chapter thirty seven

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

thirty seven

Sakiya's POV

Last night was great. Dave did such an amazing job at his show, and afterwards we turnt up the strip club. It was honestly one of the best times I've had in my life.

After the club, we had ordered room service and crashed.

I woke up and noticed it was 10 am. I wasn't tripping though. Dave had an off day today, so we were planning to tour the city.

I kissed Dave's lips, "Good morning baby."

"Morning." He said, partially still sleep. I chuckled.

I got up and used the restroom, before getting back in bed with Dave. He was scrolling on his phone.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I asked.

He put his phone down on the night stand, and rolled over facing me.

"I was thinking about a lil' me and you time." He said, pulling me by my waist.

I couldn't even act like I didn't want to have sex, because I did. It's been weeks.

"Mmkay." I nodded, before Dave raised off the bed.

He pulled me to the edge of the bed, before pulling my white lace thong down.

I was getting nervous, because he hadn't reached for a condom, but instead he got down.

Dave gave me one big lick, before he covered my pussy with his mouth.

I was in shock. I moaned out and gripped the sheets, as he licked my clit.

"Oh Dave." I said, as I threw my head back.

He kept on sucking my clit, hard. It felt like it had a bruise.

I ran my hand through his hair, as he continued to eat me out. My toes curled up, as I felt my orgasm coming on.

He knew I was close, and he pulled back real quick.

"Wait, Dave, I——" I said, as the pleasure wave went through my body.

"We not done ma." He chuckled, as he got a condom off the dresser.

I pulled down his underwear, and watched as he put on the condom.

He teased me for a minute, as he rubbed his dick on my clit.

"Dave, stop. I need you in me." I managed to get out, before he slid it in really slow.

We moaned in unison, as he went in and out.

I watched his dick appear and re-appear.

"Ooo Dave." I moaned, as he fucked me deeply.

He thumbed my clit, as he stroked.

"You like that?"

"Mmhm." I said, pulling him down, closer to me.

"You miss this shit?" He said, as he sped up.

"I did.. I did." I moaned out, as I scratched his back.

The pleasure I was feeling was crazy.

He turned me over, and started hitting it from the back too. I lost it.

"I missed you so much." I moaned out.

"I missed you more." He said, slapping my ass.

We went on for another 10 minutes, before we both came.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now