chapter twenty nine

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

twenty nine

Sakiya's POV

I watched Dave speed off. Apart of me wanted to follow him, so I could explain and the other half wanted me to give him his space. It was no use. He told me not to text or call him. I just felt terrible. We went from fucking to him in my face yelling. Why did it go so wrong?

I pulled myself together and went inside the house. I looked at the clock and it was only 8. I wanted to go to sleep now. I decided to use this time wisely and take a shower and fix myself back up before Linda and Junior were back home.

My hoodie smelled so much like him. I had to pull it off and throw it on the floor. I went in the bathroom and removed my shorts, and just looked in the mirror. My body was covered with his love marks. Handprint on my ass, love bites on my neck. I felt so stupid. If I would've just put my sex drive to the side for .2 seconds and handled it like a real woman I wouldn't be in this position.

But I panicked and sex is my coping mechanism.

I bursted into tears all over again. I wiped my face and cut on the shower.

I got in and scrubbed my body clean. I didn't want no trace of Dave on me. I wanted his scent gone. After I washed my body, I washed my hair, letting it hang down curly and wet.

I stepped out the shower and grabbed my towel.

I looked over at the picture of me and Bibby on the vanity.

I looked over at the picture of me and Bibby on the vanity

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"I fucking miss you dude. I wish you could come back." I said, crying all over again.

Fuck. Sakiya Naomi, get it together. You can do this. You gotta be strong for your baby.

I wiped my tears and started to get dressed. Linda texted me and said she was on the way with Junior and he was sleep. I didn't even feel like explaining it to her really.

While my phone was unlocked, I texted the girls group chat, with me Resha and Diamontè and told them everything. From the sex to the blow up. I told them not to call, because I didn't feel like talking but I'd call them tomorrow.

I slipped on some panties and an oversized t-shirt, before getting in the bed. I had no motivation to do anything.


New York.

Dave's POV

Trey and Cliff pulled up to the curb at the airport, and I hopped in the backseat with my carry on luggage.

"My nigga.. back so soon." Cliff said, dapping it up with me.

Trey was driving. He dapped me too.

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