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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties


6 months later...

Sakiya fluffed her hair in the mirror, as her baby shower was about to start.

The family was in town. Resha, Diamontè, Herb, Southside, her aunt and all the kids. Everybody, even her parents.

They had came to NY a couple months previously and really liked Dave.

"Sakiya, your guest are arriving come down stairs." My auntie knocked on the door saying.

"I'm coming." Sakiya said.

She rushed downstairs to a full house.

Pink decorations surrounded the living room.

Sakiya was having a baby girl, Nova.

The baby shower was everything she imagined it to be.

Sakiya looked down on the living room, and let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Thank you God." She said out loud.

4 years ago, Sakiya would have never imagined this. Sakiya was pregnant and lost.

But now she was found.

Who would've thought it would take her having lost her long time boyfriend and lover, having his baby, and becoming a stripper, to be found?

To truly figure out who Sakiya Naomi was.

Either way, Sakiya was happy. She was genuinely happy for the first time in 4 years.

Sakiya walked down the staircase and was greeted by Dave.

"Mama, you look beautiful." Dave said, holding her hands.

She smiled, "Thank you."

Sakiya wore her beautiful curly hair with a pink sundress.

The baby shower was everything she imagined. They played all types of games, did karaoke, ate and took Polaroid pictures.

Along with all the good vibes in the room, she felt Bibby's presence. It was like she felt him, telling her, I'm happy for you. You deserve this.

It sent chills down her spine, but overall it was comforting.

After a long day of playing games and celebrating the new life coming into the family, they decided to open gifts.

Sakiya and Dave were blessed. Even with Sakiya's family coming from Dallas, they managed to bring diapers and onesies.

Sakiya's heart was so full.

Sakiya opened up so many clothes and diapers. Even Baby Nova had diamonds. Her uncle Herb had got her, her first tennis bracelet.

"Damn Herb. How you beat me to it?" Dave laughed.

"I'm sorry brodie. I'm excited to have a niece man." Herb laughed.

Sakiya laughed too, "Thank you Uncle Herb."

Diamontè bought her diapers for every age. They never had to make a trip to the grocery store.

Resha was now a nurse, she supplied them with all types baby rash creams and baby medicines.

Dave's parents bought clothes. Sakiya's parents bought tons of formula.

Dave stood up, "if I could have everybody's attention please."

Everyone had all eyes on Dave, including Sakiya.

"I just wanted to thank everybody for coming and showering our baby." Dave added.

"I was going to say all that!" Sakiya said.

They all laughed.

Cliff and Herb knew what was going to happen next.

"Shhh." Cliff said.

"You know, Sakiya and I have had a long ride. We've came so far in our 11 months, and we have even longer to go." Dave said.

"I would've never thought when I got booked at KOD to promote my mixtape, I'd leave knowing my soulmate. The woman, I plan to spend the rest of my life with."

Sakiya gasped.

"I love you so much baby." Dave said.

"Sakiya Naomi... will you marry me?" Dave asked, as he took a knee.

Dave was on his knee, with the prettiest ring she had ever seen in a blue box.

The whole room got silent.

Sakiya felt so overjoyed, she bursted into tears.

"Yes." She nodded through the tears.

The whole room shook, as he put the ring on her finger.

Her girls screamed in excitement, while the boys dapped up and their parents hugged.

Kairi, Junior, and Lil Josh danced together.

"Your mommy and daddy are getting married!" Lil Josh said, to his younger cousins.

Sakiya and Dave stood up and shared the more beautiful kiss.

Sakiya hugged Dave, so tightly.

"I love you." Sakiya said.

"I love you more." Dave said.

The rest of the evening was spent taking even more pictures.

The End


To my Lost family,

Thank you. This book was a long ride and definitely one of my favorites. If you got this far, I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for supporting me. I hope you enjoyed the story. In the mean time... check out the newest edition to the wavyysyd line up 💕 "That's How I Knew"

 check out the newest edition to the wavyysyd line up 💕 "That's How I Knew"

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Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now