chapter eleven

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties.

chapter eleven

Sakiya's POV

1 week till Brandon Jr's birthday...

I was currently out, finishing up last minute things with my mom for Junior's birthday. I blew my breath, as I crossed off things on my list.

"What's wrong?" My mom asked.

"Nothing.. just so much to do. So little time," I sighed.

Linda, the house keeper, my nanny was off this week. She was going to Mexico to visit her family, before the summer was up. Linda worked so hard, she deserved it. So, to help me with the baby and to keep me company I called my mom. She was going to be staying with me for the next two weeks.

My dad was military, currently stationed in Japan. So you can imagine how I hardly see them. My mom hadn't seen the baby since he was 6 months old, and here he was about to turn 2. My mom and I had a great relationship, but we weren't super close. With my dad being military we were always being switched and rooted out of our schools and taken to another city. My freshman year, Diamontè's senior year we weren't going.

We begged our auntie to get custody of us and take care of us so we could stay in Dallas. We loved Dallas so much. Our parents moved to Japan. My auntie Sherry now lived in McKinney though. Not too far but I didn't see her often either.

Though she was coming to the party, and I couldn't wait. I was excited like it was my birthday.

I loaded the basket up with all the last minute stuff. Candies, small toys, and trinkets. The theme was Paw Patrol, because my baby loved the show. I was getting us a dog too.

I pushed in the direction of the checkout, as my mom and I started to load things up. The clerk started to scan everything. $100 turned to $200.. $200 to $300 to eventually $400 and some change.

I started to reach for my wallet and grabbed the $400 cash out.

My mom stood there stunned with her card in hand, "Hunny I got it."

"No mom it's fine." I said, handling the clerk over the money.

My mom looked at me suspicious, as the girl counted out the $400 in 20s and a couple hundred dollar bills.

My mom didn't really know what I did or what I was. I know she knew it was clearly not a regular job. But she never asked questions so I wasn't telling.

At the end of the day, her and my dad never offered to help when Brandon died so they couldn't have a say so on my life. They couldn't tell me how to pay my bills.

I loaded the cart up with the bags and went out to my G Wagon. We loaded everything up, before heading back to my house. I had to work tomorrow, which was Friday so I had to make sure everything was good. I had to work all this week too, before the party.

Once we got home, I bathed Junior and got on the couch with him. He laid on my chest, pulling my shirt.

"Aww papa sleepy." I said, rubbing his back.

I couldn't believe it's about to be 2 years since I had him. It was a crazy 2 years and most definitely was not easy.

I went on Instagram to promote the party happening at the club tomorrow.

liked by daveeast and 10,000 othersthe_asian_persuasion: "Dallas what the fuck going on! Meet me at KOD tomorrow

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liked by daveeast and 10,000 others
the_asian_persuasion: "Dallas what the fuck going on! Meet me at KOD tomorrow. I need all my rich niggas and bad bitches to show up. I will be serving drinks. Come turn up with me!"
daveeast: 👀👀

I noticed Dave commented so I decided I'd finally be bold and text him. At first I wasn't feeling it, because I still felt like I was moving too fast.

To: East

"You thinking about sliding tomorrow?"

From: East

"Maybe. Gotta see what vibe I'm on."

To: East

"Mmmm gotchu."

From: East

"Yhu stay busy don't yhu?"

To: East

"Something like that. I'm always working."

From: East

"I can tell. When the next time you free?"

My heart started to pump faster.

To: East

"I work all week."

From: East

"This weekend?"

Next weekend was Jr's birthday. I hadn't told East I had a child yet. Not that I felt the need to tell him, or anything but the opportunity didn't present itself either. I don't know why I felt weird from hiding it from him, I've only known him for three weeks.

I skimmed over my keyboard, trying to find a perfect lie to why I couldn't hang out.

Jr's party was during the afternoon. I could go later than night.

Junior fell asleep, so I got up and put him in his bed. Before returning to the couch, where my phone lay.

From: East


To: East

"Next Saturday night?"

From: East

"Sounds good with me ma."

To: East

"Well it's a date then 🥰."

From: East


I took a deep breath, "what am I getting myself into?"


Short chapter but I wanted to update sooo bad.

Someone's a little nervous for the date.

Any predictions of where y'all think the date where be?

How will the date go?

Will Sakiya keep hiding the fact she has a baby?

Y'all think her momma gon find out she a stripper? Predictions?

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