chapter seven

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties.

chapter 7

Sakiya's POV

August 23rd, 2017

After my water broke, Resha and Diamontè rushed me to the hospital. We packed Diamontè's Range Rover with blankets, snacks, the hospital bag, pajamas, everything we could think of we grabbed.

"Why is he so soon? Today was the 9 month mark exactly." I groaned, as a contraction hit.

My due date wasn't for another two weeks.

"You're full term, it's okay! Just breathe girl." Resha said.

"Montè hurry the fuck up." I said, as I got another contraction.

"We're almost there. We're almost there." She said, as she whipped into the parking lot.

Resha helped me out the car and we rushed into the Emergency Room. They had me back to a room in no time.

Once we got to the room, I texted Herb, Brandon's mom and I texted Linda even though she was probably sleep.

I looked up at the clock and it was 1 am. My doctor came in and checked to see how much I was dilated. I went from 3 to 7 centimeter in a matter of hours.

I knew it was the stress.

I laid on the bed as they hooked me up to all types of IVs. I hated needles so I was freaking out on the inside.

Diamontè held my hand, "Just breathe."

I nodded, "Okay."

After about 30 minutes, the contractions were getting closer but I wasn't to 10 centimeters yet.

After an hour, Herb came to the room. Resha fell asleep in the big chair. Diamontè was dosing off.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed, when he came in.

"Herb!!" I exclaimed.

He hugged me, "Sis the boy almost here!"

I squeezed him tightly.

"I know right. I just wish Brandon was. He would've been so excited." I said, a tear went down my face. I missed him so much.

"He would've.. but he's here in spirit I can promise you that." Herb said. I nodded.

The contractions ended up getting worst. It seemed never ending. I held on the end of the bed, I couldn't even sit down they got so bad.

Herb rubbed my lower back, "Sis have you got the epidural yet?"

I shook my head no.

"You need to get it now. It's only going to get worse." Herb said. I nodded.

Herb was there for me the whole time. He coached me through the epidural too, with the help of Resha.

After the medicine started to kick in, I started to feel better.

The doctor did another check and I was finally 10 centimeters dilated. He could actually feel his hair, which freaked me out.

I propped up on the bed, as the doctors got ready, "It's almost time." I said, looking over at Resha.

"Yes ma'am. You got it. You about to have lil Brandon." Resha smiled.

I smiled back weakly.

Mrs. Dickerson had came to the room by this time. She held one hand, while Diamontè held the other. Resha was behind the doctor. Herb squirming in the corner.

"Y'all just tell me when my nephew come out. I can't look!" Herb said.

"Ok Herb." I laughed.

"Alright, now Sakiya, I need you to push as hard as you can." The Doctor said.

"1.. 2.. 3..." I pushed super hard, and it hurt like hell.

"Oh my god." I yelled.

"That was good girl." Resha said.

"Yes let's keep the strong pushes." The Doctor said.

I pushed again... and again.... and again.

It seemed like I was getting nowhere.

I was super frustrated, because it hurt and the baby wasn't coming out.

"It's okay baby. You got it, you got it." Mrs. Dickerson said.

I pushed again so hard I blacked out.

"We got a head!" The doctor yelled.

I swear I saw Brandon, before I came back to.

I pushed two more times and I heard my baby's scream.

"Oh my god," I started crying. I was shocked at the fact I saw Brandon, then the fact I was officially a mother. I reached for my baby and the doctor put him on my chest.

"You did it mamas! He here!" Resha said. I held him for a minute, before the doctors took him back to get cleaned up.

The doctors then cleaned me up and Mrs. Dickerson cut the cord.

The nurse came to me and asked for his name, "Brandon Amir Dickerson."

After I named him, I fed him and we all went to sleep. It was 4 am.

A couple weeks later,

Herb was there for me for every step and I mean it. When he wasn't working, he stayed at the house and helped me with the baby.

The mommy life wasn't easy. Then I was grieving even more on top of taking care of the baby.

I found myself crying too often. I could never see myself loving again after this. My soul mate was ripped from me. All for his money.

I shook the thoughts from my head, as I pulled into the garage of my house. I had ran to get some food. I went in the nursery to see Herb sleep with Jr. on his chest. I smiled, before closing the door and going into my room.


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I said I was going to update like 3 times... well here's update #2 lol I'm trying to get to the Dave part because I KNOW YALL READYYY!

Anywho, keep giving me your predictions on how she's going to meet Dave 😚 I'm going to try and get the third update up tonight.

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