chapter thirty one

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

thirty one

Sakiya's POV

So, I listened to everything Resha told me and packed up my stuff. I booked a hotel room, and a flight out of here to New York. I checked his tour dates and I made sure that he would be home and he was. Only problem is what time he'd be home but I didn't think too much of it.

My flight was going to land at noon, so I was going to go over there around 2. I was planning to change at the hotel and that's what I did.

Resha was driving me to the airport. It was 7 am our time.

It was a cold, rainy day Tuesday.

"I think you're doing the right thing." Resha said, as we pulled out the driveway.

"I hope so." I said.

"I uh... had a dream about Bibby last night too." Resha smiled.

"Oh my.. really? I haven't had one in forever." I sighed. "He probably hates me right now." I added.

"Nah, just know you're doing the right thing. Make sure you tell him the whole truth today. Every single detail. Be stern but not too aggressive and rude. I know you can be aggressive at times." Resha chuckled at that last part. She wasn't lying. I was so used to being on the defense mechanism.

"Alright, I hear you." I laughed. We pulled up to the airport. We got out and got my bags out her car.

She hugged me.

"Have a safe flight. I love you. Text me when you get to New York." She said.

"I love you too. I will. Take care of my baby for me." I said.

Once I got to the airport, I checked in and got through through security quick and I was on my flight.


New York

Sakiya's POV continued..

I had got the rental car and headed over to his house. The hotel was only 30 minutes away from his house.

I tried to calm myself down. The worst he could say is to leave right? Which I doubt he'd do.. it'll be 3 weeks this weekend.

I pulled up to the house and he was outside with Kairi and bunch of niggas. I even saw Cliff. He had on a black t-shirt and some black shorts. I took a deep breath, as I turned the car off.

Dave's POV

I was outside, just chillin with the guys and Kairi when a white Range Rover pulled up behind mind. I picked Kairi up.

"Kairi, go in the house with GG for a minute." I said, kissing her face, she called my dad GG.

I opened the door and she ran inside.

"Yo who that?" Cliff asked.

"I don't know," I said, hopping off the porch so I could meet them. The door opened.

"It's Asian." Trey said.

"Oh shit." I said to myself. Seeing her was like the first time again. That night she gave me the dance. I had butterflies in my stomach. It was weird.

She got out the car and met me half way in the driveway.

"Hey." She said, looking down.

"What's good with you? Why you come out here?" I asked.

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