rolled down my cheek and I dug my head in his chest. We must've been there a while because everyone came out and saw us. "Don't ever leave me again." We pull away and he picks my chin up. "I don't plan to." Arthur had a long beard and his hair was getting long. His face was really red and his eyes... Arthur suddenly started coughing up a storm. "Arthur are you alright?" He nods his head and hunches over. He picked himself up and I held his hand while we walked in the shack.

Arthur said hello to everyone and we head to the back where I was sleeping. "I don't like that you're on the floor, I'm going to try and get our bed." I stopped him before he could leave. "Arthur just stay with me, please." He stays and pulls me close. His warmth just put me at ease, we slowly rocked side to side.

"Dutch van der Linde! You have to the count of three to turn yourself in or the gentlemen here won't mind killing anyone that gets in the way!" A man was heard from outside. "Y/n get down and stay here." Arthur has me lay on my side and he goes to the front.
I hear guns being loaded and cocked back.
I braced myself for what was going to happen.
Oh god, Arthur don't do nothing crazy.
"Hit'em with everything you have!" Bullets started zipping through the shack and I put my hands on my head. Arthur called to me and I looked up and saw him crawling to me. "Stay down, don't move!" He heads out the back door with Sadie.

It felt like forever when they were shooting us. Like a nightmare I can't wake up from. I heard more gunshots added and there were less and less. I wanted to get up but I stayed down.

After when there was nothing I continued to stay down. There were footsteps coming to the back and when I looked up, it was Arthur. "Everything is okay now honey." He helps me up and makes sure I wasn't hit. "I'm okay Arthur. How are you?" He pulls me close and he looks in my eyes. "I'm great now that I'm here with my wife. I was worried about you, so much. The baby is okay?" I nod my head, "Charles took care of me while you were gone. He took me to Wapiti and the women there are really nice." Arthur stays quiet, embracing the moment that we shared. "I think we should get some sleep and tomorrow we'll see what we can do to get the hell out of here." I lay down with Arthur and cuddle with him.

"Good night honey."
"Good night Arthur."

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