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Jack and I get into Rhodes so I hitch my horse near a bookstore. I take Jacks hand and before we head into the bookstore I asked him, "Hey Jack do you mind if we go to the doctors first? I just want to make sure I'm okay first." I smile and hope that he understands, "Sure! Let's make sure you're okay!"

We head to the doctors office and when I enter it smelled like rubbing alcohol. "Oh hello ma'am, what seems to be the problem?" I sit Jack down by a chair near the window. "I've been feeling sick lately and I just want to know if I'm okay." The doctor sits me down on a stool, "What are your symptoms?" He asks me while he checks my face and then in my mouth. "Nausea, I threw up before me and little Jack came to town."
"Anything else? Tiredness or urinating frequently?" I think for a moment and nothing else comes to mind. "No I can't think of anything else." The doctor takes off his glasses and heads to the back room. "Well ma'am, I can't diagnose what you have 'cause it can be anything but... here's a pamphlet. In time you check what you might have and return if you do." I take a good look at what the pamphlet said, 'Symptoms of Pregnancy.' I close my eyes briefly and pay the doctor. "Thank you doctor, have a nice day." I open the door and Jack heads out.

"Did you find out what's wrong?" I think of what to say. "Well.. the doctor said that I have to be careful and that if I feel a certain way I need to come back." He holds my hand, "You're not dying right? Cause I would be really sad if you were."

'I hope not, little one.'

"No well the doctor doesn't know exactly. It's too early to tell. Now how about that book?" He smiles and we walk to the bookstore. "Hey!" Arthur comes towards us and I quickly crumble the pamphlet then stuff it behind and inside my pants. "Arthur what's goin' on?" I say without making things weird. "I just came into town, what are y'all doin' here?"
"I came into town to buy Jack a book, I promised him a while back that I would. We were just going to talk about what book he wanted." I quickly say before Jack could mention that we were at the doctors. "Can I hang out with y'all?" I nod my head and Arthur approaches to hitch his horse. "Hey Jack we have to keep the doctor visit a secret, okay?" He nods and then runs to hug Arthur, we all head into the store.

"I don't know which one to get." Jack pulls my arm while I was reading a book. "You should get this one. It might be a little advanced but when you're a little older you can read it."
"What does it say?" Jack asks while pointing at the title. "Lancelot and King Arthur." I look back to see Arthur smiling at me. Jack opens the book, "It's too hard to read. I need something else." I frown a little when he puts it back and grabs something else. "I want this." He shows me a children's book and we go to the cashier to pay. "Will that be all ma'am?" I signal him to wait and I pick out the King Arthur book then put it with the other book. "Yes that will be all." I give my two dollars to the cashier, "That is a fine book your boy picked out. My children read that one all the time." I thank the man and start heading out. "Good day mister and misses." My day was made and I won't lie, I felt like this was my family for a full minute.

"Wait here for a minute I'm going into the general store for a few things. Tie our horses together." I was confused on why but I did it either way. Arthur came out with cloth and two long and thick sticks. "What in the hell?" He ties down the sticks with the cloth then gets on his horse. "Here I bought this for you." Arthur hands me film for a camera, "I don't even have a camera Arthur. Is this your way of teasin' me?" He chuckles and digs in his satchel again then takes out a handheld camera. "Did you buy this? Oh my goodness thank you Arthur." I smile and add the film in the camera. "Smile." Arthur faces me and smiles. The camera clicks and then a few seconds later it clicks again.

"I never understood smiling in pictures

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"I never understood smiling in pictures." Arthur says while putting Jack on his horse then starting the ride back to camp. "Well it's a happy moment because now I can make memories." I kiss his cheek then I put my camera away. We came across the area where I threw up but thank god little jack didn't pay attention.

Little Jack ran to Abigail to show his book and he tripped along the way. "Jack!" I run towards him and he starts crying, "My knee." Jack shows his knee to me and Abigail comes with the first aid kit, "It's okay Jack it's just a little scrape." I couldn't help but cry a little while holding him close. I have no idea why I was crying it just happened and the way I reacted to it quickly. "(Y/n) are you okay?" Arthur comes behind me asking. "Yeah I just wanted to make sure he's okay."
"Alright well, when he's okay come help me put the new tent up."

After Jack got patched up I went to go help Arthur and it was kinda tricky. "Okay maybe it's the other way around." I start fanning myself and pacing back and forth. "Are you alright?" He asks. "Yeah I'm just sweating and hot. It's a weird day today." Arthur went to go get Charles and I sat down with my elbows on my knees. I felt like throwing up again.

'Please not right now.'

"Here's some water (y/n). Do you think you're able to go out tonight?" I drink my water, "Umm I don't think tonight, maybe tomorrow night." Arthur and I ate some stew and we laid down in our new tent. I was in and out peeing nonstop all night. When the sun was up I finally fell asleep and I wasn't bothered the whole day.

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