chapter three

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties.

chapter three

Sakiya Naomi's POV

The day after his death, I got called into the police station. They wanted to know if he had beef with anyone, who could've been plotting against him. Things of that nature.

The only thing I could tell them was Cash. He was going to see Cash that night.

After I gave my statements, Herb came over to the house. I wanted answers. We sat at the bar, across from each other.

"So run me down the whole night." Sakiya said.

"The whole thing?" Herb asked.

"I said the whole night right?"

"Alright so, boom. It's been rumors around that Cash been stealing supply. Every time I'd try to confront him on some shit. He'd brush it off. Then the supply would return. But this time, over 10 pounds of coke was missing. I told Bib, I'd let him handle it. I tried and tried, but the supply kept returning so it made me seem like a liar." Herb said.

Sakiya nodded.

"So, I called Bib and told him to come up there and settle shit. While we were outside, a random black Jaguar pulled up on us and sprayed. Everybody dropped. I didn't realize Bibby was shot, till I heard him groan." Herb sighed.

Sakiya rubbed his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I even made you re-call this. I just.." Sakiya trailed off.

"No, you deserve to know." Herb said.

"Once I realized he was shot, I took off my t-shirt and put pressure on the wounds." He added.

"Caresha ran out, called 911, and was putting pressure on the neck wound. That's when he made me promise I'd take care of y'all for him." Herb looked down. A tear went down his face.

Sakiya cried. She knew he knew he was going to die.

Bibby had been shot 2 times previously. He was too nice. He was always friendly and open.

Caresha was their hood nurse. She was Bibby's cousin. We called her Resha. She was in nursing school currently, but she used her skills around the trap so they would never have to go to the hospital.

Though this time was different. Bibby got shot too many times.

"I'm sorry sis. Just know I'm here for you and I love you. I got you and my nephew for life. Y'all ain't ever gotta worry bout shit, as long as I'm living on this motherfucking earth." He said.

"Thank you." Sakiya whispered.

"I'm going to find out who killed my brother and I'm sliding." Herb said.

"Be safe. I can't lose you too." Sakiya said, back.

He nodded.

After Herb left that night, I put two and two together.

Bibby and Herb were GDs... Cash was affiliated. He never really picked a side. So for him to be stealing supply, he could've easily been sleeping with the enemy. Bibby and Herb always was into it with BDs over territory.

I texted Herb my thoughts and went to bed.

When I woke up, I had a call from the police.

They got another tip that Cash was a suspect in the murder. I was furious. I knew it was something about Cash but Bibby never listened.

That week was a tough one. The gangs were going at it. Herb didn't make any official moves yet but Bibby's homies had been getting into it with the BDs, because it was rumor it was them. Cash was nowhere to be found. It was also the week of the funeral.

That's when it got real.

My sister came in from Houston. His family from Chicago came down. Folks were always in my house. Flowers, pictures, balloons were everywhere. I wanted to get the funeral over with. It was too much.

When my sister came in, we sat down together at the bar.

"I'm sorry for your loss sis." She said, hugging Sakiya.

"Thank you." Sakiya whispered.

"So, do the folks know your pregnant yet?" She asked.

Sakiya shook her head no.

"How are you going to tell them?" Diamontè asked.

"I don't know sis. I really don't know." Sakiya shrugged.

"Well, you can't go to the funeral." She said.

"Why not? Why wouldn't I go to my man's funeral?" Sakiya asked.

"They say it's bad luck for your pregnancy." She said.

"Well.. my situation is as fucked up as it gets. Can it get much worse?" Sakiya said, before getting up and walking to her bedroom.

She felt a breakdown coming on.


Diamontè pictured above (:

Y'all the updates may slow down a bit. It's my prom week! So I'm going to be real busy starting tomorrow, whewww. Anywhoooo, it's starting off slow but I promise it's going to come together soon. I just gotta emphasize what Sakiya went through, so y'all can understand her character 😉.

We almost to 100 reads, so 10 votes, 10 comments?

Any predictions on who Cash and Caresha are played by? If you read my other books you can prob guess 😂

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