chapter forty two

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

chapter forty two

December 6th

Dave's POV

I decided to take my mother's advice. It had been a couple days since Sakiya left. It gave me a lot of time to reflect over the weekend and figured out my next move.

I was in the studio working on some new shit, before I had to get Kairi. My manager had told me that some labels were looking at me.

I was independent now, but signing a record deal was a major goal of mine.

I tried not to sweat it too much and just put out good music. I knew it would happen to me in due time.

My session was over in 15 minutes, but I decided to come out the booth.

It was my engineer, Cliff and I. I let the engineer go for the night, as I just talked to Cliff.

"So man what's going on? We got mad shit to talk about." Cliff said, as he sparked the wood.

I already had one going.

"Man, last weekend was mad crazy. I didn't expect Rita to go all wild like that." I said.

"But it's Rita. You knew that was going to happen sooner or later mans."

I shrugged.

"It's like she never want to see me do good in a relationship."

"Of course not. She want you to be with her ass, miserable in that damn house." Cliff chuckled.

"I guess. It's time I move on though."

"It's been time." Cliff said back.

I nodded, before puffing on my backwood.

Rita and I never had any bad blood. I didn't cheat. She didn't cheat. We just realized that inna relationship, we weren't going anywhere. It wasn't progressing. Neither of us were happy. We were truly one of those couples who were better as friends. We weren't compatible after awhile.

"So what's the deal?" Cliff asked.

"I gotta decide man what I'm going to do for Christmas. Then, I gotta tell Rita what was up." I said.

"Good luck with Rita." Cliff said, as I packed my backpack.

"But for as far as Christmas, I think you should spend it with your girl and Kairi." Cliff shrugged.

"Alright bro." I said, standing up to dap him.

I thought about what he said, as we left out the studio. I was on my way to Rita's house.

I got to Rita's house in about 45 minutes, before I parked and walked up her steps. I rang the doorbell, and she opened the door.

"Hello David." She said, as she opened it.

"Hey. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Kairi is just watching tv in her room. I already have her bags packed."

I nodded.

"So what's up?" She asked, as we sat down at her dining room table.

"It's about what happened with my girl."

Rita scoffed, "We still on this?"

"Yes, Rita we are. I need you to be on the same page as us." I said.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now