chapter thirty two

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

thirty two

Dave's POV

"You're a little too late—— I got a flight to catch." She said, trying to push past me.

"Wait——" I said, gently pushing her back into the room.

"What Dave? You said you don't want shit to do with me. Aren't I giving you what you want?" She said, pushing past me again.

I leaned up against the door, so she couldn't get past me. She pushed and pushed until she finally gave up.

"You ready to talk now?" I asked.

"Come in." She said, blowing her breath.

She rolled her luggage out the way, letting me go by. I sat on the bed.

"What is there to talk about?"

"I wanted to let you know I'm sorry. I'm not only sorry but I apologize. I was mad overrating. I didn't mean the things I said. I really miss you Sakiya and I just wanna know about your story.. your son." I trailed off.

"Because clearly you left a lot out on the first date." I chuckled. She tried not to laugh but she cracked a smile.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything but—-"

"It's a judgment free zone. Talk to me." I said, pulling her down on the bed.

She grabbed her phone and started typing away. I figured she was doing something with her flight.

"How much time you got?" She said, kicking her shoes off.

"For you. All day." I smiled.

She sat back on the king size bed, criss cross apple sauce as I sat next to her. I had took my shoes off too.

"Start from the beginning. How old is he? His name?" I said.

"Alright, so his name is Brandon Amir Dickerson. He's named after his late father, so we call him Junior or Bubba." Sakiya said.

I gave her my full attention.

"Bubba is a cool nickname."

"Yeah, his grandmother gave it to him. That was his dad's nickname as a baby too, so we kind of passed it down." She sighed.

"I'm sorry if I trail off or cry or anything. It's really hard to talk about." She added.

"Like I said, it's an one hundred percent judgement free zone." I said, kissing her hand. She calmed down a little bit. She was so tensed up. I tried to think of all the right things to say to make her feel better.

"Thanks. But um, he's two. He just turned two not too long ago."

"Oh so he's about the same age as Kairi."

"Yeah, they're super close."

I nodded.

"But like, I don't know where to even start." She sighed.

"Take your time."

She nodded and took a deep breath.

"His father was murdered when I was pregnant." She managed to get out.

My heart dropped.

"Ahhh man. I'm so sorry. Oh my god." I said, palming my face. I could see why she was so secretive.

"It's okay. I mean it's been three years now. So it's not too too bad. His birthday is coming up. He would've been twenty five, so it's kind of hard around this time." She said.

"I'm so sorry for your loss."


"He and I had been together since our tenth grade of high school, so you could say we were high school sweethearts. He was a drug dealer all throughout those years, but when we graduated, he was in the streets more so he became a kingpin. Eventually it grew and grew, and before I knew it he was running Dallas." She added.

"I never worked. Ever. My parents had a lil change and then with him doing that, I didn't really have a reason too. I had a couple retail jobs but I didn't keep them for long. But, once he died, the money got funny, and I wasn't willing to give up the lifestyle so I turned to stripping." She said.

My eyes got wide. I was in such shock. I looked at her mad different now. Though, not in a bad way.

I nodded.

"So that's my grand story." She said, waving her hands, doing jazz hands.

"Wow. I've always respected you and I love you, but now it's like my respect is at an all time high. You real. You holding shit down for your son and I respect it." I said.

"Thank you. I love you too." She smiled.

We hugged it out.

"I'm sorry for not telling you from the jump. It's just been a lot." Sakiya said.

"I understand completely. I'm sorry for jumping at you. So.. when you told me you had a nephew it was really yo son?" I asked.

She laughed, "Yeah."

"Oh my gosh." I palmed my face.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. But look the next time you're in Dallas you can meet the gang. You can meet my family and see my people. Like Herb, that's Bibby's best friend, the plug. Southside, his other best friend. Resha.. his cousin——-" Sakiya went on.

"Y'all seem like y'all got a big family." I said.

"Not really, but we're all very close." She shrugged.

We laid on her bed and she showed me photos of everyone all night. We talked and talked for hours, before I eventually talked her into checking out the hotel and coming home with me.

I had got my girl back.


shortie but goodie, because y'all was blowing me tf up lol!

anyways, y'all went HAM on these recent chapters. the last chapter got 60 votes.. the other one got 88 comments. sheeesh y'all really fucking with this one. it was meant to be a short story.. but it may be a series.. i'll let y'all decide.

55+ votes and 20 comments for the next chapter.

aren't y'all glad they made up? (:

also, my updates are going to get slower. i am about to be a college freshman.. i move in the dorms on Sunday and it's my last week at home so i haven't been taking a lot of time to write. but ya girl needs all the encouragement so if y'all got some encouraging words leave them below 😭😭 i neeeeed it. love y'all -Syd 💜

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