chapter forty

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

chapter forty

Dave's POV

Sakiya snatched the keys from my hand and walked out of the coffee joint.

I didn't know if I should follow Kiya or hash it out with Rita.

"See this is why I can't ever have shit! You always fucking ruining it, like we fucking or some wild shit." I yelled at Rita.

"Dave, I love you. I want us to make it work with Kairi." Rita said, through some fake tears.

"Rita, me and you been over with. I may have slipped up with you one time, after Kiya and I got into it, but that don't mean I want you. Those days over with." I spat back.

"Since, you can't hash shit out like an actual adult, I guess we just gotta take this to court." I sighed, as I palmed my face.

That was the last thing I wanted.

"If you really loved me, you'd respect what me and Kiya got going on, and find a compromise." I added.

Rita just sat there, with a tear going down her face.

"I'll holla at you later." I said, as I threw a $20 down for her coffee and walked out.

I couldn't believe this shit.

I went out to the truck, and Sakiya leaned over to unlock it.

"Baby I can expl—-"

"So is this what you do when you come back to New York? Is this really what goes down when I'm in Dallas? I should've known you were too good to be fucking true." Sakiya said.

I had never seen her go off like this.

"Mamas, that's not what it's like I swear."

"Then what is it like David?" Sakiya said, starting to cry.

"Huh? What is it really like? You know my story. You know it took me 3 years to date again and you were my first person I dated again." Sakiya said.

I had never seen her cry, which freaked me out, so I pulled over.

"I don't know why you're stopping just keep driving. I want to get to the house." She said, so I threw my hands up.

I pulled back onto to the road and continued to drive towards my house.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you. The night that I found out about Junior, I flew home to NY. I needed somebody to talk to so I went to Rita." I said, lowly.

Sakiya wiped her nose on her sweater.

"Did y'all have sex?"

"No, she just gave me some head, but I swear I regret it."

"Do you? Or do you regret I found out?"

"Kiya, I'm sorry. I can't change what happened."

"Just get me back to your house."

I practically sped my whole way back to my crib, once we got outside, Sakiya wasted no time getting out the truck.

But she was really drove, because I had the key.

Once I pulled into the garage, I went over and opened the door for her. The walk upstairs was silent.

She went straight to the bed room.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now