chapter thirty eight

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

thirty eight

Sakiya's POV

After Dave's security escorted Rita from our hotel, I couldn't even look at Dave. It was an awkward silence throughout the whole suite.

I started to do my makeup, and put in my AirPods. I wasn't in the mood anymore.

I didn't like how Dave had her comfortable enough that she could even pop up on us like that.

I would say she didn't know I was here, but she definitely did. Dave's photographer had taken photos of us last night together and of course they were uploaded.

After I finished my makeup, I put my hair into two braids. I wanted to get all fine for our day out, but Rita pissed me off so bad I went for a casual look.

I put on my black hoodie and my adidas tennis shoes.

Today we were going to Lenox, then out to eat and supposed to go to Top Golf, but I didn't even know if I could stand Dave that long.

After I finished getting ready, I went in the living room of the suite to get him.

I cleared my throat, as he was scrolling his phone, "I'm ready."

He nodded. I grabbed my purse and we went for the door.

He tried to hold my hand, but I pulled away. I was giving him major attitude.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes all over again.

We went down to the lobby and out to the entrance as a black Tahoe with celebrity tint pulled up for us.

I immediately sat in the very back row and Dave followed.

He told the driver Lenox and we went on our way.

"Really mamas? You doing this right now?"

I scoffed.

"No, your baby momma is really doing this right now."

"Ma, you know I have no control over that grown ass woman." Dave said, as he palmed his face.

"But you do though. You do. She shouldn't even feel comfortable coming at me like that, because I'm not with her!" I said, slightly raising my voice.

Dave just shook his head.

"I'm sorry." He added.

"And the thing is, you didn't even try to talk to me about it afterwards. You let me sit there and do my fucking hair and makeup." I said. I was bouncing. I was so pissed, I couldn't believe it

"I'm sorry mamas. I just thought that after what you said it was done. I didn't think it was shit else to say after that." Dave said.

I just rolled my eyes again.

I couldn't even believe him.

"I don't know how to feel about this Dave. I flew out here, to surprise you and have a great weekend and she just threw my vibe off." I shrugged.

"And I love you for that. I'm thankful you took off to come see me and surprise me. We still are going to have a good weekend. You can't just let Rita's crazy ass ruin it for us like that." Dave said.

His words were slightly reassuring, but I still was upset. I didn't want him to think shit was sweet.

"I love you. I'm sorry." Dave said, leaning over and kissing my face. A tear went down.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now