chapter thirty five

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

thirty five

Sakiya's POV

"Fuck Dave," I exclaimed, as I dug into his back.

We had been at it for almost an hour, and I felt myself about to come for the fourth time.

He knew I was close, so he slowed it down, just now I liked it, as I came.

Dave did a couple more pumps, before I felt the condom get hot.

I leaned up and kissed him, slowly.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I said, in between kisses. He pulled my bottom lip a little, before letting it go.

"I'm going to miss you too baby. It's 4 weeks, it'll be over before you know it." He said, removing himself from off me.

I rolled over in his covers, inhaling his scent that was buried in his sheets.

I was really bummed out. Dave had a flight tonight out of here, to go on tour and I had to work.

"Ughhhh." I let out a loud sigh. 4 weeks without seeing my man, without having my dick.

I heard Dave cut on the shower, and I pulled myself out the bed and into the bathroom myself. I brushed my teeth, and got my shower stuff ready. I was dropping Dave off at the airport then heading to work.

I looked at my phone and it was 8. His flight was at 9, and I had work at 10.

After I gathered my shower things, I slid the door to the side and got in with Dave. He had his back turned to me. I slid behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

I was getting my hair wet and the water was dripping into my eyes but I didn't even care.

"Mamas, I'm telling you. You'll be good, I'll even fly you out the one of the shows." He reassured. I nodded.

He continued to wash his body, and I let go of him, as I washed mine. I still couldn't shake how sad I was. I was going to miss him a lot.

Dave turned to get out the shower, and grabbed my face and kissed me, "You'll be aight. Just hold it down in Dallas for me." I nodded, as he got out and I continued to take my shower.

I hoped out the shower and started to get dressed. Dave was finishing up his packing, as I did my makeup and put on my outfit for tonight.

I wasn't really feeling it, due to my own personal issues, with missing Dave, I slapped on a closure wig that was purple and called it a day. The outfit I was wearing was purple snakeskin to match.

I pulled my sweatsuit over it, and got my duffle bag, before alerting Dave.

"Baby, I'm ready when you are." I knocked on the door.

"Alright, gimme 5." He said back.

It wasn't even 5 minutes, before he came out.

"I'm ready now," He said, coming out the bathroom, stretching his arms.

"Alright alright." I smiled, as I grabbed my car keys. Dave grabbed my other hand, and placed a key inside of it.

"Come by time to time and check in. Make sure the toilets are flushed, that type of thing." He kissed my hand.

I just nodded in shock. He gave me the keys to his place. I couldn't believe it.

I stashed it quickly in my person, before we went downstairs to my truck.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now