chapter twenty four

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties.

chapter twenty-four

Sakiya's POV

I was finally dressed and ready for my little outing with Dave. I grabbed the scissors and cut the edge wrap from my baby hairs. I made sure my swoops were perfect, before re-applying some lip gloss.

I was on some chill shit. I wore joggers with a crop top and a winder breaker over it and some heels. It was almost September so the nights were definitely getting cooler in the South. I went for my blonde frontal, but put it in a half up half down.

I was spraying my perfume when I got that text.

From: East ❤️

"I'm outside."

I hurried up and finished, before coming downstairs. Herb was laying on the couch watching TV. It was midnight, I had already put Junior to sleep. Linda was sleep also.

"You good sis?" Herb asked.

"Yeah, I'm about to head out. Text me if anything goes wrong. I may or may not spend the night at his place, depends on my vibe. But I think I'm going to come back here." I said.

"I got you. You text me if anything goes wrong and I'll be there ASAP." He said.

"Thank you." I said, before leaving out. I didn't want to hold Dave up, since he was getting paid to be somewhere. He had another appearance at my job, but I'd be working that night.

I went outside and he standing outside a Bentley truck waiting.

"Ooo fancy." I said, as I walked towards him.

"Courtesy of the homie." He said, opening the door for me.

"Thank you." I smiled, before getting in.

He got in after me and we drove off.

"You look mad good right now. Ian seen you with your blonde hair in a minute." He said.

"I know right. I been all natural lately." I chuckled. 

"Either way you always look beautiful."

"Aww thank you." I said.

He leaned over and tongued kissed me. I kissed him back, but had to pull away real quick.

"You gotta chill before you get something started." I laughed.

"Weak!" He said, "All I did was kiss you."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Mind if I roll up?" I went in my purse and got the grams that I had got from Herb earlier.

"Do your thing lil mama." He said, throwing his hands up. The driver told us we were about 15 minutes out, so I rolled us up 2 woods. I decided to save one for the club and start to spark one now.

I hit it and blew out smoke. I swear being high calmed my nerves so much. All my anxiety went away when I was high. I definitely always been a weed smoker, but kinda chilled after having Junior. But being with Dave? It brought back all the feels. I missed the feeling of being high.

I offered it to Dave and he hit it.

He always swallowed it and it would come out his nose.

"Shit, what the fuck is this?" He asked.

"Sum that they sell in my hood." I shrugged. I never knew all the strands and their names.

"That's some good shit mamas. I need yo connect before I leave." He said, hitting it again.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now