chapter twenty two

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties.

chapter twenty-two

Dave's POV

The day had came. My mixtape was dropping tonight at midnight. I was so ready for my city to hear what I've been working on and been MIA about. I was on the phone with Sakiya, as I was on the way to Rita's house to get Kairi. I was dropping her off at my parent's house. She was spending the night with them. They was sliding through my party later, but only for a little bit. They didn't do the clubs, obviously but they wanted to show their support.

"What you about to do now?" Sakiya asked.

"On the way to get Kairi from my baby moms.. then I'm dropping off her at my parents. I need to get ready for this party." I yawned.

"Mmm, you sound sleepy." Sakiya said.

"I am. After I do this, I'm going to get my hair cut then I'm going to sleep till tonight." I said.

"I heard that." She said.

I wanted her to be at the party tonight, but I knew she was going through things so I wasn't even going to question it.

"You been doing alright though?" I said, because the phone had got quiet.

"Yeah, the situation got better so I can finally go back to work." She replied.

"That's good, because I was so worried about you mamas." I said.

"Thank you baby.. listen... I gotta go. But have fun tonight at your party. I lo- I know you're going to have a great time." She said, before the phone got staticky and hung up.

I couldn't deal with this girl. I was ready to throw in the towel. I pulled up to Rita's place and parked my truck. I let her know I was outside, before jogging up her steps.

She opened the door so it was cracked, before walking away from it.

"Come in!" She yelled. I went in and locked the door.

"I'm just finishing her hair. But there's her bags right there." Rita pointed over to her bags.

I picked them up, before I put them in the truck and came back in her place.

"You ready for tonight?" Rita asked, as she spritzed Kairi's hair with spray.

"Yeah man, I can't lie though I'm nervous." I said, falling back on her couch.

"Kairi go get your doll, that you want to take to Grammie's." She told her. She got up and ran into her room.

Rita turned on the couch so she was facing me.

"You got this. You're the neighborhood hero in these streets. It'll go great." Rita assured me, she stroked my face with her finger.

"Thanks." I sighed.

"Anytime, but listen you need a cut." She said, before hopping off the couch and laughing.

"Mane come here!" I said, grabbing her arm which pulled her back down on the couch.

We started to play fight, and I had her by her neck.

"Take it back! I'm on my way now after I drop Kairi off." I chuckled.

She put her hand, on my hand that was around her neck.

"Nope." She said, popping the p.

"You know I like when you do that shit." She added. I snatched my hand away.

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