chapter forty three

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

chapter forty three

the following weekend

Sakiya's POV

I was dropping Bubba off to spend the weekend with Mrs. Dickerson. We hadn't seen her in a couple weeks, so I decided to drop in and say hello. She wanted to see Junior and take him out this weekend.

Her house wasn't too far away from ours, as I pulled into her driveway.

Her house wasn't as big as ours but it was equally nice. Bibby made sure everybody was straight.

I texted her and let her know that we were outside.

"Baby you ready for your weekend with Mawmaw?" I asked, looking into my mirror.

"Yeah!" Junior said, as he shook his toy.

I smiled.

I got out of my truck and walked around to his side to unbuckle him out of his car seat.

I took him out of his car seat, and sat him outside the truck.

"Stand right here!" I said.

"Yes mommy." He nodded.

By this time, Mrs. Dickerson came out of the house.

"Is that my beautiful daughter and handsome grand baby?" She smiled.

"Hi Mawmaw!" Junior said, as he jumped up and down. He was so happy to see her.

"I missed you so much!" She said, as she picked him up.

"Hey momma." I smiled, as I got the car seat out of my truck, then I got Junior's bag.

"Hey baby. I missed you too." She said, as she hugged me.

"You can put the car seat in my backseat. I'll do the rest." She said.

I nodded, before locking my truck.

I placed the car seat in her truck like she asked before we went inside.

She held onto Junior, "Has he eaten today?"

"Yes, he had breakfast but I know he'll want lunch soon." I said.

"Okay, I think we may go out to eat. Bubba you want pizza?" She asked.

He nodded.

"Well, go in your room for a minute while me and mommy talk." Ms. Dickerson said.

I kneeled down. "I love you baby. Be good for Mawmaw okay?"

"Okay." He said, as he grabbed my cheeks.

He kissed my face and walked into his room.

"That boy is a mess." She laughed.

"I know right." I smiled.

"So, how are you? You haven't called me in awhile. This could be good or bad." Mrs. Dickerson said.

"I mean, in a good way. I've been working and I took a trip to New York." I trailed off.

"How was your trip?" She asked.

"You want lemonade?" She asked.

I nodded.

She poured me and her both of glass, before I sat down. I put my keys down also.

"The trip didn't go as good as planned. I went to meet David, my boyfriend's baby mother. She wasn't all that nice." I said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Did y'all work it out?"

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