"A dreamer with the fever to be great was all I ever want, Was all I ever wanted, A finder with the fever for the fame was all I ever want, Was all I ever wanted" -The Score, "Legend"
We all have that one friend... That one friend who can't ever be proud of you for accomplishing something that you have always wanted. They have to turn it around and make it about them by saying they've gotten more views or more likes. All they care about is getting more likes or views than you. You tell them that you have achieved a life goal and they just don't give a fuck. They show you up by saying that had thousands of views when you only got 500 views on something you were really proud of.
It is up to us to pick good friends. Friends like that aren't good friends. I've had so many friends that were actually pieces of shit. They just aren't worth it. I'm really tired of the people. You can't trust anyone, can't tell anyone anything. The walls that I built may have been built too high, but I'm starting to think it's a good thing. I'm closed off for reasons nobody else can understand.
Fat Girls Romance
SaggisticaGrace is an overweight teenager. She has acquaintances, not friends. She has crushes but shut them down when she sees what they are really like. All Grace wants is romance, but she feels that she will never get it because she is overweight. This is...