chapter twenty seven

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties


Sakiya's POV

I was collecting my coins from work. It was my last day before vacation thank God. I need it. Even though I had just took the weekend off, week before last. Working everyday was taking a toll on me. I worked every single day this week. It was crazy. It was a Sunday night, I stuffed my bag with all my clothes from today and my money.

Candy came in the locker room. I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't look up. The music was so loud from the club, I didn't hear her come in. Candy was JP's madam. They had been together for years, but she was the one who went out and got the bitches. She kept everybody in line. I had hung out with her a couple times, when Bibby was alive. We'd do double dates from time to time when JP and Bibby were in business together but nothing major. I never talked to her unless she was telling me what to do or I was paying my dues.

"Asian.." She said.


"Hey girl, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm good. Listen, JP told me you've been going through a lot and just know I'm here for you girl. If you need anything just call me, ok." She said, rubbing on my shoulder.

It caught me off guard.

"Thanks. I appreciate it." I said, as I walked closer to the door.

That was so freaking weird.

I went out the backdoor where Chops was.

"Gone for the night Asian?"

"Yeah! Going out of town with Herb. I got a flight in the morning." I yelled, getting into my truck.

"You always on the go! Have safe travels." He yelled back.

"Thank you!" I said, as I closed my door.

Everyone was at the house, waiting on me.

Herb, Southside, and Resha. It was a little family trip, since I wasn't with them for the holidays. Herb really needed the vacation, he and Tasha had broke up, over some bum shit but I hadn't seen her to talk to her about it though. We had been working opposite shifts lately.

I sped home so I could finish getting ready our flight and try to talk to East. With me going on vacation, especially with the family I felt like it was time to tell him. I was thinking about how I should say it over and over in my head.

"Hey I gotta tell you something." Nah that ain't it.

"I have a son." Nah too blunt.

"I have a son.. that I've been hiding. But not on purpose." Nah that ain't it either.

Oh shit, this may be harder than I thought.

I took a deep breath, as I pulled into the garage.

You got this sis.

I went into the house through the garage and of course they was up kicking it in the kitchen.

"Y'all more lit in my house than I am." I laughed.

"Girl. We going to Miami tomorrow! Get lit!" Resha said, handing me a shot.

Herb was finishing up a backwood.

I threw it back.

"Okay that's good for me, because I drank a lot at work." I laughed.

"Girl bye. I'm going to get you in the morning." Resha said.

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