chapter fifty

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

chapter fifty

2 1/2 weeks later...

Dave's POV

Ever since Sakiya found out she was pregnant, our life was on a race track. Everything was moving so super fast and I couldn't believe it. With finding out the news, I decided on buying us a new house.

My house currently was cool, but we needed newness with a new baby.

I'm big on vibes. It just didn't seem right having Sakiya, Junior, and a new baby in a house that Rita used to be in.

Either way, I had moved out of my old crib and into the new this week. I was in Dallas helping Sakiya move, as U-haul was coming today to get her stuff.

Her main thing was getting all her clothes and packing Junior's room.

She didn't want to sell the house, so instead Herb was moving in.

I tried to read Sakiya all day but I couldn't. She was like a ghost almost.

I was sitting down,  tapping up a box and she walked passed me.

I grabbed her hand, "Hey."

"What's up?" She said, lowly.

"You okay? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She said.

"Now you know.. that was not convincing." I said.

She looked away, as I stroked her leg.

"What's good with you?" I asked again.

"I'm not kinda sad." She shrugged.


"Moving." She said.

"You know nevermind." She turned to walk away but I pulled her back.

"Sakiya, you gotta let it out and talk to me, or it's going to keep replaying in your mind." I told her.

She sighed.

"Okay it's like this..." She said, before sitting down.

"I'm excited to move. I want to move, for the sake of us, our new baby. But it's harder than I thought." She said.

"It's like, I didn't realize how many memories I had in this house until..." She looked away.

I grabbed her hands, so she knew I was listening.

"Until I started packing." She managed to get out.

"Ma, everything you feeling is real. Hell it was even hard for me to leave my old place, and you see what the new place looking like." I chuckled, trying to lighten her mood.

She laughed.

"I got you. We will get through this together," I said, before kissing her forehead.

She crawled on my lap and hugged me.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything." Sakiya said.

She held on to me so tight.

"Ahh baby." I rubbed her back, as she started crying.

"Don't ever feel like you can't tell me shit. I love you."

"I love you." She said back.


Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now