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I woke up before Arthur and I carefully snuck away. I fixed my hair in Abigails tent and got dressed there too. I wanted to take pictures before Arthur goes with Sadie to get John. "You look great y/n, I wouldn't worry. Maybe just put a little bit of color on your lips." Abigail gave me her red lipstick and I dabbed it on my lips two times one on the top and bottom then I blended the color with my finger. "Y/n?" Arthur was up I made my way out and he saw me dressed up. "You look beautiful, I mean you always look beautiful." Arthur comes and hugs me. "Alright, let's get these pictures done." Abigail said getting my camera ready while Arthur and I get ready. First we stood together and then we looked each other in the eyes for the next one. Arthur quickly turned his head and coughed away. "You okay?" Arthur nods his head while still coughing. He props himself up and now I wanted to take some pictures of him.

 He props himself up and now I wanted to take some pictures of him

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"Mr. Morgan you are the most handsome man these eyes have ever seen." He chuckles and shakes his head while I put away my camera. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him, "don't go Arthur, stay here with me." Arthur sighs defeatedly and raises my chin. "I need to help John escape prison then I'll spend time with you and we'll leave." Arthur was handed a pale of water and he took some water to wash out his mouth. "Thanks Abigail. I'll see you in a bit." Arthur kisses me and then gets on his horse.

I head over to the fire and start burning a stick out of boredom. "Hello dear y/n." That accent, I turn to see Trelawny. He sits by me and stays quiet for a bit. "So.. is there something you want to talk about?" I ask him. "Yes uhh, I'm thinking about going back to New York soon." I nod my head slowly, "I think that's a good decision.." Trelawny turns to look at me, "you think things are going bad?" I lean to his ear and whisper, "I know things are going to go bad and it's soon. Just leave before things do go bad." Trelawny grabs my hand and looks into my eyes. "Come with me y/n. You and Arthur, I don't want anything to happen to you."

'Is he..'

"I must confess.." he says fixing his ascot tie. "I've always liked you y/n and if Arthur wasn't interested in you, I would've married you before Charles tried stealing you." I was so confused at this point. "Wha-"
"You haven't noticed? Charles still likes you. There were so many signs and little things that he did. Of course I didn't do too much because I didn't want Arthur to hate me or beat me up." I tried holding my laughter back but I couldn't. "What's so funny?" Charles joins in the conversation and sits next to me on my right. The only thing that ran across my mind was, 'this is going to be awkward as hell.'

"Charles do you like me?" I blurt out without even thinking. I regretted that immediately. "What? Umm I can't say.."
"Because you're a married woman." I smile and look straight forward then back at Charles. "Trelawny confessed just now, he likes me." Charles looked at Trelawny and gave him a 'what the hell' look. "Listen y/n I do like you but I stay away so Arthur won't think something. I respect you and Arthur enough to do that." That might've been the greatest response anyone could give. "You what?" I look forward and see Arthur in front of me. "That was quick.." I said to Arthur. "Yeah it didn't take too long but there's somewhere else I gotta be." I walk up to him and peck his lips. "Are these two bothering you?" He asks in a whisper. "No.. they were just talking to me." He grabs a hold of my hand and Dutch started yelling. "John?! How did you get here?" Dutch was asking a million questions and John was defending himself. "Dutch there was talk about hanging me!"
"It was just talk! It was just talk, my son." You can't take that chance, someone's life was on the line and if we didn't act sooner.. well.

"I need to go somewhere again. Yes I know it's frustrating but I gotta get some money so we can leave." I nod my head while looking down. I just wish I could do something to help so this can go faster. Arthur picks up my chin, "Hey I love you y/n."
"I love you too." Arthur smiles and then walks to his horse. After he takes off in the distance I turn to Abigails tent and she was so happy to see John. He was well, healthy. I walked back to our tent and plopped myself on the bed. I didn't feel like socializing with anyone, I didn't want to be a downer with my sadness. I turned to my other side and fell asleep.

"Y/n I think you should eat honey." Sadie said putting a plate down on the table beside the bed. "Come on you've been sleeping for a while now." She gently shakes me awake. I slowly sit up and wake myself before eating. Sadie sits on a chair and starts cleaning her pistol. "Sadie?"
"Mhmm?" Still cleaning her gun. "Woman to woman would you mind being there for me when..." I couldn't and wouldn't say it, so I just hoped that she filled in the blank. "Of course sweetie. Just holler and I'm there." Sadie holstered her pistol and stepped out. I was about half way with my meat and potatoes. I couldn't eat but I was still hungry. I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm lying I know what's wrong with me I just don't want to think about it.

I finished the rest of my food and put my plate with all the other dishes. I told everyone goodnight and headed to bed. As I was getting into my night gown I felt really anxious about Arthur. Tomorrow is a new day.

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